Legislature of State of Florida_January to February 1951Igartuntg, 8pAta .QP F_LipIDA 1951 Book Page Council to meet on Feb. 2, to discuss proposed legis- lation and to ask delegation for private meeting subsequent to that date 1-24-51 30 342 Various bills for submission to Dade County legislative group discussed - City Attorney to prepare bills of which the majority of Council approved to be discussed at a conference luncheon on Feb. 13, 1951 with the legislators 2-2-51 30 347 2 ttOISLATDRE 8TATE OF FLORIDA 1951 took Page Public hearingto be held on March 23, 1951, relative to all of the proposed bills to be presented to legislature 3-14-51 30 445 No expressions received relative to proposed Legis- lative Acts except from City Employees 3-23-51 30 475 Council discusses proposed Civil Service act changes - defers action until 3/28/51 3-23-51 30 475 ttaISLAI1 E f STATE o'•, ?th na 1911. Bookfag Mr. Link to secure copy of proposed act calling for the creation of a Metropolitan Sanitary Unit 3-21-51 30 475 Council to seek passage of enabling Act by Legislature to permit the Chamber of Commerce to have space in new city 'offices - (building to be constructed from funds from proposed bond issue item) 3-28-51 30 482 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1951 4. Book Page Res. #7602 urging passage of bill empowering City of M. B. to limit number of liquor licenses 5-2-51 31 136 Res. #7603 asking for passage of bill to provide for regular appointment of Bennie Hyman as Patrolman 5-2-51 31 137 Res. #7604 urging passage of bill authorizing City to establish Pension System for City Employees 5-2-51 31 137 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1951 5, Book Page Res. #7605 asking for passage of bill re. removal of transportation jurisdiction from Fla. Railroad & Public Utilities Commission 5-2-51 31 137 Res. #7606 asking passage of bill authorizing Council to establish hospitalization and sick benefit system for City Employees 5-2-51 31 138 Res. #7607 asking for passage of bill authorizing City to build public buildings on Municipal Golf Course 5-2-51 31 138 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1951 6- Book Page Res. #7608 asking passage of bill empowering City to revoke certain licenses or permits "for cause" 5-2-51 31 139 Res. #7609 asking passage of bill empowering City to appeal certain orders and judgments of its Municipal Court to Circuit Court 5-2-51 31 139 Res. #7611 asking passage of bill providing for appointment of Julius B. Drury as Fireman of Regular Status 5-16-51 31 142 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1951 Res. #7629 asking passage of bill amending Charter re. salary increase for Councilmen; and adding new section (Section 27) re. certificates of public convenience and necessity for taxicabs, etc. 5-16-51 7 Book Page 196 Res. #7630 asking passage of bill amending Civil Service Act 5-16-51 31 196 Res. #7631 asking passage of bill amending Police & Firemen's Pension Act 5-16-51 31 196 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 Ben Cohen, atty. submits proposed bill providing for appointment of 4 patrolmen as detectives in Civil Service. Hearing set for Feb. 4th. 1-28-53 33 483 Hearing conducted. Res. #8247 adopted endorsing above bill. 2-4-53 33 516 1. Book Page LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 City of North Miami urges all Florida municipalities to ask Legislature to amend State gasoline clause so that portion of gasoline tax be returned to municipalities from which it is collected. Taken under advisement. 2-4-53 33 504 2.— Book Page Council to meet on Feb. 10th, to discuss bills which they may desire to have passed at next session of Legislature 2-4-53 33 504 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 Res. #8259 directing City Mgr. to make study of Civil Service System to determine matters to be taken to 1953 Legislature, and make his recommendations 2-18-53 34 12 3. Book Page Communication from Personnel Board objecting to Council's action in approving spec. legislation conferring regular civil service status as Detective upon 4 patrolmen. Motion to rescind previous action of council fails. 3-4-53 34 46 LEGISLATURE,, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 4. Book Page Council action rescinded re. Legislative Bill providing for appointment of 4 patrolmen as detectives in Civil Service. 3-18-53 34 102 Mayor Powell advises that he had written Sen. Gautier for copy of the proposed bill consolidating City of Miami and Dade County and had suggested that he call a public hearing on the matter. 3-18-53 34 102 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 City Mgr. presents following resolutions requesting passage of legislative acts: Res. #8326 making it unlawful to publish charges against candidate less than 18 days prior to election. Res. #8327 amending Sec. 39 of Charter to provide for absentee voting, paper ballots. Res. #8328 amending Charter so as to provide for the following: 5. Book Page LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 (cont.) 1. To re-define corporate limits of City excluding Fisher's Island 2. Eliminate provision making City Mgr. appointing officer of Police & Fire Dept. personnel 3. Create office of Vice-Mayor, appoint- ment by Council from membership 4. Provide for regular and special meeting of Council 5. Provide for candidates for Council to qualify not more than 45 days nor less than 30 days prior to election by paying qualifying fee 6. Book Page LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 7. Book Page (cont.) of $100; being fingerprinted and photographed, and making written oath. 6. Provide that City may conduct tax sales and issue tax sale certificates for delinquent taxes on real property or forego sale and retaift lien which it may foreclose after 2 yrs. from Apr. 1st of year following yr. for which assessment was made. 4-8-53 34 153- 154 &155 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 Discussion re Bills 8. Book Page . certain Legislative 4-22-53 34 193 Res. #8348 opposing passage of Legislative Act relating to working hours of firemen (House Bill No. 345) 4-23-53 34 201 Council rescinds previous action in endorsing legislative bill removing Fisher's Island from jurisdictional limits of this city 5-6-53 34 233 Res. #8371 authorizing submission of E111 to Legislature relative to "service bars in M.B. 5-13-53 34 238 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 9., Book Page City Mgr. advises that Bill pertaining to Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund was being presented to Legislature for passage. (Fund consists of monies derived from tax on fire and windstorm premiums paid in City of M.B.) Council indicates they do not care to sponsor the Bill but have no objections to its passage 5-13-53 34 239 Council endorses State Constitutional amendment re. employees of State, County and municipal governments refusing to testify as to matters relatingto their duties, etc. 5-13-3 34 26 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 10 Book Page City Mgr. reports re. action which Council might take in connection with Legislative bill providing for 60 -hour working week for firemen. Council advised that suit testing validity of Act brought by other cities. City Atty authorized to intervene in action now pending in St. Petersberg. Ordinance to be prepared reducing firemen's pay 7-15-53 34 404 Report of City Atty read, relative to case of St. Petersburg vs Pfeiffer, involving Act providing for 60 -hr work week for firemen. Decree held Act to be unconstitutiona110 and d void. 35 109 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1953 11 Book Page Telegrams to be sent urging opposition to passage of Bill pending in Congress which would restrict import of residual fuel oil to 5% of demand. Councilman Roth also requests that President of U.S. be advised of Council's opposition and action. 7-22-53 34 414 Communications from Sen. Holland and Smathers and Congressman Lantaff filed relative to above 8-5-53 34 440 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 1 Book Page Resolutions read passed by the Board of Commissioners of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Administrative Board of the government of San Juan, condemning Nationalist attack against several members of U.S. House of Representatives 3-17-5)4 35 378 City Atty to report on discrepancies in Bill passed by State Legislature relative to holding of Primary and an Election for office of City Councilman 7-21-54 36 99 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 2 Book Page Council discusses Primary Election Act passed at last session of Legislature and asks City Atty to give some thought to means of clarifying Act before it is submitted to the voters 8-4-54 36 108 City Atty to redraft Senate .Bill No. 1138 (primary election law) so that it may be re-enacted at the next session of Legislature 1-19-55 36 416 Res. #8853 re. changes in Liquor Act to be made by Legislature:- 1.permitting issuance of liquor licenses omclabs8notwithstanding population • (continued) LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 Book re. changes in Liquor Act (continued) 2.placing certain safeguards. around issuance of liquor licenses for cocktail bars in 100 -room hotels. 3-2-55 36 457 Res. #8854 re. Bill amending Primary Election Act to be made by Legislature: 3-2-55 36 458 Councilman Frank suggests Legislature be asked to pass a bill making the throwing of a stink bomb a felony. Taken under advisement. 3-9-55 36 467 5 Page LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 �+ Book Page City Mgr presents 4 bilis for passage by Legislature: 1. Primary election bill (with referendum:) 2. Pension & Retirement System Act amendment (relative to laborers having option of becoming member of System) 3. Providing for absentee voting by those in armed forces. 4. Providing for qualifications of candidates for City Council. Res. Nos. 8858, 8859, 8860 and 8861 endorsing above bills. 3-9-55 36 467 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 5 Book Page Resolution endorsing pasgage of Act by Legislature re. Kosher products, Res. #8862. 3-16-55 36 475 Resolution endorsing passage of Act by Legislature re. stink bombs and stink pots, Res. #8863 3-16-55 36 476 Fire Fighters of Florida advise their intention to ask Legislature to pass Bill providing that Dade County firemen in cities having population of 10,000 or mo a shall not b required to work more 1Q hours in an two consecutive ca en ar wee s. 4-6-55 37 92 LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 Council approves submission of items to Legislature for changes in two pension systems 4-20-55 37 126 6 Book Page Three Bills Legislature asking for Res. #9056 to be submitted to presented. Resolutions their passage:- - amending Civil Service Act so as to change number of members of Personnel Board, and so as to grant right to employee members to cast a vote in connection with deliberations. (continued) LEGISLATURE, STATE OF FLORIDA 1955 7 (cont.) Book Page Res. #9057 - amending Pension Act. Res. #9058 - leasing city property to Junior Chamber International 5-4-55 37 148 Letter from Judge of Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court advising of passage of law at _last session of Legislature, authorizing each municipality to try its Juvenile traffic offenders, referred to Asst City Atty Wanick to take matter up with judges and report back to Council 7-13-55 37 266 LEGAL DEPARTMENT la,414164 atfeetr.813aked.42/a1. ook Page Council votes to alleviate work in Legal Dept. 7/7/1+$ 26 437 Council authorizes employment of half-time Legal Dept. assistant 6/15/49 28 217