Liberty Avenue Fire Station_July 1936 to June 1939LIBERTY AVENUE FIRE STATION --� Book Page City Manager suggests sale of same and erection of new station at Pine-Tree'"Dr.& Dade Blvd- on golf Course 7-1-36 14 501 City Mgr. authorized - to- advertise for bids on sale of Liberty Ave. Fire Stat ion 2-15-39 17 444 Re$, 14_93 authorizing sale ozf Liberty _. Ave. Fire Station to Jerry Girard for $13,000.00 4--5=39 ---18 —23- LIBERTY AVENUE FIRE STATION 2 Book Page 1st and 2nd readings Ord.providing for sale of Liberty Ave.Fire Station to W. E. Girard — 5-24-39 18 93 3rd Reading-Ord.#555 on abovesale 6/22/39 18 116