Life Guards & Life Saving Equipment_December 1926 to June 1957LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVING EQUIPIENT -2� /z/ay% 60017 -27 -/-1-4-d- 21.4s .2,AA 7 ,, frf , ,o la,,,.,,e,ew,c ecz , ;,,, - - ,1 7 ' « Li 3 20- - Pe..w , r - 2.. 424,e------yA.,--.F4 ,,,,-ep ,1,24,( 6,-/44..4e 2 36 LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT 2. BOOK,PAGE Station at 71st Street discontinued by County 11-5-30 10t 313 Granted appropriation of $147.00 to send Capt.Weiae and 4 men to 5l3 Tournament 4 12, -- -Reque s -t -made for Life Guard_at 4th Street 8/1/3+ 13, 29 Roland Granat urges more Life Guard facilities for South Beach 13 233 /15 A propa# on of $150.00 rimade for life guards to attend meet in Atlantic City 712411 14 LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT 3. Book Page $150.00 appropriated for lifeguards to Attend National Meet 8-19-36 15 80 Councilman Ralston suggests life lines be placed in ocean in froltof public beaches -------19-36 15 MP - Bids received for Life Guard Btation referred to -City -Engineer & Architect for tabulation 9-6-39 18 227 Tabulation of above bids to be oon- sidere-d— Contractors submit additional bids on 145th t.Life Guard $tatin1339 18 254_,_ LIFE GUARDS & LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT 4 hook Pays Contract for 10th St.Life guard station awarded to W.G.Mangham at $16,720. 9/�o739 18 279 Estimate to W.G.Mangham on -Life Guard -Station ordered paid 11/1/39 18 362 - Eetimate No. 2 to W.G.Mangham on Life --Guard-Station ordered -paid----- 12/6/39 —18 407 Estimate No.3 to W.G.Mangham on Life Guard Station ordered paid subject -to - approval of Mr. Renshaw 1/17/1.1.0 18 446 Removal of odd life guard station /17/x#0 -ice 414'7- LIFE GUARDS AND LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT ,$ Book Page $893.00 appropriated for suburban L%hevrolet for Life ward -Dept. 1/2/41 20 __ 7 $500. appropriated for sending life guards to convention in Atlantic City --8/9/41 20 418 Councilman Klein asks Personnel Director to investigate Ernest --Gardosl claim that he was deprived of rights in hearing before Personnel Board 2/16/49 434 LIFE GUARDS 6 Book Page Ernest Gardos complains of operation of Beach Patrol - matter referred to committee consisting of Councilmen Klein and Powell and Mr. Renshaw 4/6/49 28 Ernest Gardos makes further charges 4/20/49 28 33 On request of Melvin Richard City Attorney is instructed to draw ordinance regulating private life 5/4/9 28 85 aur LIFE GUARDS Ernest Gardos makes further charges against Beach Patrol Ernest Gardos makes further charges against Beach Patrol Ordinance regulating private life guards held up Ernest Gardos makes further charges Ernest Gardos makes further charges 7 Book Page 5/4/49 28 85 5/18/49 28 141 5/18/49 28 142 6/1/49 28 182 6/15/49 28 210 LIDL GUARDS Book Page Committee reports on investigation of Gardos charges 7/6/49 28 235 1st & 2nd reading of ordinance regulating qualifications of life guards working on private property 7/20/49 28 251 3rd reading of Ord. #887 regulating qualifications of private life guards 8/3/49 28 301 LIFEGUARDS 9, Book Page Ernest Gardos objects to committee report on alleged conditions in Beach Patrol. £g fOs' Mayor Turk appoints com- mittee to investigate charges of Ant6Semiticism and asks Milton Weiss to serve as chairman 9/7/49 28 365 Statements of Beach Patrol members re. Gardos referred to committee 9/21/49 28 425 LIF'tGUARbS 10. Book Page Mayor appoints Stanley Phillips and Harry Plissner to serve on com- mittee appointed to investi- gate Beach Patrol 10/19/49 28 497 Report of above committee 2-1-50 29 150 Mr. Richard objects to report 2-1-50 29 150 Council authorizes Mr. Richard to appoint another committee to investigate operation of Beach Patrol 2-1-50 29 150 LIFE GUARDS 11. Book Page Mrs. Hortenst Aryan, Phil Gallagher and Col. H. I. Robinson appointed on committee to investigate Beach Patrol 4+-19-50 29 315 Report of.committee re. lifeguards pre- sented - Council asks for supplemental report 8-16-50 30 34 Supplemental report sub- mitted 10/25/50 30 102 Conference set 10/30 10-26-50 30 136 tFt_ GUARDS 12 Book Page Statement of questions asked Capt. Pinder submitted by committee. investigating Beach Patrol 11-22-50 30 202 Injury pay extended Harry Berkowitz 8-1-51 31 421 Mr..Lipp.to investigate to find whether or not each life guard station is equipped with respirator. 8-27-52 33 225 LIFE GUARDS 13 Book Page Mr. Lipp reports on respirators at life guard stations. City Mgr. to investigate to determine whether or not a respirator is needed at each life guard station and to report 9-3-52 33 235 Report from E. R. Pinder, Capt. of Beach Patrol read relative to respirators 9-17-52 33 268 Painting of interior of 10th St. life guard station authorized 12-16-53 35 242 LIFE GUARDS 44 -hour work week for lifeguards approved -effective 4-20-55 37 Oct. 1, 1955 $6,300 appropriation to cover cost of providing life guards at ocean front park at 46th St. for balance of present fiscal year authorized 5_4_55 37 150 Earl Pinder reappointed Beach Patrol Captain 6-15-55 37 208 Earl Pinder reappointed Bach Patrol Captain b-19-57 39 384 Book Page 126 114