Lincoln Lane_June 1940 to April 1946LINCOLN LANE Book Page Appro. of $2,946.60 made for ext end- __--ing parking area an additional 40 ft.- iom_northerly �dg-e�f Lilco L e 6-12-40 19 162 Sufficient amount of above appropria- tion transferred to care for moving golf course green- _ 11=6=40 19 X99 -- Appro. of $2094-6O8 auLhorized fbi widening parking area on south side of Municipal Golf Course adjoining Lincoln Lane 12/ /4O 3; -- of $1,000,f - or- ext -e an pf ncoin Lanthru Lot BI'k.35, oi_f- - ti .ours -e 6/-W4-1 '20 26 46O LINCOLN LANE 2. Book Page Res. #5836 authorizing the City Clerk to perform all necessary acts to obtain a deed to 20 ft. strip now being used as a con- tinuation of Lincoln Lane 6/8/45 23 119 Contract for extension of Lincoln Lane parking area awarded H. L. Mills Construction Co. in amount of 06,570.00 9/5/45 23 212 LINCOLN LANE ALSO SEE "PARKING OF AUTOS" 3 Book Page Chamber of Commerce urges that the City reserve space for physicians in Lincoln Lane parking area p referred to Mr. Renshaw 12/5/45 23 307 Council appropriates $9,180.00 for landscaping parking area 3/20/46 23 463 County Commissioners. set aside portion of Lincoln Lane for street purposes 4/17/46 24 33 ALSO SEE, PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES"