Liquor Licenses_May 1949 to December 1950LIQUOR LICENSES 215
Book Page
GrantedShoreham-Norman Hotel
and Prado Corporation 5/4+/+9 28 89
Granted Tomac's, Coral
Room (Ritz Plaza) and
Tower Cocktail Lounge 5/18/+9 28 143
On request of D. J. Casey
City Attorney is instruct-
ed to prepare amendment
to Ord. {391 permitting
window signs advertising
liquor 5/18/+9 28 150
Book Page
Keens Restaurant seeks
amendment to liquor ordinance
so as to permit them to sell
liquor at public bar 6/15/49 28 211
Referred to City Manager
for investigation 6/15/49 28 211
Licenses granted Sorrento
Lounge and Deauville
Package Store 6/15/49 28 212
Morris Berick, for Keens
Restaurant, objects to
service bar establishmentst
Book Page
Norris Berick asks for amend—
ment to liquor zoning ordinance
to permit public bar at Keen's
Restaurant at 6950 Collins Ave. 7/20/49 28 251
Wm. Penn Hotel license transferred 7/20/49 28 256
Xenia's Restaurant seeks public
bar license 8/3/49 28 295
City Attorney to report
Veterans of Foreign Wars
granted license 8/3/49 28 301
1st & 2nd readings of ordinance
amending Ord, #39 to conform
with 1949 legislative act 8/3/49 28 320
City Attorney's opinion
that City cannot comply
with request of Xenia' s
Restaurant for Pu111c
Bar license
Book Page
28 338
Council defers 3rd
reading ordinance
amending Liquor Ord.
#391 to conform with
1949 Legislative act 8/17/49 28 338
Ord. #892 adopted, Book Page
conforming Liquor Ordinance
No. 391, to 1949 Legislative
Act. 8/22/49 28 357
Granted Mel Murray's
Continental Lounge, M. B.
Employees Assn., Five 0'
Clock Club, S. L. Kramer,
Maurice's Restaurant 9/7/49
Granted Poinciana Hotel
Cocktail Lounge, Al's Bar,
Barken's Sea Food Rest. 9/21/49
28 373
28 405
Book Page
Clerk advises of sub-
stitution of officer
in Ciro's 9/21/49 28 429
City Clerk apprises Council
of action taken in regard
to service bars being
operated,7in violation of
Liquor Ordinance 9/28/49 28 437
Granted Delmonico
Cocktail Lounge; National
Hotel; Deauville Enterprises,
Sea & Sur Hotels; Oklahoma
Bar; Mardi Gras, MonroeTowerls 10/5/49 28 449
Book Page
Granted Gypsy Room Shore-
ham -Norman Hotel; Paradise
Room Alamac Hotel; Baoo
Room, St. Moritz Hotel 10/5/49 28 449
Granted Club Beachcomber,
Albion Cocktail Lounge,
Robt. Richter Cocktail
Lounge, The Steak House,
Monte Carlo Hotel,
Georgian Hotel Cocktail
Lounge 10/19/49 28 488
Granted Chatterbox Cocktail
Lounge; Fleetwood Hotel,
Shore Club Hotel; — 11/2/49 29 22
Council defers action
on application of Promenade
Hotel pending inspection by
Clerk to ascertain that
they comply with ordinance
governing 11/2/49 29 22
Granted Haddon Hall Hotel)
La Gorce Country Club,
Tahiti Bar & Grill, Nether-
land Cocktail Lounge; 11/16/49 29 44
Promenade Hotel
Book Page
Granted: Flamingo Hotel Company,
Mother Kelly's, William Penn
Hotel Pump Room 12/7/49
Action deferred on application
of Chez Paree 12/7/49 29 75
Book Page
29 74
Liquor licenses granted
Dorchester, Broadripple,
Cromwell Hotels, Inter-
national Cabana Club,
Blue Sails Cocktail Lounge
and Arrow Package Store
and Chez Paree 12-21-49 29 92
Book Page
Granted Patrician Tap Room,
Club 22, Sea and Surf Cock-
tail Lounge, Belaire Hotel,
Al's Tower and-Gatha 1-4-50 29 114
Application of Cathay House
for service bar license
held up 1-4-50 29 114
Old Forge granted
unrestricted liquor license 2-1-50 29 163
Xenia's Restaurant and Prado
Restaurant given 60 days in
which to coo mply with service
bar regtions 2-1-50 29 163
Book Page
Gran{ -ed Golden Package
S4 -ore and Lincoln Road
Package S4 -ore 2-15-50 29 170
Morris Berick seeks
amendment to permit
Xenia's Restaurant to
have unrestricted liquor
license - no action 3-1-50 29 195
Council votes to take
an appeal in case of
Samuel Cohen vs. City
re. provision of Ord.
#391 relative to enter-
tainment in bars 3-8-50 29 224
tfOuon LICENSES 226
--- Book Page
A & B Package Store given
permission to move package
store license to 1002 5th
St. 3-15-50 29 236
Mayflower Bar and Lounge, Inc.
given permission to move
liquor license to 1716 Alton
Road 4-5-50 29 275
Granted Deck Bar, Prado
Restaurant 4-5-50 29 275
Granted Paradise
Lounge, Alamac Hotel 4-19-50 29 312
Book Page
1st reading Ord. amending
Ord. #391 by redefining
"night Clubs; defining
"cabarets" and extend time
during which entertainment
is permitted in cabarets
until 1:00 A. M. on week-
days and providing for
forms of entertainment per-
mitted in "cabarets" 5/3/50 29 342
Ord. #932 adopted, re.
night clubs, cabarets,
5/17/50 29 362
Book Page
Granted Poinciana Hotel
Cocktail Lounge 5/17/50 29 366
Permission granted to
Tom Douglass to move
liquor license to
122 24th St. 5/17/50 29 367
Granted President Madison
Hotel; Alan Gale Celebrity
Club 6/7/50 29 385
Granted Wofford Package
Store; Deck Bar, Dela
monico Hotel 6/21/50 29 420
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings, amend -
ment to Ord. 391, correcting
error in former amendment 6-21-50 29 424
Ord. #940 adopted, correcting
error caused by omission of
a line in a former amend-
ment 7-5-50 29 460
Granted Weinkle's Package
Store 7-5-50 29 465
Granted Blackstone Hotel
Cocktail Lounge and Copa
City 7-19-50 29 484
Book Page
Granted International Hotel
Cocktail Lounge 8/2/50 29 509
Application of Sea and Surf
Hotel held up for investi-
gation 8/2/50 29 509
Granted Harris Leveson 8/16/50 30 15
Granted Sea and Surf
Hotel Cocktail Lounge 8/16/50 30 32
Granted Mayflower Liquor,
Inc. 9/20/50 30 73
Book Page
Authority given to transfer
liquor license of Alan Gale's
Celebrity Club from 209 22nd
St. to 215 22nd Street 9/20/50 30 77
Council approves deletion
of Irving Kipnes in liquor
application of the 1901
Collins Corp. (Shore Club
Hotel) 9/20/50 30 77
Tentative approval given
Monte Carlo Hotel Cock-
tail Lounge 10/4/50 30 86
Book Page
Granted, Alts Bar, Sea and
Surf Cocktail Lounge 10-4-50 30 86
Turk suggests ordinance to
require all persons having
interest in liquor esta-
blishments to be named in
application 10-4-50 30 88
City Attorney to report on
building of Separate pack-
age store by Old Forge 10-4-50 30 88
L OTJO LIC 8t8 233
Book Page
Granted: Delmonico Hotel,
Casey's Oasis, Robert Richter
Hotel, Monte Carlo Hotel,
Bel Aire Hotel, Rendale Hotel
Embers Restaurant 10-25-50 30 104
Cocktail bar license granted
Lord Tarleton Hotel 10-25-50 30 105
City Attorney renders opinion
on "package store" at Old Forge
premises 10-25-50 30 106
tf6t-otttOtt6g6 p34
Book Page
Granted:, The Pixie Room;
Lombardy Hotel Cocktail Lounge;
Good Hotel Cocktail Lounge; El
Morocco Bar & Restaurant; Shore-
mede Hotel Cocktail_.Lonng.e 11-1-50 30 138
Granted SeaGull Cocktail
L oung e
11-15-50 30 165
C. Richard requests investi-
gation relative to location of
Sea Gull Hotel in relation
to bulkhead line 11-15-50 30 165
Book Page
Carl Hoffman asks for revocation
of Old Forge liquor license 11/15/50 30 175
Decision deferred until
11/22/50 11/15/50 30 176
Service Bar -license authorized
Cathay House 11/15/50 30 178
Action on Old Forge deferred
until 12/6/50 11/22/50 30 192
LYQt10S .tttti S 236
Book Page
Mr. Link_. advises that Sea
Gull Hotel was not violating
zoning ordinance 11/22/50 30 199
Granted: Casa Blanca Hotel,
Dorchestor Hotel, Dream Bar,
Wofford Beach Hotel Cocktail
Bar, Broadripple Hotel Cock-
tail Bar, Haddon Hall Show
Bar, Yacht Club-Alamac Hotel,
Ciro's, Combo Room -Wm. Penn
Hotel 12/6/56 30 210
Book Page
Granted LaRue, subject to
receipt of favorable police
report and also subject to
conformity of the premises
with ordinances governing 12/6/50 30 210
Granted Fan & Bill's, sub-
ject to conformance with
ordinances governing - lo-
cation of service bar
questioned 12/6/50 30 210
Action on Old Forge deferred
until 12/13/50 12/6/50 30 211
L±4bor tICEN828 239
Book Page
Granted: Cotton Club,
Bamboo Room, Paddock Club,
Boulevard Cocktail Lounge,
Music Box (Good Hotel) 12/20/50 30 252
Ord. #960, amending Ord. 402
to permit sale of liquor in
100 -room hotels in Blocks
1, 10, Townsite of Harding,
"Blue Waters Hotel) 12/27/50 30 283
Remodeling of Capri Hotel
cocktail lounge is dis-
cussion - action deferred 12-27-50 30 288
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings given
amendment to Ord. 402,
liquor in Blue Waters
Hotel 12-7-50 30 229
Res. #7369 revoking Liquor
License #15 to Old Forge 12-13-50 30 247
Council denies claim of La
Rue Restaurant that they are
entitled to open bar li-
cense 12-13-50 30 247