Liquor Licenses_October 1946 to August 1947LIQUOR LICENSES 176 Book Page Licenses granted Poinciana_ Crystal Room, Mardi Gras, Raleigh Room and Shoreham - Norman Hotel 10/2/+6 24 320 City Attorney is instructed to draw amendment to liquor ordinance to provide for revocation of license if applicant has been convicted of a felony 10/24+6 24 320 LIQUOR LICENSES 177 Book Page Granted Georgian Hotel, Dorchester Hotel, Versailles Hotel, Blue Marlin Bar and Johnny Howard's Coral Room 10/16/46 24 348 Council takes no action on request of Max Steinberg for package store license at 1638 Collins Ave. (con- trary to zoning) 10/16/46 24 348 LIQUOR LICENSES 178 Book Page Granted Fleetwood Bar, Broadripple Hotel, Sovereign Hotel, Sands Hotel, Oklahoma Cocktail Lounge, Old Forge, Flamingo Hotel, Deauville Hotel, National Package Store, Raleigh Hotel and Steak House 11/6/46 24 382 Application for the Bancroft Hotel is denied 11/6/46 24 382 LIQUOR LICENSES 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance providing for revocation of lic- ense in event applicant has been convicted of a felony 11/6/46 24 392 179 Book Page Monroe Towers Cocktail Lounge & Chateau Calo granted liquor licenses (latter subject to check of the premises) Bancroft Bar is given liquor license 11/20/46 24 399 11/20/46 24 400 LIQUOR LICENSES 180 Book Page 3rd reading Ordinance #785, providing for revocation of license if licensee,has been convicted of a felony 11/20/46 24 402 Proposed ordinance to permit women to serve liquor in night clubs fails to pass first reading 11/20/46 24 408 Granted Tower Hotel 12/4/46 24 413 LIQUOR LICENSES Florida Supper Club Ass'n. recommends that night clubs be closed from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. weekdays and from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sundays - it is referred to Mr. Shepard to prepare an ordinance 12/4/46 24 414 Martinique Hotel asks for change in liquor zoning ordinance to permit cock- tail bar in their hotel - City Attorney is instructed to draw ordinance making the change 12/18/46 24 427 181 Book Page LIQUOR LICENSES 18� Book Page Starlight Room in Atlantic Towers Hotel granted license 12/18/46 24 428 Meier Held granted service bar license at 1253-55 Dade Blvd. 12/18/46 24 429 1st reading of ordinance fixing hours when night clubs may be open and sell liquor (Amending Ordinance #391) 12/18/46 24 437 LIQUOR LICENSES 183 Book Page Ord. placing Lots 22-29, incl. and Lots 33-43, incl. Block 1) 2nd Ocean Front in "C" District (amending Ord. #402) is given 1st and 2nd readings 12/27/46 24 440 Fla. Supper Club Assn. requests that ordinance No. 391 be enforced with regard to hours of closing for bars 1/2/47 24 441 Their request is referred to Mr. Hice 1/2/47 24 442 LIQUOR LICENSES 184 Book Page Granted the Royal Palm Hotel Cocktail Lounge 1/2/47 24 445 Ord. #790, amending Ord. #391 by regulating the hours when night clubs may serve liquor, is given 3rd reading 1/2/47 24 446 Ord. #795, amending Liquor Zoning Ordinance #+02 to place Lots 22-29 incl. and 33-1+3 incl. Blk. 1, 2nd Ocean Front, 3n "C" p1strict' given 1/2/47 21+ 451 ...Q ).* rho LIQUOR LICENSES 185 Book • Page Granted Martinique Hotel 1/2/47 24 452 Granted Arrow Pkg. Store 1/15/47 24 461 Hotel Owners Assn. makes recommendations for changes in Ord. #391 as it pertains to hours of bars and entertainment permitted 2/5/47 24 470 Their recommendations are taken under advisement 2/5/47 24 470 LIQUOR LICENSES 186 Book Page Granted Dorchester Cocktail Lounge, Paddock Club and Robert Richter Hotel 2/5/47 24 471 Fla. Supper Club Assn. ask that Ord. #391 be enforced as to hours of closing and entertainment permitted by bars 2/5/47 24 476 City Manager is asked to see that the ordinance is enforced 2/5/47 24 476 LI4UOR LICENSES 187 Book Page Dan Casey urges legislative authority to issue liquor licenses on population basis 2/19/47 24 494 Arthur Friedman's request that Ord. #391 be amended to permit licensing of public bars in 1,000 chair restaurants is denied 3/5/47 25 Triton Hotel granted transfer of liquor license 4/2/47 25 64 LIQUOR LICENSES_ 188 Book Page Eskay Liquor Store's request to move from 2947 Collins to 2927 Collins is referred to City Attorney 4/16/47 25 104 National Package Store granted liquor license 4/16/47 25 105 Irving Nathanson submits petition asking for later hours for package stores - he is asked for additional information 5/7/47 25 141 LIQUOR LICENSES Granted Blackamoor Room and Mondoe Towers Rainbow Room 5/7/47 25 145 189 Book Page Eskay Package Store given permission to move license from 2947 Collins Ave. to 2927 Collins Ave. Little Club �4 erre ere RaekagQ—St4re granted liquor licenseW Application of Wofford Package Store held up 5/21/47 25 173 5/21/47 25 176 5/21/1+7 25 176 LIQUOR LICENSES Picciolo American -Italian Restaurant and El Morocco Restaurant and Wofford Package Store granted licenses 6/11/47 25 204 Dan Casey, representing retail liquor dealers, asks Council to pass an ordinance permitting dealers to move into any location zoned for liquor 6/18/47 25 222 Council promises early consideration 6/18/47 25 223 190 . Book Page LIQUOR LICENSES Granted Robert Richter Hotel Denied Beach Caterers in the Vanderbilt Hotel Liquor license granted Cas Bar 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending #391 by defining Cabarets 6/18/47 6/18/47 7/2/47 7/11/47 191 Book Page 25 226 25 225 25 238 25 260 LIQUOR LICENSES 192 Book Page Mr. Frink asks that Police Dept. be instructed to rigidly enforce ordinance prohibiting selling liquors to minors 7/12/47 25 277 Herbert Shapiro's request for change in liquor zoning to permit service bar at 6950 Collins Ave. is denied 8/6/47 25 295 Beach Cabana Club and Mexicana Bar granted licenses 8/6/47 25 297 UoR L rCEUsEs� --.,193 Book Page Ben °oFen speaks on proposed "":"1.26- 3 2 S 3 j new liquor ordinance permit- ting moving of liquor license - he urges adoption of "Jacksonville Plan" 8/6/47 25 317 Council defers action until August 20 8/6/47 25 317 Council again defers action on proposed new liquor ordinance until next meeting 8/20/47 25 328