Liquor Licenses_December 1950 to October 1951Atty. Ben Cohen asks for rein- statement of Old Forge Liquor License - no action taken 12-27-50 30 295 Book Page Action deferred on authoriza- tion of liquors licenses for Tower Hotel, Blue Waters Hotel, and Continental Hotel pending check by City Clerk 1/3/51 30 309 City Manager to have prepared a survey of all cocktail lounges for violations 1/3/51 30 309 LICUOR LICENSES 241 Book Page Capri Notel asks approval of plans for their cocktail bar- no action taken 1/3/51 30 309 City Clerk to prepare complete report on history of liquor licenses at 1111 Dade Blvd. (LaRue) 1/3/51 30 315 Bernard Frank asks for open bar license at LaRue - City Clerk presents report - Matter taken under advise- ment 1/10/51 30 316 LIQUOR LICENSES 242 Book Page Clerk advises that he has inspected Blue Water Hotel, Continental Hotel and Tower Hotels 1/10/51 30 317 Liquor license authorized to Blue Waters, Tower Hotel and Johninia Hotel 1/10/51 30 318 Transfer of Application of Continental Hotel for liquor license is denied 1/10/51 30 318 LIQUOR LICENSES Council refuses to approve plans of Capri Hotel Cocktail lounge 243 Book Page 1/10/51 30 318 Mr. Richard asks for investi- gation of Riptide Hotel acti- vities - Harrison Leveson has liquor license for Rende- vous Restr. located in this hotel 1/10/51 31 318 Turk and Richard suggest that liquor ordinance be amended to provide revocation of liquor licese when gambling is allowed 1/10/51 30 318 LIOVO1 LICgN888 24+ Book Page Association -of City with Carl Hoffman in connection with Old Forge suit authorized 1/10/51 30 318 Roth proposes ordinance which if passed would permit issuance of licenses to Continental and Capri Hotel cocktail bars if there are no doors in walls - City Attorney to call hear- ing on same (resolution) 1/17/51 30 334+ ttdubn tlomvsg8 245 Book Page Council again discusses La Rue Restaurant - Service bar license to be issued after Bldg. Dept. issues a certifi- cate of occupancy 1-17-51 30 335 Wayne Hotel, 1+38 Washing- ton Ave. asks for amendment to Ord. to permit operation of cocktail bar - Council ad- vises it cannot be done (Sec. 221 Ord. 391) 1-17-51 30 335 LY OUOB L I CVSBS 246 Book Page Attorney Kout is requested to have survey made of dis- tance of Wayne Hotel from school to substantiate claim for liquor license 1-17-51 30 335 Capri Hotel advises that wall has been built so there will be no entrance from street - Cocktail bar Plans approved 1-17-51 30 336 ttOVOR LICEN8g8 247 Book Page Clerk advises of withdrawal of Shirley Woolfe and Jack Kaselman from Copa Beach Corporation, holders of liquor license for Copa City night club 1/17/51 30 338 Clerk advises that George Weinger is now secretary of Copa City 1/17/51 30 338 Licenses authorized: Capri Hotel, Royal York Hotel 2/7/51 30 354 LIQUOR LICENSES 2+8 Book Page City to appeal. from decree of Circuit Court in Old Forge suit 2-Ti-51 30 373 Request of Morris Warner for 30 days extension in suit of Xenia's v the City denied 2-28-51 30 407 Granted: Miami Beach Athletic Club 3-7-51 30 429 Granted: Nautilus Hotel, Inc. Pete's Bar, Albion Cocktail Bar 3-21-51 30 464 1IQ 1di trams= Granted: The Panda Bar Martinique Hotel Cocktail Lounge 4-4-51 30 526 249 Book Page Granted: Broadripple Lounge 5-2-51 31 102 Granted: Stone's Liquor Stores, Inc. 5-2-51 31 102 Granted: Miami Beach Rod & Reel Club - (new officers) 5-2-51 31 102 LIQUOR LICENSES 250 Book Page Res. #7602 urging passage of bill empowering City to limit number of liquor licenses 5-2-51 31 136 Granted: Traymore Hotel 5-16-51 31 173 Granted: Coronet Bar 5-16-51 31 173 Hearings on liquor applications of Continental Cocktail Lounge, Chatterbox Lounge -Broadmoor Hotel, and Rendezvous Coctail Lounge deferred to June 8, 1951 6-6-51 31 236 LIQUOR LICENSES 251 Book Page Granted: Continental Cocktail Lounge. 6-8-51 31 246 Action deferred on Chatterbox Lounge and Rendezvous Cocktail Lounge 6-8-51 31 246 Council takes matter of taking appeal in Circus Bar case under advisement Miami Beach Athletic Club; Variety Club of Greater Miami - Granted 6-20-51 31 290 7-6-51 31 363 LIQUOR LICENSES Granted: Lounge Rendezvous Cocktail 252 Book Page 7-6-51 31 363 Hearing called on Yacht Club Bar in Alamac Hotel 7-6-51 31 364 Request of La Corona Hotel for liquor bar license denied City to appeal Circus Bar decree Granted: Chatter Box Lounge in Broadmoor Hotel 7-18-51 31 400 7-18-51 31 407 8-8-51 31 439 LIQUOR LICENSES 253 Book Page Police Dept. instructed to get more adequate report on holders of liquor licenses 8-10-51 31 442 No new liquor licenses tobe issued until approved by Council 8-10-51 31 442 Action deferred on liquor application Cas Bar No action on request for liquor license in Russian Bear Restaurant 8-15-51 31 465 8-15-51 31 475 LIQUOR LICENSES Granted: Marine Terrace Cocktail Lounge; White House Cocktail Bar and Paddock Club 254 Book Page 9-5-51 32 9 Councilman Richard's suggestions for amendments to Liquor Ordinance 391 referred to City Attorney 9-12-51 32 48 Granted: Riptide Bar; Bob Gailub's Southwind Bar; Life Bar; Five O'Clock Club; Copa City; Club Beachcomber 9-12-51 32 48 LIQUOR LICENSES 255 Book Page Granted: Embassy Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Ritz Plaza Hotel Coral Room; Bel -Aire Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Dorchester Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Stone's; Venetian Package Store; White's Package Store; A & B Package Store; National Package Store; 71st Street Package Store; Deauville Package Store 9-12-51 48 LIQUOR LICENSES 256 Book Page Licenses authorized subject to F.B.I. reports: - The Turn Bar; Tomacts Package Store; Tom Heeney's Bar; Grossinger Pancoast Hotel; M.B. Lodge #1601, BPOE; Bar of Music; Paddock Club 9-12-51 32 48 Granted: Cas Bar liquor license 9-12-51 32 49 No action taken on application of Balkan Room (Marine Terrace Hotel) - City Attorney to report re. entrance of cocktail lounge. 9-19-51 32 63 LIQUOR LICENSES 257 Book Page Action deferred on Edward Feinstein's application for service bar license until next meeting. 9/19/51 32 63 Applications of Monkey Bar; Delano Cocktail Lounge; Sea & Surf Cocktail Lounge; Zodiac Lounge, and 21 Room held up. 9/19/51 32 63 LIQUOR LICENSES 258 Book Page Applications approved: - Arrow Package Store; Yacht Club Lounge; Alton Package Store; Al Mercur's Codtail Lounge; Jack's Package Store and Ross Young Package Store. 9-19-51 32 63 Applications approved: - Neptune Room - Robert Richter Hotel; Triton Hotel Cocktail Lounge; Rendezvous Cocktail Lounge; Tropical Bar; Haddon Hall Hotel Sho Weinkle's Liquor Store (Wash.Ave.); " (Alton Rd.); Al's Bar; Patrician Tap Room9_19_51 Bar; 32 69 LIQUOR LICENSES 259 Book Page City Clerk instructed to issue liquor licenses subject to F.B.I. reports if special police reports are submitted 9-28-51 32 75 Granted: Cadillac Cocktail Lounge; Lombardy Cocktail Lounge, Paddock Club; Rendale Cocktail Lounge 9-28-51 32 75 Licenses authorized subject to F.B.I. reports:- Monte Carlo HotelCocktail Lounge, Marseille Hotel 9-28-51 32 76 LIQUOR LICENSES 260 Book Page Service Bar license authorized Burean's Lincoln Road Restaurant • 9-28-51 32 76 Licenses authorized: - Delano Cocktail Lounge & Zodiac Lounge; Ferd's Balkan Room; Mexicana Bar 9-28-51 32 76 Action deferred on application of Eleanor's Bar 10-3-51 32 83 LIQUOR LICENSES 262 Applications approved: Carib Cocktail Lounge; Steak House(conditioned upon discharge of 1 employee); Sportsman's Bar; Sands Hotel Cocktail Lounge 10-3-51 32 84 Application of Promenade Hotel held up 10-3-51 32 84 Council fails to act on Italian Village application 10-3-51 32 84 LIQUOR LICENSES 261 Book Page Licenses authorized: Albion Lounge, Bimini Cocktail Lounge, Gray's Inn. Restaurant, Charlie's Inn, Coral Reef Hotel, Maurice's Restaurant, King Cole -North Shore Cocktail Lounge, Highland Lounge, President Madison Bar, Kasdin Package Store, Sorrento Hotel, and Sherry Frontenac Hotel 10-3-51 32 83 No second to motion for approval of application of Sea Isle Hotel 10-3-51 32 84 LIQUOR LICENSES 263 Book Page Applications approved: Chatterbox Lounge, Pirate's Den, Nautilus Hotel Driftwood Room, Raynor's Package Store 10-3-51 32 84 Application of Liggett's denied 10-3-51 32 85 Service bar application of Edward Feinstein approved 10-3-51 32 85 Application of Casa de Baile approved 10-3-51 32 85 LIQUOR LICENSES Hearing set to consider appli- cation of Tahiti Bar Council fails to approve following applications: Hotel Continental Cocktail Lounge, Sea Gull -21 Room, Hideaway Room in Capri Hotel La Gorce Country Club appli- cation approved; also Pomeroy's Restaurant 264 Book Page 10-3-51 32 85 10-3-51 32 85 10-3-51 32 85