Liquor Licenses_October 1954 to January 1956LIQUOR LICENSES 315 Book Page MacFadden Deauville liquor license approved 10-8-54 36 226 License authorized: Bancroft Lounge Jamaica Lounge Yacht Club Bar The Harem Blue Sails Room Sans Bouci Hotel 10-20-54 36 236 LIQUOR LICENSES 316 Book Page Request that Raynor's package store license be exchanged for bar license taken under consideration (28 Ocean Drive) 10-29-54 36 299 Licenses authorized: Maurice's Restaurant Yacht Club Bar Floridian Cocktail Lounge Weinkle's Liquor Stores - 1711 Alton - 1127 Washington 11-3-54 36 306 LIQUOR LICENSES 317 Book Page Licenses authorized: Phila. Room (Shoreham -Norman Hotel) Club Charles 11-3-54 36 306 Objection made to application for Paula's Lounge (Rendale Hotel). Cheek shows number of rooms in hotel have been made into apartments. Chief Bldg. Insp. to furnish report re. number of rooms in hotel 11-3-54 36 307 LIQUOR LICENSES Isidor Evans requests open door from street Sea Gull Hotel Coffee into cocktail lounge. 318 Book Page permission to leading into Shop, and thence No action. 11-3-54 36 Raynor's package store license exchanged for bar license 11-17-54 36 Rendale Hotel liquor license renewed 11-17-54 36 310 329 332 LIQUOR LICENSES 319 Book Page Surrey Hotel given permission to put panic lock on door of Cocktail Lounge 11-17-54 36 341 Liquor ordinance to be amended so as to permit beer and wine establishments to operate night clubs, and to permit night clubs selling beer and wine to sell beer until closing hours of night clubs 12-1-54 36 350 Liquor licenses approved: Mount Royal Manor Cocktail Lounge Monte Carlo Hotel Cocktail Lounge 12-1-54 36 355 CRUOR LICENSES Approved: Richmond Hotel Cocktail Lounge Fiji Lounge (South Seas) 12-1-54 Book Approved: Ciro's Atlantic Towers Cocktail Bar Poodle Lounge (Rendale) Hotel Fontainebleau Jolson Corner (Waldman's Hotel) 12-15-54 Package stores given permission to open until 10:00 P.M. from Dec. 20 thru Dec. 31,1954 12-15-54 320 Page 36 355 36 368 remain 36 380 LIQUOR LICENSES 321 Book Page Approved: Casa Manana Cas Bar 1-5-55 36 390 Permission granted to open door from 21st St. to Sea Gull dining room provided temporarily closed entrance from street to cocktail lounge be permanently closed with solid substance, and entrance be to dining room only. 1-5-55 36 392 LIQUOR LICENSES 322 Book Page Arrow Package Store license (2208 Collins Ave.) exchanged for open bar license 1-5-55 36 400 Approved: Shoreham -Norman Hotel Lounge Sportsmanls Bar MacFadden Deauville Hotel Marine Terrace Hotel Cocktail Lounge 1-19-55 36 407 City Atty to prepare ordinance permitting package stores to remain open during any special election. 1-19-55 36 416 LIQUOR LICENSES 323 Book Page Authorized: Copa City Pink Poodle Cocktail Lounge (Richmond Hotel) 2-2-55 36 42 1st reading ordinance prohibiting sale of any alcoholic beverage,including beer, Y on any primary or general election day. Places selling hard liquor to be closed ¢�`� during time the polls are open, but beer ti and wine establishments to remain open `- but cannot sell beer and wine during the hours the polls are open. Sale of liquor, beer and wine not prohibited on special election days. 2-2-55 36 430 LIQUOR LICENSES 3rd reading ordinance liquor, beer and wine days -- Ord. #1156 324 Book Page re. sale of on election 2-16-55 36 442 Authorized: The Little Club - 323 23rd :St Fiji Lounge - 1751 Collins Ave. 3-16;55 36 473 No action on request of Kasdin Package Store to move liquor license temporarily to Lorraine Bldg. until they canlmove back to present location in new building 3-30-55 37 49 LIQUOR LICENSES 325 Book Page City Clerk directed not to issue Little Club liquor and night club licenses until investigation now under way is completed. 3-30-55 37 49 Birdland Operating Company, Inc. asks permission to move liquor license from 2200 to 2228 Park Avenue. At request of atty. Milton Weiss, action deferred. 4-6-55 37 67 Transfer and removal of liquor license of Birdland from 2200 Park Ave. to 2228 Park Ave. ranted. Attempt to transfer this license to third party must be reported to Judge Cannon. 4-20-55 37 111 LIQUOR LICENSES _26 • Book Page City Atty advises receipt of Final Decree by Judge Crawford on 4/12/55 ordering City to issue "open bar" license to E. J. Smith Co. for premises 1111 Dade Blvd.(formerly LaRue). Councilman Frank inquires if La Rue matter could be taken to Supreme Court as test case to decide "open bar" license question once and for all. Action deferred. 4-20-55 37 126 City Atty's opinion re. La Rue Restaurant case. Appeal to be taken. 5-4-55 37 152 LIQUOR LICENSES 327 Book Page Arrow Package Store asks closing hour for package stores be extended beyond 8:00 P.M. Referred to City Mgr. for study and appraisal. 5-4-55 37 133 Licenses authorized: Lincoln Rd. Package Store, Life Bar & Package Store, Five O'clock Club 5-11155 Licenses authorized: 1 b hares be it re cocktail Lounge Bar Snore am -Norman Lounge 6-1-55 37 170 37 190 LIQUOR LICENSES 328 Book Page Action deferred on application of Five O'Clock Club 7-6-55 37 242 License authorized Park Avenue Restaurant 7-6-55 37 242 Skybrite Package Store license exchanged for open bar license (2300 Collins Ave.) 7-6-55 37 248 P.B. Liquor Package Store Owners' Assn asks Council to request Dade County Commissioners to permit them to retain present schedule of hours for selling liquor. Res. #9097 requesting above. 7-13-55 37 265 LIQUOR LICENSES 329 Book Page Authorized: Roney -Plaza Hotel & Cocktail Lounge Sagamore Hotel Sequin Lounge - Sands Hotel 7-20-55 37 270 Action deferred on application of Jake La Motta's Lounge, 2300 Collins Ave. 7-20-55 37 271 Five O'Clock Club liquor license approved for premises at 2000 Collins Avenue only. 7-20-55 37 274 LIQUOR LICENSES 330 Book Page Request of Monterrey Motel on Belle Isle, for liquor license approved 8-3-55 37 291 Liquor license for Jolson Corner authorized 8-3-55 37 297 Jake La Motta's application for transfer of liquor license at 2300 Collins approved and license authorized, subject to final approval of Bldg. Dept. and also subject to proof of La Motta's acquittal of felony ge in New York 8-3-55 37 298 LIQUOR LICENSES ' 331 Liquor license for Monterrey Motel Page approved 8-17-55 37 318 Shorecrest Hotel asks Council's approval for construction of new cocktail room. Council would give tentative approval if plans were revised to show no door in south wall. 8-17-55 37 318 Plans for remodeling Northshore Hotel Cocktail Lounge approved provided there etis no entrance o bar iromubliste. City Atty requested to submit information to Council as to how these -requests should be handled 9-7-55 37 3314 LIQUOR LICENSES 332 Book Page Licenses Authorized: Raleigh Hotel Cocktail Lounge Place Pigaile 9-7-55 37 337 Revised plan of Shorecrest Hotel Cocktail Lounge approved. 9_7_55 37 Proposed amendment re. "B" girls to be rewritten 9-21-55 37 Authorized: St. Moritz Hotel Bamboo Bar Whitey's Roundup Bar 3514 361 9-21-55 37 362 LIQUOR LICENSES 333 Book Page Authorized: Robert Richter Hotel Rendale Cocktail Lounge King Cole -Northshore Hotel Sans Souci Hotel Versailles Hotel 9-21-55 37 362 Authorized: Bancroft Lounge Carnival Room (San Marino Hotel) Netherland Hotel Cocktail Lounge Surfside Plaza Hotel Gino's Italian Restaurant 10_5-55 37 377 LIQUOR LICENSES 334 Book Page Authorized: Sorrento Hotel Promenade Cocktail Lounge Driftwood Room -Nautilus Hotel El Morocco Cocktail Lounge Zodiac Lounge - Delano Hotel Gatti Restaurant Sea Isle Hotel Fontainebleau Hotel Marseille Hotel Cocktail Bar Shoreham -Norman Cocktail Lounge 10-19-55 37 394 Action deferred on application of Florence Halper for license at 2200 Park Ave as requested 10-19-55 37 396 LIQUOR LICENSES 335 Book Page Authorized: Roulette Room -Monte Carlo Hotel 11-2-55 37 427 Lucerne Hotel application deferred; hotel not far enough along in construction to be able to ascertain location of doors for cocktail lounge. Application to be brought to Council's attention within 2 or 3 Weeks. (Club Chalet) 11-2-55 37 428 Application of Florence Halper for 4 cocktail bar at 2200 Park Avenue v approved 11-2-55 37 429 LIQUOR LICENSES 336 Book Page Authorized Cub Chalet -Lucerne Hotel 4101 Collins Avenue 11-16-55 37 440 Action deferred on application of Seville Hotel until building is sufficiently completed for inspection 11-16-55 37 441 Authorized: ar Lounge ro's Night Club 12-7-55 37 466 Tentative approval given application of Harr Koretzky to sell liquors at the National Hotel,subject to formal hearing 12-7-55 37 466 LIQUOR LICENSES 337 Book Page Action again deferred on liquor application of Seville Hotel 12-7-55 37 466 Councilman Frank asks investigation of ownership of liquor establishments. Clerk to take matter up with City Mgr's office. Councilman Richard suggests ordinance be passed requiring only names of actual owners and operators to appear in their advertising. 12-7-55 37 466 Permission given package stores to remain open until 10 P.M. luring Christmas holidays, from Dec. 19, through Dec. 31, 1955. 12-7-55 37 485 LIQUOR LICENSES 338 Book Page Seville Hotel liquor license authorized, provided door in west wall is equipped with panic locks and is used as an exit only. 12-14-55 37 488 Licenses authorized: Marine Terrace Cocktail Cromwell Hotel National Hotel Bar 12-21-55 37 495 Fleetwood Hotel liquor license approved provided sign advertising onrdoorrleadingato panic t eetlock is placed 12-21-55 37 495 LIQUOR LICENSES 339 Book Page Eden Roc Hotel liquor license approved provided there is no entrance from the street 12-21-55 37 495 Club Benni liquor license approved 12-21-55 37 495 Approved: Coral Shell Lounge -Coral Reef Hotel Mount Royal Manor Cocktail Lounge 1-4-56 38 3 Res. #9199 cancelling regular liquor license of Florence Halper at 2200 Park Ave. and authorizing issuance of a special liquor license for the year 1T5-1956 1-4-56 38 11