Liquor_December 1940 to October 1942LIQUOR 90 Book Page Report filed on liquor bar survey as to package goods.. .department. 1.2//11/40 19 478 Liquor licenses granted Sea Isle and Surfside Hotels 12/11/40 19 479 Proof of publishing notice for liquor license at TERRACE RESTAURANT - license denied -and but granted -for Beer_-snd wine 12/11/40 19 479 Final Reading of 0rd.#. 88 amendlna_Ord No. 402 in re: service art an re asst= fying_certain properties -tor -liquor ---.zoning----- 12/18/40 19 484 LIQUOR s.. 91 -Broadmoor- Hotel granted liquor license for service bar only 12/18/4Q 19 485 Club Deuce Bar request that no con- structional change be required in their estab]i-aYent to provide for sale of package liquor 12/18/40 19 491 4 Liquor licenses authorized:WOFFORD HOTEL,NAUTILUS HOTEL,RALEIGH HOTEL, -BATH-CLUB- - 12/24/40 19 492 GROSSINGER'S HOTEL granted liquor license 1/2/41 20 4 LIQUOR Lew Stark Package Store named changed to Arrow Package Stores, Inn. 1/15/41 . 92 Book --Page 20 .16 Refund of license fee paid for liquor at Strandes:t.-11m11941--- 1/22/4M 20 19 Wm.T.E.Mishler files application for liquor package store at Ulemmers Pharmacy nn 71Rt St. 2/5/41 20 34 Gottfried David - denied package liquor permit for 71st St. grocery 2719/41- 20 71 transferred to name of corporation 3/5/41 20 8E LIQUOR 93 Book Page M.B.Bar operators ask Council to extend- hour for music " in bars (no action) ,-'4/2/41 20 133 Liquor license granted Atlantic Towers -Cocktail Bar 5/21741 20 227 - Council op, ap l ig Jo dreAymon 3 se 1i uoxx a p ca -ion o 5$ tonin 20 2 9 :for-844-AlAton Road. ! --Pro-of—of ac vertibitng 1iquoi ap li- cationfor Broadmoor_Hotel 6/4/42_ 20 255 Broadmoor Hotel granted liquor icens-e 6-/5/41 20 259 LIVOR 94 Book Page Mr. Joseph Elsener - asks_Colincil_to permit construction of liquor ware- house-on-20th-Stre-st-for Mr. Douglas Wheeler 6/11/41_ 20 276 City Atty.Shepard to prepare amend- -Anent -to LiquoT-Zoning Ord.#4-02 to provide for warehouse30.1/41 Liquor license for Club Casanova 20 276_ considered - no action taken _6/18/41 2G 24 Wit's End(Dawson Corp.) granted liquor -license— -6-/18-/41 20---306 LIQUOR95. Book Page Councilman Frink asks that Pilo Club be kept closed for two weeks during -this. atsynoe-from-Gity-6/I8/41 20 308 - Liquor license grantod B.-Pw-Ow Elks, No. 1601 7/2/41 20 317 Liquor License granted. A.& B. Liquor Store 7/16/41 20 347 County Commissioners to be requested -not to issue liquor license to Tatem Hotel until City ordinanoea-oomplied-- with 7/16/41 20, 367 LIQUOR 96. Book Page Richard, Atty. Melvin prevents proposed amendment to liquor ord. to permit transfer of liquor licenses from person to person & location to location 8/6/41 20 374 Club Casanova granted liquor license subject to withdrawal of complaints by creditors 8/6/41 20 374 Ord.to amend liquor ordinance as to 300 chair restaurants (not carried) 8/6/41 20 403 Atty.Richard again presents form of 0rd. 6o amend liquor Ord. by .1Per- mitting transfers ar ±license:; 02/41 20 425 LIQUOR 98 Book Page Liquor licenses granted are all subject to proper report being re- ceived on fingerprints 10-2-41 20 428 Tatem Hotel granted liquor license 10/3:/41 20 441 7ouncil agree to have ordinance passed striking the words "guest rooms and substituting the words "sleeping room" in liquor Ord.#391 10/3/41 20 441 LIQUOR 97 Book Page Council agree to transfer of liquor _ fee paid on LC Bar to new owner when deal consummated 10/2/41 20 426 Council agree to issuance of liquor license prior to advertising of RONEY PLAZA HOTEL & MARINE TERRACE 10/2/41 20 427 Liquor licenses granted: SOUTH VVIND REST.,BURTON DRUG STORES,Inc; TOWER APARTMENT HOTEL, INC.; JACK'S PKG.STORE, 401 CORPORATION,ROYAL PALM HOTEL COCK- TAIL BAR; THE OLD FORGE 10/2/41 20 427 LIQUOR 99 Book Page Liquor licenses granted the following; TATEM & TATEM SURF CLUB; VERSAIL]E S HOTEL; SOVEREIGN HOTEL COCKTAIL LOUNGE; MARINE TERRACE HOTEL COCKTAIL LOUNGE; RONEY PLAZA HOTEL AND CABANA SUN CLUB; THE CHATTER BOX; L.C.BAR 10/15/41 20 467 Liquor license granted BLACKSTONE HOTEL BAR. 10/22/41 21 2 LIQUOR 100 Book Page Atty. Richard again presented ordinance to amend Liquor Ord. to permit transfer of licenses. 6ouncil took no action. 10/22/41 21 2 Liquor license granted Patrician Hotel 11/5/41 21 12 Liquor license granted The Paddock 685 Washington Ave. 11/5/41 21 12 Tropical Bar asks permission to transfer their liquor lic%%e1 21 12 Night Club license granted The Paddock Club 11/5/41 21 12 LIQUOR 101 Book' Page Council withholds action on pro- posed amendment to Liquor Ord. providing fcr sale of liquor in 600 chair restaurants. 11/6/41 21 15 1st and 2nd readings amending Liquor Ord. viding for refund of paid. of Ordinance No. 391 pro - license fee 11/6/41 21 15 Council authorized refund of liquor license fee paid by Tropical Bar 11/6/41 21 15 LIt16OR 102 Bnok Page 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinances__ to amend Ord. No. 391 to provide for liquor licenses in G00 chair restaurants - 11 • City Att'y. instructed to prepare ordinance defining "100 chair restaurate 11/12/4 21 45 Liquor licenses granted: Wofford Hofe1 Triton Hotel Bar, Rales h Hotel Sea, Isle Cocktail Barmhasay- teve's Tropical Bar --LeRo Hotel Cocktail Lounge, Northshore otel Cocktail ar. 11 19/41 21 B0 LIfUOR 103 Book Page 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance amending Liquor Ord. #391 by defining 100 chair restaurant. 11/19/41 21 53 3rd reading of Ordinance amending Liquor Ord. # 39-1 providing for— refund of license fee paid. Ordinance No. 617 11/24/41 21 64 3rd reading Ord. #623 providing for sale of liquor in 600 chair 21 71 • LIQUOR 104 — .— Book Page Liquorlicense granted Riptide Club - 223 23rd St. 12/5/41 21 86 Liquor license fee authorized to be refunded to Fleetwood Hotel 12/5/41 21 86 Liquor licenses granted: Terrace Reataurant Haddon Hall Cocktail Lounge, Tfie Deck Bar, Bahama Cocktail Bar and Tj.e Bath Club. 12/5/41 21 87 Liquor license granted Miami Beachcomber, Inc. 12/5/41 21 97 LIQUOR 105.• Book Page Liquor licenses granted: Coral Reef Hotel; Monroe Towers Palm Room; Miami Beachcomber Restaurant Confj.med)• Floridian Hotel Bar; Broad Ripple Hote PUHA uormens e � ive l d2121 103 120 President Madison Hotel 12/18/41 21 120 Ord. No. 627 passed 3rd reading amending Liquor Ord. by - ---•_ a.o 18 41 21 121 ,,4.0 . y Zat LIQUOR 106. Book Page 1st and 2nd readings of Ord. osotif1r 0ub2romunl:0A.M.1/18/41 21 124 Councilman Frink presented amend- ment to proposed ord. re: c,losing hours for bar rooms. 1/7/42 21 128 Night Club operators object. Action deferred until next meeting. Liquor 1'cen e granted The Pry ident Madison noted (Tentative permit granted 12/18/41) 1/7/42 21 131 Final , e ding of Ord. #635 amending Ord.. #691 to permitrmusic in c certain Bar rooms until 1:00 A. M.1 21 42 21 152 it�Of — L67 . Hook._ Page 1st and 2nd readings of rd. to raise license fee to- 2550. or bar rooms _ ak .ng av age of music until 1:00 orclock 2/4/42_21_ 177 Liquor license authorized for Danny & Doc's (Fleetwood Hotel) 21 120 12/18/4 1 Casanova Club request permit to put in. entrance from Reubens Rest. rete 2/4/42 21 170 Proposed -ordinance to raise license fee of - haraireavirg ' ffiV-S-i-E- -Wit-it-4-; 0Ok. M. no brought up for 3rd reading 2/20/42 21 209 LI QUOR 10$ Book Page Clerk instructed to refer matter of bars being soundproofed to Bldg. Dept. 2/20/42 21 209 Res. No.5473 placing responsibility of approving. extra hour of music in bars in hands of Police Dept. 2/25/42 21 213 Ordinance requiring $250.00 additional license fee for bars taking advantage of extra hour for music not read third time 2/25/42 21 214 LIQUOR 109 Book Page Dorchester Hotel request refund on licenses due to fact Army took over hotel 3/4/42 21 220 Trocadero Restaurantranted liquor license 3/4/42 21 226 City Manager reports on refund of liquor license fees where establish— ment taken over by the Army 3/18/42 21 249 Copacabana Club,Inc., granted . liquor license for El Chico Club 4/1/42 21 253 110 Book Page Liquor license on Turf Bar transferred from J.W.Pacetti to J.J.Stender 4/1/42 21 253 Final reading Ord. #653 providing for transfer of license by a licensee who enters military service 5/7/42 21 312 3 readings Ord.#654 amending Ord. #391 providing for issuance of beer and wine licenses in 600 -chair restaurants or locations 500 -feet from another location selling beer & wine 5/20/42 21 320 111 Book Page Council agree to transfer Cadillac liquor license from Whyte to Porvin after advertising period is up 6/3/42 21 338 Liquor license granted to David R. Porvin for Cadillac Hotel 7/1/42 21 345 UNITED STATES NAVY AND ARMY request for curfew on hours for selling liquor, beer and wine 7/1/42 21 359 ORD.No.657 passed as emergency measure in compliance with above request of U. S. Az y and Navy 7/9/42 21 368 LIQUOR 112 • Book Page police Dept to see that bars not holding night club licenses dis- continue any entertainment not permitted under their licenses 7/15/42 21 387 Council discuss music box machines in bars 7/22/42 21 412 City Atty.to draw ordinance prohibit- ing transfer of stock or change in members of corporations without approval of Council 7/22/42 21 412 LIQUOR Operators of music tone down noise and to prepare Ord. on in bars 113 Book Page box machines to City Atty. instructed music boxes 7/28/42 21 413 lstand 2nd readings of Ord.amending Section 4 and 41- of Ord. #391 as to transfer of stock,distance between bars 7/28/42 3rd Reading of above Ord.amending Se 11. and 4 of Ord.#391 Ord.#663 8/5/42 21 416 ct. 21 419 LIQUOR 114 Book __P-agc_ 1st and 2nd readings Ord.amending Section 18 of Ord.#391 (permitting mechanical music boxes) 8/5/42 21 421 Liquor license for Derby Bar trans- ferred to Derby Bar,Inc. 10-7-12 21 427 Liquor license granted Moe Kirschenbaum for Circus Bar 10-7-42 21 11-27 Clerk instructed to withhold issuing liquor licenses on Club Casanova and Latin Quarter 10-7-4-2 21 428