Liquor_January 1939 to December 1940LIQUOR 65 Book Page Jordan's Bar of Music denied per- mit to operate patio bar in after- neena- 1-4--39 17 421 Refund of liquor license to Nat FinFindi.eePkg�. ed tans 1-4-39 17 434 Liquor -license -vented GAY NINETIES 1-18-39 17 449 Eu er-g1-adea -&-Se-aglade a -Rest .-gr-an to -- beer and wine license 1-18-39 17 450 LIQUOR C6 Book Page Walgreens Drug Stores Company of Florida granted package goods store- tic -ens -e- Walgreens Drug Store granted. beer and -wine linens -e- 2-1-39 17 461 17 461 3eag1a na E31ub gran ed liquor license 2/1/19_17 462 Marine Restaurant granted beer and wine license 2/1/39- 17 462 -Trocadero--Glob--grant-ems-beer and -wine- license 2/1/39/ 17 462 Beach Riviera Club granited. beer 17 462 nzd-w n e 2/1/39 LIQUOR 67 Book Page Beer and wine license DENIED Giant Eye Restaurant -2/1/39 17-- 469 City Mgr.instructed t—_o--a eal Voildr- Palm Court liquor case to Supreme 2-15-39 17 484 -court --Cn o MARINE TAVERN bar 3/1/39 17 486 Beer and wine permit granted to GIANT EYE 3/1/39 17 4s6 Clerk reports issuance of liquor license to PALM 17 489— LIQUOR Parrakeet Grill granted beer and mine license _ 3-15 -39 64 Book Page 16 3 -Snack-House granted license to—sell beer and wine 4/5/39 16 26 Atty.Ben Cohen asks that Roney Plaza be al we3 o remain open after 12:00 -P-.-Mane night- only 5/3/19- 18 6 - Transfer_ of. Liquor license hotTd by Ainsworth Buck(noy's Bar) to Frank Schuler authorized provided same is -advertised --5/3/39 14— 57 LIQUOR 69 Book Page Bar license given to Frank Schuler for 1675 Alton Road 5/17/39 18 77 Liquor license granted Marine Terrace Hotel, Inc. (John B. Reid, Pres.) - 7/5/39 1£ 135 No action taken on application for liquor license of NEW PADDOCK BM CLUB 7/5/39 18 136 Lew Stark liquor license a continua: tion of same for bankrupt firm re- quested 7-19-39 18 163 LIQUOR 70 Book Page 1st and 2nd Reading Ord. amending Liquor Ordinance 7-19-39 18 164 George ?assn, requests transfer of his liquor license to across the street 7-26-39 18 176 Frankas Fine Foods granted beer and wine license 7-26-39 18 177 1st & 2nd Readings Ord.amending Liquor Ordinance striking therefrom paragraph containing 2000 foot separation 7/26/39 18 177 LIQ 71 Book Page Traymore Hotel Corp.granted liquor lioense 8-2-39 18 183 J.J.Southerland asks effect new liquor amendments will have on his property 8-2-39 18 183 Permit given to move bar in Surfside Hotel 8-2-39 18 184 Bender, Atty. Sam -protests passage of ordinance amending liquor ordi. with reference to distance 8-2-39 18 184 Hearing.held on issuance of liquor license to Lew Stark, Inc. Objections filed and matter referred to City Atty. 8-2-39 -18- 185 LIQUOR 72 Book Page Jesse Weiss asks that his—application for liquor license be considered for new year 8-2-39 18 185 Atty.for Carl Weinkle advised to have mew—application—advertised for—liquor 1ic.en.a_e at 1711 Alton Road 8-2-39 18 185 Liquor application of E.L.Murray, 922 Lincoln Rd. consic ere : -a-39 18 187 Albert I. King--withdraws-l-iquer - ap- plication for 1920 Collins Ave. 8/2/39 18 188 Liquor license denied Lew 8tark,Inc. 8-7-39 18 -190-- .Bender again objects to ass e of 18 Am -1 to L1a Or 0rd �-7= 9 LIQUOR Beer- & Wine license granted to Leo a 'rLP:,-VrariLtit.ecfoticuor i7crfse 18 192 -7 18 192 inal reading Ord. #559 amen hg� quor -Ordinance No. 391 5-7-39 18 193 73 Book Page RIB & LOIN,Inc.granted liquor license 8/16/39 18- 213 CARL WINKLE granted liquor license for 1711 Alton Rd. 8/16/39 18 213 GEO.FASSA denied transfer of liquor -license-from-1711 to -1702- AIto-n-fld. 8/16/39_ 8 213 JOE'S REST.(Jesse Weiss)granted liquor -incense g/16 39 ---I8 213 LIQUOR 7. Book Page MAURICE I.STEINFELDT denied liquor license at 1924 Collins Ave. 8/16/39 -- 18 213 PLAYHOUSE BAR denied liauor license at 36 Ocean Dr. 8/i6/39 18 213 BURTON'S PHARMACY granted beer & wine permit 8/16/39 18 213 WOFFORD- HOTEL—F-GUNTA N- rant-ed.—beer & wine permit g/16/39 18 213 YACHT TARPON denied beer & wine permit TONY'S PLACE granteZX 'be& wine permi 213 Ben Nathanson beer &/win 4permit held 18 ��3 up for--inv a at1-g 1j o n $7i6t3q-18 211-7 LIQUOR 75 Book Page SAND BAR & CHRISTINE"S- granted beer and wine permits 8/16/39 18 213 CHA. FRIEDMAN denied beer and Mine permit 8/16/39 18 213 Beer -4 win licenses gran:tedzBen Nathanson,bob & Frank s -__Greyhound Bar, Keloo,Inc.,Myron Shainess,Whitehouse Bar - 9-6-39✓� 18 .,-229 Liquor__1ieense_s granted ---Everglades Cabana Club; Geo.Fassa;Dore ester Hotel;Whits--House B- -9=6-39 18- -- 230--- -M1ary T.N-athnnson application -for Litiuor held up for oonsideration9/6/39 18 230 LIQUOR 76 Book Page New Paddock Club granted liquor license 9-6-39 18 230 fortMarynV.Nathanson'sgbarq'Maryi&ense Mac's" 9-13-39 18 261 3 Beer and Hine licenses granted Golden Grill;Collins Sandwich & Soda Shop; Health Juice Bar 9-13-39 18 262 Liquor license denied MaryV. Nathanson for Mary & Mac's Bar pending inves ,.- gati on 9-13-39 18 264 LIQUOR 3 Beer and wine licenses granted: Wofford Hotel Fountain; Voss's Soda Shop & Lill's Italian Rest. 9/20/39 3 liquor licenses granted: 2 to National Package Store and Riviera Hotel Co. 9/20/39 76A BOOK PAGE 18 276 18 276 LIQUOR 77 Book Page Request made for issuance of liquor license to L.M.Gerstel,receiver for Lew Stark, Inc: ,—denied 10-4-39 18 291 iou Wirth urge-s--l-ssian-ce-e- riquor _liaenstQ_him-at 1111 Dade Blvd., old SanSouci Club (denied) 1O/4/39 18 297 RUBY FOO'S and BELMAR HOTEL granted -.Liquor licenses - IO75739 —8 -Beer -and -Wine lieen-s-e-s--granted -D . gadNn endment t o --Liqu-er Ord, to permit 1-i g z o r s a l P. s i n aban, groups of 100 10/18/39 18 323 18 314 18 314 LIQUOR 77A Book Page Atty.Ed Copeland requests amendment to liquor Ord. to permit sIe s tn' bon fide rastaur:. t s during_ dinner hour on y at locations nearer than 3001 to schools 1st & 2nd readings -of this-ordinan-e-e- 1oL18/39 18 324 Mary-= V atha son- agate-requ.e.st 1i.qu or License _ for Mary & Mack's Bar 10/18/39 18 32L. EzE.Erettagain seeks package goods license at 7335 Collins Ave. 10/18/39 18 325 Liquor licenses granted DECK BAR,FLEET- -WOO-D--ROTS = •• s-: ,CL -UB DEUCE and Andrew Magee __ 10-18-39 18 328 LIQUOR 77B BOOK PAGE Clerk reports issuance of liquor license toL M. Gerstell, receiver in bankruptcy fr ew Stark, Inc., on Court order. 10/30/39 18 345 Mr. Ellison, Supt. of Beach Schools and Parent Teachers Ass'n., object to amendment to Liquor Ord. to permit sale of liquor in restaurants within 300' from schools. 11/1/39 Request made to amend. Ord. #391 to permit sale of liquor in cabana group of 100 - later withdrawn 11/1/39 18 348 18 351 LIQUOR Liquor license granted v r�i9F y Nathanson for MARY & AC 11/1/39 Liquor license granted Mary V. Nathanson for MARY -&[AC'S EAR- 11/1/39 A'F X1/1/39 -- 18 353 Atti.Copeland asks Council to continue 7g Book Page 18 353 consideration on proposal to amend 1 i qu or ord ranee–re : r*s-tiaui'-an-t-s—wi vhi — 300 feet of schools 11/15/39 18 372 Delegation from schools oppose any action on above amendment 11/15/39 18 373 LIQUOR 79 Book Page lerk instructed _to tr a uor liven-se—from-L.M. uerst is �e in Bkrutoy of Lew Stark,Inc. , to LEW STARK, INC. 11/15/39 18 375 Liquor license denied John Marey for 41 Club on 41st St. 11/15/39 18 376 Liquor licenses granted. RUSSIAN BEAR, LEW CUR Thr NUT—CLUB- and BT . MORITZ HOTEL —]..1/16/39 18- 384 — Package liquor storelicense granted BEACHWELL CORP. (W.L.SHEHAN) 11/16/39 18 385 LIQJJQR 80 Book Page Hotel Evans Cookt i B ices oomplained-of by Drgo ---- 12-6-39 18 401 Ordinance given 1st reading permitting sate off'- liqumr in -bona fide restau- rants- within -340 feet from -schools - motion to read second time by title only, i f on roll call 12/6/3 I 4O3— Liquor licenses granted -CLUB DEUCE-, _'OWER_ HOTEL,_GOVEANOR_ HOTEL__AND PATRICIAN HOTEL 12 /6/39 l .,_ ..413 -'I^ssuance of renewal license for liquor ° �- IHotg%Wo-fford -authorized-to Jobn B. of ford 12/13/39_ 18 418 LIQUOR 8OA Application of Epicure, Inc. for license to sell Liquor at 7433 Collins Avenue, -Filed 1216/39 LIQUOR 81 Book Page Otto Stegeman requests issuance of .iquor license to Paul Larm for PALM ISLAND CLUB 12/20/39 18 --420 Committee appointed to consider issuance of above liquor license 12/20/39 18 420 Liquor licenses granted NATHAN LEVINE - --for-MILLION—DOLLAR PIER -,HACKNEY ° S M.B. RESTAURANT._23RD ST,.RE T.._CORpoRATI9,N and package goods license for BURTON'S DRUG -STORE 12/20/39 18 422 C -A. Carson--a4v-ise-s Councilof-illegality in issuing_ liquor license to derby Bar _ __ under State Law ruling ' 12/20/39 18 422 LIQUOR 82 Book Page Renewal of liquor license to Surfside Hotel, J.H.Miller,Mgr.authorized 12/20/39--- -18 425 Liquor license granted. Palm:Isl. Club 12/20139- 18 428 Liquor license granted-CROMWELL HOTEL COCKTAIL BAR ILIAD 18 433 Liquor license denied W.C,WISDOMLfor old 41 Club 1/3/40 18 433 No action taken on request of Atty.Lane that liouor li,gonste bD granted Eniour Restaurarit at 7433 Collins 1/74/4u 18 44c_ LIQ,ITOR g3 Book Page Liquor license granted Blackstone Hotel Bar 1/17/40 1$ 445 Liquor license granted Patio Moresque 2/x/40 18 470 Proof of publication of liquor appli- cation on Turf Bar (J.W.Pacetti) 3/20/40 19 40 Request made for passage of ordinance •- Trehit1Ag sale o --min- ture -tlea of liquor _ 4/3/40 19 _65 Liquor license granted Turf Bar 4--17-40 — 19 76 -- LIQUOR Survey t o -be made of all open front bars /I7/10 Book Page. 19-7 No action taken on Tro ical-BAr liquor application /17/40 19 81 --Liquor license granted Tropical - Bar- 5-/-297140 ---ALBERT NEHETZ grant-ed--liquor----license for 240-244--- 23rd St. 7/3/40 19 185 A. H .Kirkham gra.n__�ted_package-liquor license for A.& B.Pkg.Store 8/7/40 19 219 19 131 LIQUOR 85 BOOK Page_ Distilier l s Products, I.nc. granted liquor licemse 9/25/40 19 265 Patio Moresque ask permit to sell package goods on their premises 309 City Attorney to render opinion on service bar interpretation 10-2-40 19 :309 City Attorney renders opinion on service bar in Patio Moresque 10-9-40 19 323 Council agree not to issue liquor license to EPICURE REST,(Collins Ave: 10-16-40 19 351 LIQUOR6 ti .(;.rS Book Page Pete Clifford denied Liquor license at 323-325 23rd St. ec t. 2 1941,- 196G - Liquor---gr-ante---Versailles Hotel, Royal Palm Hotel Bar Versailles -Hot- eI�' a dtrician Hotel 11/6/40 19 387 Liquor license denied Chateau Renault at -MI -Dade -Blvd. 11/6/40 19 387 Liquor sales at Tatem Hotel -ordered-discontinued 11/13/40 19--49O LIQUOR Thomas A.Cassara given permission -to transfer his Iiquor-lic-an e from Club _Continentals _ 23rd S.t.address to Liberty Ave.address 11-13-40 19 407 87 Book :RE Cadillac Cocktail Lounge NATIONAL MOTEL - granted liquor license • �. National Hotel Cocktail Lounge -granted liquor license 11 -20 - ca e ran s as perm Above permit granted sub -mission of s- ect to sub - • ' • a i 16_ 421 421 LIQUOR 88 Book Page Liquor license granted LATIN QUARTER 11-20-40 19 422 City Atty. explainsE inure Liquor case 11/27/40 19 430 —fitter fr.m OCEAN SIBEHIMPROVEMENT ASSN. re: liquor sales in their area 11 27 40 19 431 BLACKSTONE HOTEL granted liquor bar license 11/2-7/40 19 431 FVANS HOTEL - complain of constant harrassing by police dept. 11/27/40 19 434 Dr.Pollock again complains of Evans Hotel Bar 12/4/40 19 443 LIQUOR 89 Book Page 1st and 2nd readings Ord. amending Ord.No.4102,defining servfce bar and --r_..' --sifyfng cer#ain pro 12 4/40 19 446 Terrace Restaurant seek license for service bar -denied as being contrary to liquo2- zoning ordinance 12/4/40 4 liquor license granted THE JEWEL BOX (Embassy Hotel),LORD TARELTON HOTEL, RENDALE HOTEL AND ST.MORITZ HOTEL No action taken on BROADKOOR HOTEL liquor application 12/4/40 19 448