Liquor_March to September 1946LIQUOR 165 Book Page Alice Dances granted liquor license for Ciro's 3/6/46 23 425 1st reading of ordinance amending Ord. #391 by prohibiting beer and wine vendors from selling bottled cocktails 3/6/46 23 441 Licenses granted Mexicana Bar, Cromwell Hotel, Park Avenue and Pomeroy's Restaurant 3/20/46 23 455 LIQUOR LICENSES 166 Book Page Application of Wyatt Liquor Store for licenses at 41st Street and Normandy Isle denied as being contrary to zoning 3/20/46 23 455 Application of John Malone and M. J. Malone for package store license at 1654 Collins denied as being contrary to zoning 3/20/46 23 455 Final reading of Ordinance No. 762, prohibiting beer and wine vendors from selling bottled cocktails 3/20/46 23 458 LIQUOR Circus Bar granted liquor license 167 Book Page 4/3/46 23 484 Blackstone Hotel Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 4/3/46 23 484 Liquor licenses granted Surfside Hotel Cocktail Bar & The Little Club 4/17/1+6 24 15 Derby Bar & Floridian Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor licenses 5/1/46 24 50 LIQUOR 168 Book Page Murray M. Sheldon's application for package store license at 1632 Collins Ave. is denied 5/1/46 24 50 Skybrite Package Store grant- ed liquor license 5/15/46 24 89 Hotel owners ask for one hour extension of time to play music (governed by Ord. #391) Taken under advisement 6/5/46 24 106 LIQUOR 169. Book Page Atlantic Towers Cocktail Lounge, Coral Reef Cocktail Bar, Paddock Club, William Penn Cocktail Lounge, Phil's Package Store Hen's Roost, Ferd McGettigan's Cocktail Lounge, Royal Palm Bar and National Package Store granted liquor licenses 6/5/46 24 109 Meier Held's application for service bar license is again presented and Council refers to Building Department 6/5/46 24 109 LIQUOR, 171 Book Page Licenses granted Shanghai Restaurant & Bar, Don Richard's Famous Door, Club Tahitian and Albion Hotel 7/17/46 24 192 Ord. #770 given 3rd reading, prohibiting minors from purchasing intoxicating liquors 7/17/46 24 194 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance providing that vendor may receive - the license fee paid by new owner, when business is sold 7/17/46 24 222 LIQUOR 170 Book Page Liquor licenses granted Monroe Towers Cocktail Lounge (Steen) & Rendale Hotel 6/19/46 24 135 Liquor licenses granted Beach Cabana Club, Charles Hotel Cocktail Lounge and Sports Bar 7/3/46 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance making it unlawful for a minor to purchase intoxicating beverages 7/3/46 24 163 24 180 LIQUOR 172 Book Page Licenses granted Sports Bar, Golden Package Store, Rendezvous Sandwich Shop Maurice's Restaurant, Al's Bar, Monroe Towers Cocktail Bar 8/7/46 21+ 234 Attorney Melvin Richard objects to issuance of liquor license to Alexander Fastow for Al's Bar 8/7/46 24 234 LIQUOR 173 Book Page Magic Bar, 764 Wash. Ave. and L. C. Bar, 500 Wash. Ave. denied liquor licenses because of being too close to existing locations 8/7/46 24 234 3rd reading Ordinance No. 774 amending Liquor Ordinance to pro- vide that when bona fide sale is made of liquor business - the license fee paid by old owner will be refunded upon payment of the license by new owner 8/7/46 24 246 LIQUOR Ted Reber of South Florida Liquor Board speaks on behalf of proposed amendment to liquor ordinance to permit women to serve liquor by the drink except in night clubs Council takes under 9/4/46 24 270 advisement 174 Book Page Licenses granted Miami Beach Islanders Club, Picciolo Italian American Restaurant, Bill Jordan's Bar of Music, Hotel Ohioan, Derby Bar, Pete's Bar & Arlington Hotel 9/4/4A 273 LIQUOR Xenia's Restaurant & Bar application for liquor license is referred to the Legal Dept. 9/4/46 24 273 175 Book Page Proposed amendment to permit women to serve liquor except in night clubs is deferred for further consideration 9/18/46 24 287 Liquor license granted South Wind Restaurant & Bar (Figueroa & Gallub) 9/18/46 24 289