Liquor_October 1942 to October 1944LIQUOR 115 Book Page Final Reading Ord.No.665 amending Liquor Ord.No.391 as to mechanical music boxes in bars 10-7-42 21, 428 Irving Levy granted liquor license for Ira's Restaurant 10/28/42 21 453 Liquor license transferred from W.L. Shehan to Bob Yates on Lincoln Road Liquor Store 10/28/42 21 453 Winnie's Little Club granted liquor license for 2218 Collins Ave.11/4/42 21 459 LIQUOR Clerk instructed to proceed with issuance of liquor Ticenses to Pq.lm Island Latin Quarter and lub Casanova 11/1g/4.2 116 Book Page 21 465 Committee appointed to consider licenses for bars and night clubs (Renshaw,Shepard, Tomlinson, Frink & Burbridge) 11/1&/42 21 465 Application of Madison Bar Corp. for liquor license in "Rumpus Room" 22nd and Park_, Ave. referred. to City Atty. City Atty.reports above11/25/42 21 470 license cannot be issued. 12/2/42 21 472 LIVOR 117 Book Page North Shore Hotel Liquor application advertised for this date but not con- sidered as they were taken over by Army 12/9/42 21 477 Douglass,C.T. ® granted license for package store at 21171st St. 12/16/42 21 480 Four applications on file for package goods stores in 71st.St.area-E.E,Brett, Gertrude Rimer,Geo.Jacobs and Arrow Pack- age Store,Inc. 12/16/42 21 450 LIQUOR 118 Book Page Res. #5614 going on record as to denying any additional night club or cabaret licenses and any new ap- plications for beer and wine licenses on 41st Street 12/16/42 21 481 1st and 2nd readings Ord.amending Ord. #391 by defining night club, cabaret and providing hours for them to remain open and entertainembnt they may have 12/21/42 21 492 Final reading 0rd.#674 as above 1/6/43 21 500 LIQUOR 119 Book Page Hl Versailles/liquor license tentatively approved 1/6/43 21 497 Tentative approval given E.P.Wheelan for liquor license at 518 Alton Road 1/6/13 21 497 Ord.No.67)1 passed final reading amend- ing Ord.#39: defining night clubs and cabarets and providing for their privi- leges and closing hours 1/6/11.3 21 500 1st and 2nd readings of Ord.amending Liquor ordinance prohibiting any new beer, liquor or night clubs on 4 -1st t<& Linc I 2 & 3n ci, and discussion on same ..1/15/43 LIQUOR 120 Book Page Tentative approval given TRITON HOTEL COCKTAIL LOUNGE for liquor license 1/15/43 22 8 Liquor licenses granted VERSAILLES HOTEL and E.P.WHEELAN for his restau- rant 1/20/43 22 11 Final Reading Ord,#681 amending Ord.391, providing new operators of old loca- tions may be granted licenses if 12 months have not elapsed but excluding Lincoln Rd.& 41st St.from this provision 1/20/43 22 16 LIQUOR. 121 Book Page Triton Hotel Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license (B.Friedman) 2/3/43 22 18 Package Liquor license granted RAYMOND'S PACKAGE STORE 2/17/43 22 33 Package Liquor license granted WOFFORD PACKAGE STORE (John Shapiro? 3/3/43 22 42 Tentative approval given for issuance of liquor license to -Harry Linet and Mary Nathanson for "Blue Marlin" --3/1/+3 22 52 No action on request of EVERGLADES CABANA_ CLUB to move their e li o li ur license q --- - 3/17/_x+3-2?,-- 56 LIQUOR 12c Book Page BLUE MARLIN, liquor license granted to Harry Linet and Mary Nathenson 4/7/43 22 6$ NATIONAL-- PKG. STORE (Edda. Binder) granted liquor _License 4--7-)43 22 68 DIRTY DICK'S application for liquor license considered but not granted TURF 22 68 TURF BAR (Stella Fa.ier) granted liquor license 5/5/43 22 88 Request of Army to transfer Licuor lic- ense of- Shelbourne Hotel to private resi- dence denied 5/5/43 22 90 LIQUOR 123, Book Page Bar Operators ask Council to amend Liquor Ordinance to permit them to move their licenses within 1,000 feet of another liquor --license 7/21/43 22 176 Above Group to confer with City Mgr® and City Attorney in effort to work out amendment to present Ord. 7/21/43 22 176 Venetian Package Store (Morris T. Kelly) granted liquor lic. 10/6/43 22 180 LIQUOR Arrow Package Store ranted license 10//x+3 North Shore Cocktail Lounge (Srank Reardon) granted liquor lic. 10/6/43 Continental Bar & Restaurant (Neil Magoon) granted liquor lic. 10/6/43 22 124 Book Page 22 180 22 180 Retail ir31erion to amendord.#91076/43 1st & 2nd res' ing of O a nance Liquor Ord. (#391)---10/6/3 Kings Oce nic Gardens (Alfred r nted 1942-43 liquor license 10/"20/43 Council22 amending 22 J. King) 22 180 180 180 19 LIQUOR 125 AMENDMENT TO PROPOSED LIQUOR ORD. BOOKPAGE PASSED BEFORE ORDINANCE IS GIVEN ITS 3RD READING (AMENDING ORDINANCE SO THAT IT DOES NOT APPLY TO BEER AND WINE) 10/20/43 22 193 MENDINGIORDLNANCEI 91EBYOALLOWING & BASING No.MOF LIGENSES2UPONEET POPULATION 10/20/43 22 196 Life Bar (Swartz, Inc.) granted 1ffiquor license 11/6/43 22 205 LIQUOR 126 Fan & Bill's ask that Ord. #391 be amended to permit sale of liquors at 6950 Collins for duration only 11/17/43 22 212 Taken under advisement 11/17/43 22 212 Monte Carlo application considered & license authorized under name of Cirols with understanding it is subject to revocation if police records not clear 11/17/43 22 212 Liquor licenses authorized to: Riptide Club and Circus Bar 11/17/43 22 214 LIQUOR 127 BOOK PGE Licenses granted: Surrey Hotel, Sea Isle Hotel, A & B Package Store 12/1/43 22 222 Bar of Music license transferred from Jordan Corporation as applicant to Bill Jordan 12/1/43 22 222 Roy W. Singer, Pres. of Miami Fed. of Musicians, asks Council to change Sect. 18 of Ord. #391, claiming it is discriminatory to other musicians - NO ACTION - 12/15/43 22 236 LIQ JOR 12$ BOOK PAGE Licenses granted Atlantis Hotel, The Beachcomber & the Marine Terrace Hotel Cocktail Lounge 12/15/43 22 237 Application of William Penn Hotel for cocktail bar license referred to Mr. Renshaw & Mr. Shepard 12/15/43 22 237 Council revokes liquor license granted Ciro's on 11/17/43 12/15/43 22 237 Atty. Friedman asks that Ciro's license be transferred to Al Gordon - Council votes to transfer subject to Mr. Gordon's record being clear 12/20/43 22 239 4IgUOR 129 BOOK PAGE William Penn asks about.issuance of cocktail bar license - Council advise them to comply with ordinance 12/20/45 22 240 Clerk advises that Al Gordon, applicant for CIRO'S liquor license, has no police record 1/5/44 22 244 Action on liquor license for Wm. Penn Cocktail Lounge deferred 1/5/44 22 24g Liquor license granted Wm. Penn (bcktail Lounge 1/19/44 22 249 LIQUOR License granted to Eskay Package Store, 2947 Collins 1/19/44 Council refuses to prorate liquor license (1943844) on Broadmoor Hotel 2/2/44 Liquor license for NORTH SHORE HOTEL transferred to Harold Clark 3/1/44 Liquor license authorized for Tropical Bar, Richard Shaw & Frances Wintner, applicants 3/15/44 Delicate Fran 's liquor license trans- ferred from 1b75 Alton Road tq 4 1b Alton Road / 5/ 130 Book Pagi 22 250 22 258 22 282 22 299 22 310 LIQUOR 131 Book Page A & B PACKAGE STORE & TROPICAL BAR granted licenses 5/3/44 22 320 I. L. MINTZER applies for package store license at 615 5th St. 5/17/44 22 329 Ben Casey and Robert Bergeron object to issuance of license 5/17/44 22 330 Councilmen Frink & Liberman favor issuance of license 5/17/44 22 330 Councilman Burbrile o�oses issuance v o agon � ordinance 5/17/44, 22 330 MOOR 132 Book Page City Attorney advises that under ordinance license cannot issue for 615 5th St. 5/17/44 22 330 Councilman Frink moves that license be granted, seconded by Councilman Liberman 5/17/44 22 330 Councilman Frink withdraws motion and asks that action on this application be held up 5/17/44 22 330 Janet Katz name added to application for KATZ LIQUOR STORE 6/7/44 22 333 LIQUOR 133 Book Page Hotel Evans Cocktail Lounge granted license (issued under name of Harp Vaughan°s Mexicana Bar) 6/7/44 22 33 Issued to A & B Package Store, Hazel Hulsman 6/21/44 22 34$ lst & 2nd readings of ordinance amending #391 to provide for licensing of 100 -room hotels and 600 -chair restaurants 6/21/44 22 349 Granted Mary & Mack°s Bar (Juanita Joskowitz) 7/5/44 22 362 Granted Tropical Bar (Stroud) 7/5/44 22 362 LIQUOR 134 Book Page 3rd reading Ord. #715, amending Ord. #391 to prdvide for licensing of 100 -room hotels & 600 -chair restaurants 7/5/44 22 366 License granted EL CHICO 7/19/44 22 375 (Schmuckler & Honigsberg) Licenses granted: Charles Hotel (Goldstein & Geller), Derby -Bar (Schmuckler, Schmuckler & Helfenbein), Binder's National Package Store (Binder) and Blue Marlin (Kay Schneider) 8/16/44 22 395 LIQUOR 135 Book Page Request of S. Rutter for assurance of liquor license in Goodman Building (1225 Wash. Ave.) referred to City Attorney 9/6/44 22 401 City Attorney's opinion is against issuance of license - opinion read & Council denies request 9/20/44 22 406 Licenses granted Monte Carlo (Weinger), Wofford Package Store (Nadler Bros.) & El Chico (Erving Moss) 9/6/44 22 401 LIQUOR 136 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings of Ord. amending #391 to prohibit licensees in 100 - room hotels & 600 -chair restaurants from moving 200 feet 9/6/44 22 403 3rd reading of above ordinance (des- ignated #717) as emergency measure 9/6/44 22 404 License granted Louis Mutter for Riptide Club 9/20/44 22 406 LIQUOR 137 Book Page City Attorney's opinion is that no liquor license can issue for 1225 Washington Ave. (in Goodman Bldg.) 9/20/4+4 22 406 Council denies request of S. Rutter for license at 1225 Wash. 9/20/44 22 406 1st reading of Ordinance amending Ord. #391 to prohibit sale of liquor, beer & wine between 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. on Sundays 9/20/44 22 408 LIQUOR . 13g Book Page 1st & 2nd readings of Ordinance authorizing City Mgr. to prohibit sale of & serving beer, wine & liquor during any public emergency 9/2044 22 'tog Above ordinance - designated #71g - given 3rd reading as emergency measure 9/20/44 22 409 Liquor license granted Herman 3cratzberg for Alamac Cocktail Lounge 10/4/44 22 412 LIQUOR 3rd reading Ord. #719 prohibiting sale of liquor, wine or beer between 1:00 A. M. and 1:00 P. M. on Sundays 10/4/44 22 413 Alex DeBrocq given permission to move Miami Beach Pharmacy package store to 515 Wash. Ave. 10/4/44 22 413 Liquor licenses granted TERRACE RESTAURANT, BLACKSTONE COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND LATIN QUARTER 10/20/44 22 418 S. Rutter submits plans for proposed resta.ura.ft at 1225 Wash. Ave. to show areaof 5,475 sq. ft. 10/20/44 22 41g 139. Book Page