Liquor_October 1944 to January 1946LIQUOR 140 Book Page The Carrousel (Rib and Loin, Inc.) granted permission to move liquor license to 2D00 Collins Ave. 10/20/44 22 418 Application of Neil Magoon for liquor license for Continental Bar & Restaurant at 1740 Alton Road denied owning to distance involved 10/20/44 22 419 Application of Carl Weinkle for liquor license at 1709 Alton Road held up for the present 10/20/44 22 419 LIQ,UOR 141 Book Page Andrew and Lillian Somma go on record as 7ishing to obtain l icuor:. license at 1 11 •,.de Blvd. 10/20 44{22 424 -1`7;*''T `� "'L2 ti Z. David -Mo C. 11eba• v s o -9 store license can issue 236 First St. 11/15/44 22 434 Ralph Satterfield advised no liquor license can issue at 7417 Collins Ave. 11/15/44 22 434 LIQUOR 142. Book Page Licenses granted The Strand Restau- rant (Rutter and Hader), Paddock Club (Metzger.), Lincoln Road Package Store (Masters), Broadripple Cocktail Lounge (Geller and Goldstein), Circus Bar (Cohn), Oceanic Gardens (Whitman, Oseroff and Deutch), Boulevard Hotel (DuPree) and Trocadero (Voilder) 11/15/44 22 435 George Herrick withdraws his liquor application for Ciro's 11/15/44 22 435 LIQUOR 143. Book Page Licenses granted Mary and Mack's Bar (Askowitz & Saperstein), Wolford Package Store (Robinson), Alamac Hotel (Kalil), Hotel Netherlands Cocktail Lounge (Kester) 12/6/44 22 443 License not authorized for Ciro's, (CHARLES LEVY) Pending receipt of police report 12/6/44 22 444 liquor licenses granted Tides Hotel (Sochat), Ciro's (Brooks) and Wofford Package Store (Yudien) 12/20/44 22 452 LIQUOR 144 Book Page 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings of Ord. #725, aboltshing POPULATION RULE for issuances of licenses and providing for distance rule 12/27/44 22 456 Burton Drug Store asks for renewal of package store license at Ocean Drive & 5th St. - asked to produce affidavits and present later 1/3/45 22 460 Morris Schneider denied package store license at 1661 Washington Ave. as contrary to liquor zoning 1/3/45 22 461 Weinkle's granted permission to move package store to 1711 Alton Rd. 1/3/45 22 461 LIQUOR 145 . Book Page Benjamin Rimer asks for package store license at 1241 Everglades Concourse and that Ord. #402 be amended to permit this business - taken under advisement 1/3/45 22 462 Liquor license for Terrace Restaurant transferred to Louie E. Walters 1/17/45 22 465 Liquor licenses granted Picciolo's Restaurant (600 chair only) and Deauville Cocktail Lounge 1/17/45 2 '-65 LI,UOR 146. Book Page Application of Dave's Bar held u ending distance survey 1/17/45 22 464 �ppliec►,t�oh f ileal ih// �i�ne►QI Cores. ?le vndeM h,9por pp1'ca i+g not gassedevv.e.ree 6c� Liquor licenses granted Pete's Bar, Blue Room Bar, Abe & Evelyn Raynor's Package Store 2/7/45 22 470 Liquor license denied BINGO PACKAGE at 615 5th St. 2/7/45 22 470 LIQUOR BOOK PAGE RYAN'S IRISH HOUSE, EDWIN NYBERG, BENJAMIN RIMER, WELTER R. & MARIE WARD & ROY RAMSON apply for liquor licenses in locations -contrary to zoning ordinance (applications filed in letter file under "Liquor Subjects) 2/7/45 22 471 Mary & Mack's and Chateau Restaurant granted liquor licenses 2/21/45 22 482 Council denies request of Burton Drug Stores, Inc. for renewal of package license at Ocean Drive & 5th St, 3/7/45 23 5 LIQUOR 148. Book Page Council authorizes pro rata refund of liquor license of Max Silverberg at Kennel Club 3/21/45 23 16 Roney Plaza liquor license transferred to J. Myer Schine and Louis J. Schine 4/18/45 23 45 Blackstone Cocktail Lounge and Phil"s Package Store granted liquor licenses 5/2/45 23 60 LIQUOR 149 Book Page Wm. Taradash asks that his applica- tion for liquor bar at 1461 Wash- ington Ave. be placed of record 5/2/45 23 61 North Shore Hotel Cocktail Bar, El Chico, Arlington Hotel Cocktail Bar and Grand=:Hotel granted liquor licenses 5/i6,45 23 90 Application of Kasdin°s Wine & Liquor Co. at 117 5th St. denied 5/16/45 23 91 LIQUOR Leo Robinson's application for liquor license at 1612 Washington Avenue filed of record 5/16/45 Licenses granted National Package Store (Seigel) and Beach Cabana Club (Barlow) 6/6/45 License granted Hitt Stores (Baron) Joseph Aymonin asks for package store license at 844 Alton Road 6/20/45 6/20/45 150 Book Page 23 98 23 107 23 129 23 129 LIQUOR 151 Book Page Dave Alper asks for liquor license at 514 41st st. 6/20/45 23 129 * year license granted Max Silverberg at Miami Beach Kennel Club 6/20/45 23 132 Sully's at 1052 Alton Road asks that their liquor application be placed of record 7/5/45 23 143 LIQUOR 152. Book Page Licenses granted Circus Bar (Schwartz) and Tides Hotel (Kirsch) 7/18/45 23 155 Application of Ben B. Gaines for 2000 Collins Ave. referred to City Attorney 7/18/45 23 155 upon objection by Shepard Broad for Bess Matz Liberman Trust Application of Chas. Padgett & Thos. F. Daze for liquor license at �i6 41st St. filed aid denied 7/18/45 23 155 LIQUOR 153. Book Page Rose Saccaroma files application for liquor license at 7417 Collins as matter of record 7/18/45 23 155 City Attorney's opinion on application of Ben B. Gaines for liquor license at 2000 Collins Ave. 8/1/45 23 181 Council grants liquor licnese to Ben B. Gaines for 2000 Collins Ave. 8/1/45 23 182 LIQUOR 154. Book Page Cornelius Feliowes asks for liquor license on 41st St. if and when ordinance is a de 8/1/45 23 192 44171,15 23 198 quor licenses granted Deauville Package Store, Charles Cocktail Lounge & Martin's Liquor Store 9/5/45 23 20g Hearing on application of Vanderbilt Restaurant & Bar deferred 9/5/45 23 209 LIQUOR 155 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending No. 391 by providing for hours when liquor, wine and beer may be sold (amending curfew law) 9/5/45 23 214 Hearing on liquor application of Hotel Vanderbilt Restaurant and Bar deferred until first meeting in November 9/19/45 23 219 3rd reading Ord. #744 amending Ord. #391 by providing for hours when liquor, wine and beer may 23 222 be sold 9 LIQUOR 156 Book Page 1st & 2nd reading of Ordinance amending No. 391 by eliminating cabarets 9/19/45 23 224 Dulaney's, Inc. ask that their application for package store on 41st St. be filed of record 9/19/45 23 228 Liquor licenses granted Tides Hotel, Deauville Club, Triton Hotel and Wm. Brooks (service bar only) 10/3/45 23 235 LIQUOR 3rd reading of Ordinance No. 747, amending Ord. #391 by abolish/n5 23 236 cabarets, etc. Capt. Sherman F. Crise asks to have liquor bar in private club on bay north of Dade Blvd. 10/17/45 23 247 157 Book Page Council takes under advisement 10/17/45 23 247 Licenses granted Life Bar, Versailles Hotel, Hen's Roost and Blackstone Hotel 10/17/45 LIQUOR LICENSES 15, Book Page E1 Morocco Restaurant, Cadillac Hotel, Sovereign Hotel, Shelborne Hotel, Blue Marlkn Bar, Only Inn & Wof f ord Package Store granted licenses 11/7/45 23 267 Granted Paddock Club 11/9/45 23 286 Granted Rendezvous Sandwich Shop, Charles Hotel, Tides Cocktail Bar, Cromwell Hotel, Ciro's, Poinciana Hotel, President Madison Hotel, Embassy LIQUOR 15* Book Page Liquor application of Vanderbilt Hotel held up 10/17/45 23 250 Licenses granted Caribbean Hotel, Copacabana, Oklahoma Cocktail Lounge, Raleigh Hotel, Belmar, Bamboo Bar and Chinatown Charlie's 11/7/45 23 264 LIQUOR LICENSES Hotel, Dorchester Hotel, and Beachcomber and Vanderbilt Restaurant 11/21/45 23 293-94 & King Cole Hotel Application of Rendale Hotel referred to Mr. Hice 11/21/45 23 294 Liquor license granted Royal Palm Hotel 11/21/45 23 294 10) Book Page Ben Battle and Lewis Safft file for package stores contrary to liquor zoning 11/21/45 23 294 LIQUOR LICENSES Granted Monroe Towers, Surfside Hotel, National Hotel, Ritz Caiilton Hotel, 71st St. Package Store, Mermaid Lounge, Miami Shore Restaurant, Robert Richter Hotel, Coral Reef Cocktail Bar and Rendale Hotel 12/5/45 23 319 Building Dept. refers application of Chinatown Charlie's back to Council - no action is taken 12/5/45 23 319 161 Book Page LIQUOR LICENSES Skybrite Package Store, Clwez Paree, Shoreham -Norman Hotel and kixam Flamingo Hotel granted liquor licenses 12/19/45 23 329 Robert Burns of 1058 Alton Road asks for liquor license contrary to zoning 12/19/45 23 331 162 Book Page Council denies Anthony Santo's application for liquor at Life Bar because of police report 12/26/45 23 338 LIQUOR LICENSES 163 Book Page Council denies Neil Magoon's request to move his liquor license from 1711 Alton Road to 1740 Alton Road `..1/2/46 23 338 Licenses granted Sands Z Bar, Club 22, Frances K. Powell's Albion Dining Room, Grossinger Pancoast, Deauville Package Store, Braznell International Hotel, Floridian Hotel Bar 1/2/46 amobtXximrxMall 342A LIQUOR LICENSES 164 Book Page Application of Meier Held for service bar held up 1/2/46 23 342A Floridian Hotel and Boulevard Hotel granted licenses 1/16/46 23 352 Granted Towers Hotel, Club Tahitian and Life Bar 2/6/46 23 386 Hilary Yocum, J. C. Kimball and L. A. Wyatt's liquor applications filed contrary to zoning - no action 2/20/46 23 409