Liquor_April 1935 to March 1936_Igall2E1 Paddock Bar granted Liquor license 4/3/35 13 355 Ordinance on control and licensing of liquor establishments to be prepared. 6/19/35 13 452 Ben Cohen & E.A.Woolfe urged that music be allowed in bars 7/17/35 13 494 Ord. #391 regulating and licensing sale of liquor -emergency 7/17/35 13 Lincoln Rd.Assn.objects to bars on Lincoln Rd. 7/17/35 13 507 Book Page 495 LIQUOR 4. Book Page Ilussell Thompson objects to issuance of liquor licenses for establishments on 41st Street & 8/14/35 14 39 also night clubs Form of ordinance presented prohibiting sidewalk sale of liquor 8/14/35 14 41 presented by Mr.Burbridge 1st and 2nd Readings of Ordinance prohibiting sale of liquor on Lincoln Road (presented to Mr.Burbridge) 8/14/35 14 41 LIQUOR . 5. Book Page Mr. Shepard instructed to prepare form of Zoning Ordinance regulating sale of liquor in Miami Beach 8/14/35 14, 42 Lincoln Road. Patio Bldg. restaurant proprietor urges that he be allowed to serve wines and liquors 8/21/35 14 52 A.J.Ullian and Atty.Wm.J.Dunn urge that liquor be permitted to be sold on Lincoln Rd. 8/21/35 14 52 Hearing set for Sept.18,1935 on liquor applications 9/4/35 14 90 LIQUOR x 6. Book Page Proof of Publishing notices on liquor applications Sept.18,1935 14 93 5 objections filed to Mother Kelly's at 1405 Dade Blvd. Sept.18,1935 14 94 Consideration and decision of City Council on all applications filed prior to Sept.6th,1935 9/18/35 14 101 (See minutes for those granted and those refused) Clerk to -notify property owners on linen . wi h re erence5 to zoning14 103 for liquor LIQUOR Service Bar for Nunnally's on Lincoln Road requested. 7. Book Page 9/30/35 14 114 J. Marquette Phillips requests permission for service bar on 41st St. 9/30/35 14 114 Ullian's ask permission to maintain their package store on Lincoln Road. Arthur Pancoast asks per- mission r lackage ore at Pancoast Hotel Drug Store 9/30/35 14 114 9/30/35 14 114 LIQUOR 8. Book Page Rev, Elisha King protests against sale of Liquor in Patten Bldg. on Lincoln Road. 9/30/35 14 114 Summary of questionaires sent to Lincoln Road property owners presented by City Clerk. 9/30/35 14 115 Changes approved in Liquor Zoning Ordinance. 10/2/35 14 116-7 Request made for Liquor Package Store in Patten Bldg. on Lincoln Rd_. 10/2/35 14 117 LIQUOR M 9. Book Page Liquor license granted to Tropical Grill 10M/35 14 132 r Liquor Zoning Ord. #402 passed final reading 10716/35 14 135 Discussion on Liquor Zoning Ordinance 10/16/35 14 135 Hearing held on applicattons advertised 10/16/35 14 135 Beer & WINE[ermits authorized 10/17/35 14 151 LIQUOR 10. Book Page Hotel Embassy granted liquor license 10/17/35 14 152 Nat'l Liquor Store '655 Wash. Ave. 10/17/35 14 152 Dade Pharmacy denied license 14 152 10/17/35 Harry E. Jacobs (Mannies) granted liquor license 10/17/35 14 152 J.Marquette Phillips granted liquor license 10/17/35 14 152 Oasis granted liquor license 10/17/35 14 152 LIQUOR lle Book Page 4 Aces, Gallagher's Inc., Pancoast Hotel Drug Store and Village Tavern applications deferred 10/17/35 14 152 Ullians Drug Store application to sell liquor granted 10/17/35 14 152 Interibretation of liquor ordinance by Inspector objected to by Council- man Childers 10/23/35 14 160 %ropical Grill liquor license re- funded 10/25/35 14 161 Granting of Gallagher's liquor license urged 10/30/35 14 166 LI UOR 12, Book Page Nat'l Liquor Stores given permit to change name of concern to Nat'l Package Store 10/30/35 14 167 Beer and wine permits authorized. 10/30/35 14 170 Amendment to Liquor zoning ord. passed lst & 2nd Readings 10/30/35 14 170 Hearing held on applications advertised 11/6/35 14 172 Gallagher's Inc.granted liquor . license 11/6/35 14 172 LIQUOR 3rd Reading Ord. #406, amending Liquor Zoning Ord. to permit sale of liquor in golf club houses 11/6/35 Book Page 14 177 Fefund of Liquor License fee ordered to J.Marquette Phillips 11/7/35 14 179 Beer and Wine permit granted to A. Schwarzkopf ®Royal Deli. 11/7/35 14 180 Liquor Permit granted 4 Aces "®' '114 180 " Village T for one year only ���7/-55 14 180 13, LIQUOR 14. Book Page Liquor licensee granted to Nautilus Hotel,Lagorce Golf Club House and -Bayshore-Golf Club 11/7/35 14 180 S.H.Braznell to pay additional fee before eon 1deratton -ice made of application 11/7/35 14 180` -Henry's Dining-Rooni granted--permlt- to_sell liquor 11/7/35 14 180 Walker-Skagseth Food Store granted permit to sell liquor 11/7/35 14 180 Blackstone Hotel -granted permit for liquor 11/7/35 14 180 LIQUOR 15. Book Page Carter Catering Co.deniedermit to sell liquor 11/7/35 T.W.Tub Palmer granted liquor permit 11/7/35 14 180 Betty's Grill granted permit 11/7/35 14 180 Buck. _Grundy's_granted permit 11/7/35 14180 A. B. Wolfe urged that music be allowed in bars. ' 11/13/35 14 182 LIQUOR 16. Book Page Att'y. Wm. J. Dunn urges that license,. he granted "Four Aces at 1111 Dade Boulevard. 11/13/35 14 188 Carter Catering Co. granted permit to sell liquor. 11/15/35 14 192 Four Aces granted permit to sell liquor. 11/15/35 14 193 BEER & WINE permits authorized 11/1535 14 193 1st & 2nd reading of Ordinance limiting liquor licenses to be issued. 11/15/35 14 193 LIQUOR 17. 1st & 2nd reading of Ordinance permitting music in barrooms. 11/15/35 14 194 Liquor Package Store license granted Liggett Drug Co. at 1102 Lincoln Road. 11/18/35 14 195 Private Club license for salw of liquor was granted to Beach Cabana Club at 4323 Collins Ave. 11/18/35 14 195 Beer & Wine permits authorized. 11/18/35 14 195 LIQUOR 18 Book Page Liquor licenses granted to Nunnally Co. and Palm Bar & Hackneys 11/20/5 14 199 Beer & Wine permits granted to Cook's Casino and White Rose Market 11/20735 14 199 Pancoast Hotel Drug Store application to sell liquor considered 11/29/35 14- 218 Pancoast, Hotel DrugStore application again discussed 12/4/35 14 219 .Redonsideration of PaddooklInc.liquor license urged 12/4/35. 14 219 LIQUOR 19. Book Page 13 applications for li uor license hearing held 12 4/35'. 14 220 • 13 beer and wine licenses granted 12/4/35 14 220 12 liquor applications heard on 12/4 considered-- 12/6/35 - 14 -2-36_ R.D.Budd-(Pancoast Hotel Orin-S-torerY denied license 12/6/35 14- 230 Paddock,Inc. file amended application for liquor license 12/6/35 14 230 Hearing set i`or Dea.1$,1935 on Lincoln Road aonintt for lianor i2/6/'3S 'IA --JUL— LIQUOR 20. Boot Page 3 Beer and wine permits granted to Venetian Docks,Leon's,Inc. & Geo. E. Shelton 12/11/35 14 233 Paddock,Inc. request for liquor & night club permits denied 12/11/35 14 233 Tabulation of replies on package liquor stores on Lincoln Road 12/18/35 14 237 Liquor licenses to be denied any property 33 fronting or abutting on Lincoln Rd.42/18/35 14 7 bmonin Farm Produce Market granted eer & wine permit 12/18/35 14 238 LIQUOR 21. Book Page -5 Liquor Applications heard & granted ie.,Everglades Cafe & Rest.,Herman11s Bar, -Se-aSpray Club, Olney Inn of Fla. -Max 8.lverberell.B.Kennel Club) 12/18/35 14 239 3rd Beading._Ordinanee_.permittinR music in bars until 11:00 o'clock P.M. lost upon roll call 12/18135 411- 239 -- let & 2nd Readings Ordinance permitting music in bars until 12:00 P.M. 12/18/35 14 240 Hear�g Yre1�-o2r#�a.mations , ie. Beach & Tennis Club,Charley s Paddock Grille,Inc. -Dixie Tavern & Oceanic Gardens 12/23/35 11. 243 LIQUOR Y 22. Book Page Beer _&___wine_parnatauthoriz_ed_ to Belmonte Restaurant & Strath -Haven Hotel -12723/35 lk-- -21t4- 6Liquor permits granted -Alamac Bar _&__Grill_rFleetwood-Ho-tel-Hangar -Bar- Fleetwood. Hotel Continental Bar and Dine Prope-r-tie-C-Ino. and. Curleystand Ikntoluvlalla_ifenios____ 1/6/36 ii254__ 9 permits granted for beer and wine 1/8/36 14 295- -Beer and-w-ine-permits-authorized- to Tauopaat Hotel Drug Store, Brass Rail an a Breeding's Drug Store 1/15/56 14 269 .141112,L. 23. Book Page Liquor permits granted Deauville Hotel, Morris Bros.Inc. and Atlantis Hotel 1/15/36 14 270 Beer and wine permit granted Evelyn Raynor -1/29/36 14 283 Liquor licenses granted Minsky's Bar, El Patio, Wofford Hotel -and Palm Is" land Club - -- _1/29/36 14 2S4.____ Pickwick Club ask for liquor license onlCalub" basis 1/29/36 147 284 LIQUOR 3rd Reading Ord. #416 permitting mudio-in bars until midnight -1/29136- 24. Book Page 114- 2g6 ----E-4,-.-Woolfe-asks-extensiorr-to closing time for bars_2j5/36 14 247 --The-Park-Ave..-and .The Whitman Hotel granted liquor licenses 2/5/36 14 289 Beer ligenses granted. Romanols and Harry's Market 2/5/36 14 no PlidmiokLIAquor.applioation hearing -held - no action 249/36 -1:4- 296 25. Book Page Six applications for beer and wine licenses granted to: Dutch Stand, Nem--Je rs e - - Jack Sheridan,Bernstein's Jewish Home Tooking, Walker-Ska Seth Fold -r�e-s-,ln G. 2/19/36 111- _296 4 Beer and wine permits authorized to: Boardwalk, Welnkles, Pig Trail Inn, -and 11-. .- harmaoy --2/26/36--- 14 313 Sa1P of liquor in moving picture thAa- tres prohibited - Ordinance No.420 passed 3 readings 3/6 14 316