Liquor_March 1936 to August 1937 (Handwritten Notes)LIQUOR 2 beer and wine permits granted - Atlantic Pharmacy and Graves Tharm-acy- 3/1� X36 26 Book Pages_ 336 Causeway Market granted beer and -wine license 3/25/36 Application of Rod and Reel Club for permit -to sell beer &-wine to be considered '1/1/36 I115411 -0 o G-- Pge_ ge- t -ted bee and wine permit 4/8/ b _ 1.68 14 379 LIQUOR 27. Book Page 12th_St.___Bar_Andatrills grante& beer and wine permit 4/29/36 IA 407 Parkway___Go.Inc.rpplication for beer and wine permit tabled 5/6/36 14 41E4 Ardhiels Soda Shop granted beer and wine permit4 44o 57-2o7-36 1 -Max GodmanCo11ina Ave .Market appl ins tinn for be-er-permit-table4- -lat-&---2nd-Readinga Ord. ligRag #391 14 44o prohibiting sale of liquor for consump- tion on pre -titers 2001 from private schools 8-19-16 1q 70 • 2g. Book Pale lst & 2nd Readings Ord. Amending Ord. #391 defining "Blocker 8-21-36 15 812 let & 2nd Readings Ord. limiting one kind of liquor establishment to a block 8--2i-36 1-5 -g 2 3rd reading -Ord. --defining Block - --- Ord. #_'I3 9-2-36 15_ 101 -3rd--Beading-Ord. #439 limiting one - kind -of -liquor establishment to b1ook 9-2-36 15 101 .3rd Redding Ord.#440 prohibiting -bares ---200!.-from. -n rivat.e. scala- A-2 15 1020 - vI Q,UOR 29. Book Page Council_tentative approval of Abe Katz new liquor store (Pkg) 9-16-36 15 12th St.Bar & Grille granted beer &, wine permit 4-29-36 14 407 Arehie's Soda31iop ranted beer & wine permit 5-20-36 14. 440 J. S.ias &Red Cap, Inc. granted beer &-wine--liiien-se 3 9-16-36___ 15 134 Harry's Rest.,Surfside & Hotel Pharmacy granted beer permits 9-30-36 15 155. LIQUOR 30. Book Page _ Councilman Burbridge offers ordinance to prohibit any liquor sales on Lin- --coln Road ----1st and 2nd readings - 9 -30-36 15 15g Councilman Burbric9ge offers resolution prohibiting any additional bars on Miami Beach, Fla. 9-30-36 15 15ge (does not pass) -Derby_ Bar app]Ac =-to-be adver- tised for hearing 9-30-36 15 160 Lincoln Road 1tq»or applications___ordered. renewed upon application 10-7-36 15 160 LI 3:. Book Page 6 liquor licenses granted -far 1936-37 10-7-36 15 161 v _ 7 liquor applications adverti$ed for 0ct,21 considered 10-21-36 15 177 Issuance of liquor license to Forge Club and Marquette Phillips arguee - lo -?1 -3b 15 Liquor license to Patten Bldg.loca- tion discussed- can not be issued Alat21/36 177 15 179 LIQ110R 32. Book Page Liquor licenses granted 5 O'clock Club -21 ,22nd 3t. , Derby 'Bar ,Sam. F. Friend; A1!s Package Store,Nat' l Pack. Store 10-21-36 15 191 Liquor_Licenses denied Saltine Cock tail Bar and Deauville Beach Club 10-21-3& 15 1 Liquor licenses granted tE.L.Patten, -Braznel- Hote1- &-Teck-Bar 11=4-36 15 204 _Liquor.__licenses ranted Picadilly -- luh Stage & Screen & om Heeney 11-4-315 209 Lours -Sar -granted -liquor license 11-12-36 ___ —15 _ _21:9__— LIQUOR 33. Book Page Discussion on issuance of Liqu_cir license to J.M.Phillips & Andrew Bruno -at -432 -W -A -1st St. 11/12f36 15 220 Liquor license authorized issued to above /1/12736 15 220- -- Fan & Billts,Inc.granted liquor license 11/18/56-- 15 232 LeRoy Villas Hotel -permit refegred to City Manager 11/18/3 15 Liquor licenses granted. LeRoy Hotel, Marine -Te-rrace--Bar-&Jeok Ilemps-e-yis 12/3/36 15 275 LIQUOR M 34 Book Page 1st & 2nd readings Ord. amending Ord. #391 as to hour of closing bars 12-16-36- 15 -289 1st & 2nd readings Ord.amending Ord. -#391 as to music n ars 12-1 15 289_ Liquor licensesrant d to Gatti Restau- rant, Blackstone Bar Roadside Reser 12_, 6_36 — 15 �91- Attri0arla:nd-Bud& protests t -o-- passage of ordinance increasing closing hour - f -%ars and muse In bars 1-6-37 15 317 LIQUOR 35. Book Page 3rd Reading Ord. #-7 Increasing closing hour of bars to 3 A.M. o 16=-37 15 317 3-6' 3rd Reading Ord. #471 increasing hour for music in bars to 1 A.M. 1-6-37 15 314 rlede Hotel,Thwaites Shore House and Tides Cocktail Bar. 1.=6-37 15 329 granted liquoili ease - Moreyfts Bar granted_liquo-r- license 2-17-37 398 LIQUOR 36. Book Page Liquor license granted to SunHoy Restaurant (M.J.Gilroy) 3-17-37 15 444 Liquor license refunds authorized to Stage & Screen Bar and John L. Patten 3-17-37 15 444 Beer and wine permit granted Fredls Bar 4-3-37 15 495 \\ Applications for liquor licenses presented by Wm. Rubin and Harold J. Basso in locations zoned/against 16 $3 same. 4/21/37 LIQUOR 37. Book Page Application for license made by Benj. Cohen for client for Circus Bar for year 1937-1938 5/5/57 16 64 Liquor license granted to the Coconut Grove, Inc. 5/19/37 16 97 Beer & Wine license granted to Sun Cut Rate Drug Co. 6/7f37 16 136 Action deferred on application of Jordan M. Cohan for .iqudi1.' license 16 136 LIQ,UOR • 3g. Book Page 1st reading of Ord. doubling license fees. 6/16/37 16 138 Beer and Wine license granted to Schiff's Kosher Market. 6/16/37 16 144 Liquor license granted to Jordan M. Cohan. 6/16/37 16 145 3rd and final reading of Ord.#488 doubling license fees. 7/7/37 16 177 LIQUOR 39 Book Page Liquor license granted to "Trodadero" - 1111 Dade Blvd. for 1937-1938 season. 7/7/37 16 182 Liquor permit requested for new Fassa Restaurant at 41st St. and Prairie Ave. Denied. 7/21/37 16 190 License to sell beer and wine granted to "Sugar Bowl" and Baer°s market. 7/21/37 16 191 Oceanic Gardens granted liquor license 1937®38 Aaaann 8-4-37 16 20g