Lummus Park Recreationnal Center_May 1931 to May 1950LUMMUS PARK RECREATIONAL CENTER SEE - OCEAN FRONT AUDITORIUM (Name changed 3-17-5)4) LUMMUS PARK 2. BOOK,PAGE Petition of Ocean Drive property owners between 8th & 9th Sts. 6101ndsoaping 11 36 1 Above improvement again requested 6-331 11, 55 Alden Freeman compliments City on appear- ances of 6-3-31 11, 67 Re:present deed to Lummus Park which contains reversionary clause 6/28/33 12, 95 New form of deed presented 6/28/33 12, 95 Council accepts new deed a 12, 95 Mayor & Clerk authorized to sign new Agreement Deed to Lummus Park g/7/33 12, 118 LBS PARS 3. Book Page Assignment of Contract covering use of Lummus Park in commercial ,__to J.N. Lummus- and --E. L. Stapp --- _5/13/36 14 43g J. N. Lummus proposed-_ to _construct_ batherss parking spaces_in Lummus Park. 7/28/37 16 202 _ Communication from Lummus & Stapp offer- ing to sell all rights in Lummus Park --for $15,000-.00 12,-3-N- 16- -435-- City --- City Manager to negotiate for final settlement on above 12-3-37 16 -435- LUMMUS PARK 4 Book Page City Mgr. authorized to build fence on north boundary line of Lummus -Park -- 1-4-39 17 X33 Mr. Renshaw reports fence or wall not yet built in Eum 2-1-39 17 19 APPr • of $2,000, made for whiteway system in Lummus Park 11-20-40 19 414 LULUS PARK 5 Book Page Letter from Stapp & Lummus offering to sell all title in Lummus Park for -a tety 1_5_38 } 16S7 - Mr.Renshaw instructed to install —showers rd drinking fountains in - __Lummus Park___ 12-6-39 18 406 •uncil authorize ---use of strip in _ aimmr a Park _for erection_ of searchlight by U. S. Army 10/28/42 21 454 LULIMUS PARK Aaron Courshon asks for better illumination and some recreational facilities 12/15/48 27 240 Aaron Courshon's request for lighting and walks in Lummus Park taken under advisement 1/5/49 27 272 6 Book Page Council defers action on Aaron Courshon's request for improvements to park 1/19/49 27 382 Signs indicating name of park to be replaced 4/6/49 28 23 Lt1MMUS PARK 7 Book Page Request of Aaron Courshon that City allocate $30,000 in 1949-50 budget for lighting park is granted 7/20/49 28 251 Council awards contract for ornamental lighting of Lummus Park to Astor Electric Company 10/5/49 28 447 Council authorizes ex- penditure of $800.00 to aid in expediting lighting project 10/5/49 28 447 LU'MMUS PARK Council authorizes expenditure of $300.00 in connection with Lummus Park 8 Book Page lighting celebration 12-21-49 29 104 City Attorney explains terms of the title under which the amity now holds Lummus Park in reply to objection to commercial use of park 5-10-50 29 346 Citizens protest commer- cialization of park 5-10-50 29 346