"M" Miscellaneous_April 1938 to April 19411111° NISCEILDANEOUS 25. Book Page Merlin Kosher Market granted 'beer andwinepermit 4-6-38 Tr- 92 M. B. BowlimuAlleys grantea_permit for Neon sign 4-20-38 17 112 M.B.Radio & Cab urge settlement of taxi rates and stands 5-18-38 17 161 Moore -Frances X. application for tmmr-peruit held up 5-25=38 IT 163 Mannheimer Private School Permit -tor 193$-39 held up 5-25-38- 17 163 °M" MISCELLANEOUS Monte Carlo Bar granted liquor license 6_3 26. Book Page 17 173 Mack, W. C. files liquor ap li pati on for 7135 011ins Ave. 6-8-38 17 175 Mack, W. C. files another liquor ap- plication for 7135 Colls.Ave. 8-3-38 17 238 Miami Beach Baptist Church request permit to operate nursery class 8--17-38 17,248 M. B. Fish, Inc. - granted fish market permit ---17 256 "M' MISCELLANEOUS 27. Book age Miss Mac's School granted permit for 1938-39 season -9-7-38 17 267 MannheimerScbool granted 1938-39 season permit 9-7-38 17 267 Miller, Irving -granted package liquor license 9-7-38 17 275 Martin's Drug Store granted beer and wine license 10-26-38 17 313 Morris_Brothers granted liquor license for STRAND Rest. 10-26-38 17 313 St£ Li _gf/g / maad o .aagmnu paseaao • • •, uBm�ouno� tit £ OtC LT sa.Tmaad eaTtj-aoj pum Tag. jo aactmnu eonpea off, tTounoo saran - urestsxaeyl e98d Moog RC/6/TT asueoTT eupt puB .za e q po . rea2 dohs a xyg s i daaR R6/TT e2uea L10110.1e aoJ 4pmaa d pa Tua p sq.z3T M TV /il/tT $vTmxed 6C K6i pa4uva2 aeIToa aoTunr•gli V oTsnyi Jo e2eTTo0 t(Oag 'CUMIN SnOZAI' TMOSIN uYlu "M'° MISCELLANEOUS t. 29 Book Page Murray*s Rest. and MANAS Famous Del. & West.granted beer and nse 17 3 M.B.Tennis Club request permit to cons ruc ennis cour s on •ts ,2 ---aid 3-,-Blk.53,-ogee-d--Sub-dn,11/16/38 17 347 lMvther---Kelley-'-s- granted night club 11/16/38 1'7 3148 Mechlow,Joseph —makes application for Morieghem4 J.—granted 11/16/38 17 349 parking lot permit 11/23/38 17 366 -11-ens-e--i n q 71 t -.-area------- "M" MISCELLANEOUS 3O Book Page Miami Beach __Jitney Corp protest creation of new Jitney line 11/30/38 17 367 rami B is Club grant d permit to construct tennis courts and operate parking lot 12/1/38 17 371 )Li r -- a ry iv a ;per°mit to—operate taxi stand 12/8/38 17 394 Mother Kelley* s Bar noises complained of 12/8/38 17 395 Iulark a; Sam-regu e s t for -bus -permit referred to City Mgr. 12/21/38 17 444 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 31 Book Page Mack,Wm.-granted transfer of liquor license from El Patio Rest. 12/21/38 17 413- -Miller, Harry - granted Certificate _of Public Convenience & Necessity- 1-39-M-.B.ditney Assn. rul-esermit 17 446 to reroute their south beach buses to 8th St. 1-18-39 - 17 -446 Mi-rrskyl s Must° Halrgran t ed licenR 1-1E -3} 17 451 Marine Restaurant granted beer and 462 wine lia17ense 2-1-39 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 32 Book Page Marine Tavern bar noises com- plained of by John B.Reid 3/1/39 — 17 4g6 -Mitchell-, Gus $200.040 appr-o-.- priate8 for funeral expenses 18-6 3 Maurice, Robt. given permit for shoe repair shop at 1661 Meridian Avenue 5/17/39- 18 77 Ma,ioranlSaTvat re -requests shoe rep -air -shop permit for 710-5th-ft. t. 18 132 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 33• Marine Terrace Hotel, Inc. (John B. Reid, Pres.) given liquor license 7/5/39 18 135 Miami Orange Bowl Committee --------- -- ----- request appropriation of 57000 7-19-39 1€- 163 _Miami Drum & Bugle Corps request for appropriation denied 7-26-39 18 176 Minekey's Burlesque Show not to be licensed on Miami Beach 7-26-39 18 177 "M" MISCELLANEOUS #34 Book Page At ty 411ms . M. Moon--regne ts--change in Zoning Ord.to specify minimum num- ber of cubic -feet in homes in Biscayne Point 8-2-39 18 183 'Murray, E. L. liquor application con- sidered by Council(action withheld) 8-2-39 -1187— Murray , E. L-. granted liquor -perm -it -for - 922 iquor--perm-itfoz922 Lincoln Road -7-39 18 192 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Page Mary's & Mack's Bar seek liquor license - no action 10-4-39 18 290 Milburn Hotel granted parking lot permit for S Lot 19 and all of -Lot-20 Blk.57, Fisher' s10-4-39 18 291 _Miller, Peter Hotel granted parking lot permit subject to waivers and final approval of at?. Mgr. 10/4/39 18 291 MOTHER KELLEY'S granted night club permit ------m/5-139 18. 31-- MISCELLANEOUS 3b Book Page Miss Mac's School granted permit -providing she -regulations 10/5/39 18 315 Mmeel_Ancirew_grantedliquor license at 600 Fifth St. 10/18/39 18 32g M.B.Servioe Station Assn. complain of transients washing and polishing automobiles 11/1/39 -46- 348 Morcur,Lew-granted night club TiCense forold.Nineties 11/1/39 18 352 MARY & MAC'S BAR granted liqmor 300mme_ . „_. . 11/1/39 18 353 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 37 Book Page Mary's & Mac's granted liquor —license 11-1-39 18 353 Harry Martz application for parkin lot permit referred to City Mgr.11/3/39 18,364 Mercur,Lew ® granted liquor license - -for NUT CLUB 11/16/39 1a---- 384 --Martz,Harry granted parking lot on - -Lot--1, B1k. 8, Ocean- Beach -U/161N- 18 390 Miami Trans.Co. ask for additional bus permits - denied 12/6/39 ig 446 ; J Morrieo s. - grant eek-parkin�Iat---. -emit-at 14th Lane & Ocean Dr °12/6/39 l& 407_ "M" MISCELLANEOUS 38 Book Page M.B.Travel Bureau granted Travel Bureau license 1/17/14.0 18 444 __._Monroe Towers Dining Room granted beer and wine license 1/17/40 18 444 Mechlow, Joe - agreement with Twin_ City Motor Co. reported to Council Molinari, Jane R. & Frank offer -18 2 to purchase portion of Lot 1S,B1k.36, -Ocean Front Prop.M BSI o -2/21/40 1S 503 _ Git A tyre dere opinion on –4mwa or win tGity controversy 3/6/40 19 4 0M0;xi SCELLANEouS 39 Book Page Molinari, Jane R. & Frank,Jr. offer to purchase portion of Lot 18, Blk.36,0.F.Prop. 4/3/40 (Accepted) 19 52 A.J.Miles- April 1st estimate on Flamingo Park office building 4-3-40 19 66 Bid of John T.Maple returned unopened for baseball field lighting system 4-8-40 19 74 Purchase of early Miami each photo- gr'hs from C. C. MATLACK authorized 5/15/40 19 113 "Mn MISCELLANEOUS 40 Book Page M cKennedy,R.J. case - City agree they have no responsibility to family 5-15-40 19 129 of man Magic Bar granted beer and wine licenses 6/19/40 Muir,Wm.W.seeks permit to construct fishing pier at foot of Biscayne St. G/19/40 19 174 Mannhe ime-r-Sc r an to -pri--at e school permit for 19 0-41 7/26/40 19 201 "Mn MISCELLANEOUS 41. Book Page Mills Rock Co. awarded contract for pit rock on Collins Ave. Improvement 9/W4O 19 301 Mills rock Co. awarded pit rock contract on Bay Road improvement 9/25/40 19 301 Mechlowitz, J. - asks permit to put 2 of his cars on Venetian Line 10/2/0 19 309 Martin, Harry - granted:permit for --private beadh and ca ana club at 17th and Collins .tater. 10-2-40 19 30( "M'° MISCELLANEOUS 42. Book Page Margaret Ann Market granted beer and wine license 10/2/40 19 314 Miljean Hotel request permit to erect sign on City property 1019/40 19 323 -Mansion OperatingCo.granted permit to operate -parking lot--on-Lots 16- to 20, Blk.29,Fisher's 1st Sub. 10/16/40 19 353 - M—accF-adden Hotel given permission -to remodel hotel to include cocktail lounge 10-16-40 --- 19---- 354-------- _o.ther Kelley's grantpd night club 10-21-40 19 363 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 43` Book Page Martin, Harrry- ranted permit for operation o private e , eek -, • M.B.I.Co. Ocean Front 10-23-4U 19 370 Mechl ow, os.- a mit op his cars on jitney lines 10-23-40 11 370 mibt4p, Harry - permit revoked for construction of cabanas at 17th St. and- ecean— 11-134Y 19 —401 —Margaret Mar_ke 659 Wasii.A-ve-, granted beer and wine permit Manas, Louis - granted ber1 and wine 19 410 license at 655 Collins Ave. 11-20-40 19 416 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 44 Book Page Martin, Harry - again given permit for cabana club at 17th St. & Ocean 11-20-40 19 422 Mansion Operating Co.denied per4it for beach club on ocean 11-20-40 19 422 erkins truc d to pay for employees car parking season of 1939-40 11-27-40 19 428 Miami Hurricane iven ad for [Iou�ecoirlilig edition - 35.00 11/27/4Q 19 430 Maxine Hotel granted parking lot per11/27/40 19 433 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 45 Book Page Morris Bros.granted parking lot permit- 11/27/40 Miaml Chamber of Commerce ask M.B. 19 434 to have representative at meeting to discuss establishment of joint office in Washington, D.C. (Wolfson to re- present City of M.B. 11/27/40 19 443 H.Miller transfers taxi permit to Century Cab 12/4/40 19 443 Martin Harry - granted parking lot -permit at 17th andtaollins;also instructed structedh 0 i3 _E flj 2�` i7 l9 479 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 46 Book Page— Miami Beach Mirror granted Xmas ad in their paper 12/16/40 19 480 Mitchell lours grani-pd travel bureau license 12/24/40 Martz, Harry - granted parking Lot, E2 Lot 1, Blk.8,0.B. 1741 20 6 19 493 Meyer, Chas. & Martha - give easement on -Lot 9, Blk.18, Palm view Subdn. Mechlowitz,Rabbi depu-1/22/41 20 21 tized to enforce Kosher Ord. 1/22/41 20 23 Jacob Miller denied per t o sell handmade boats on Beach 1/29/41 20 31 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 47 Book ---P-ag_e Miami Jewish Funeral Home denied permit for funeral—home on Alton Road between llth and 12th 2/5/41 20 33 =shier, Wm.T.E. files application for liquor package store at 71st __anc] Collins Ave. 2/5/41 20 34 Mi -ami Beach—TraveI—Bureau granted travel bureau license 2/5/41 20 42 Miami Beach Times designated for publication of Delinquent 1940 City taxes —2/12/41 20 64 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 40 Book Page Marsa,Mr.John - complains of docking of "Gar -Reed Sightseeing-Bbat at Wofford-Hot-el-pack 3/19/41 20 113 err c os mas er a si tors to Postmasters Convention,June 6th, 1TEand 8th. 6/19/41 Miami Parts & Spring Co. denied 20 117 permit for wholesale store on Alton - -Road 3outh of 15th7-St. 3/19/41- 20 131 M.B.Radio Cab Co.and White Line Cab Do.transfer permits to Segal,WM.4A/41 20 133 "M1 MI.BEZLLANEOUS Advertisements in M. 3. Tropics authorized 49 Book Pagc -20- 141h M. B. News asks for ad 4/2/41 26 152 Maule Industries awarded contract —Por furni Shing stone -on storm __sewer pro j ectL___Colina_ Canal to 15th Street) 4/16/41 20 178 Marks, Morris - awarded contract for demolition of buildings thn Lots 6,7 & 8, 4/25/41 20 141