"M" Miscellaneous_January 1945 to March n1948"M" Miscellaneous 75. Book Page Michael Mersel granted refund of 425 for cigar stand license 1/3/45 22 462 Miramar Restaurant granted beer and wine licensee 1/17/45 22 465 Mary &Mack's granted liquor license 2/21/45 22 4g2 Miami Women's Golf Assn. asks to play on Normandy Isle course without charge - referred to City Manager 5/2/45 23 60 Miscellaneous 76. Book Page D. Richard Mead urges Council to name Bay Shore Golf Course for late Carl G. Fisher 5/2/45 23 61 Michel°s granted beer and wine license 6/20/45 23 129 Mel's Food Center (Brickman) granted beer & wine license 7/18/45 23 155 Martin's Liquor Store granted liquor license 9/5/45 23 208 "M" Miscellaneous 77. Book Page Beer and wine application for The Maraton referred to City Attorney 9/19/45 23 220 Request of Miami Beach Times for ad referred to Public Relations Advisory Committee 10/3/45 23 233 The Miramar and Mama's Hungarian Restaurant granted beer and wine licenses 10/17/45 23 248 Mother Kelly's objects to change of liquor zoning to permit bar in Gulf Stream Yacht Club 11/7/45 23 264 "M" Miscellaneous 78. Book Page The Maraton granted beer and wine license 11/7/45 23 264 Miami Beach Marine Basin, Inc. given permit for boat lift Liquor licenses granted Monroe Towers Hotel, Mermaid Lounge and Miami Shore Restaurant 11/745 23 278 12/5/45 23 319 "M" Miscellaneous Council moves to advise owners of property on which MESS HALLS were built that those constructed in violation of Building Code must be torn down 1/22/46 Mercantile Bank Building and new building to south to be connected by bridge over alley 2/6/46 Liquor license granted Mexicana Bar 3/2o/46 23 455 79 Book Page �3 373 23 404 "M" Miscellaneous_ 80 Book Page Council_denies request of Miami Edison Kadettes for financial aid in connection with trip to Washington 4/17/46 24 37 Martha's Coffee Shop granted beer and wine license 5/1/46 24 49 The Maraton granted beer and wie license 5/1/46 24 49 Res. #6018 passed commending Col. Louis A. Merillat, Jr. A. C. 5/15/46 24 88 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Miami Beach Airline Service asks Council to endorse proposed aero'car service to 36th Street Airport 5/15/46 24 91 Res. #6020 endorsing application of M. B. Airline Service before State Railroad Commission for permit for aero car service to 36th St. Airport 5/15/46 24 91 81 Book Page "M" MISCELLANEOUS 82 #6024 Book Page Res. passed, rescinding Res. #6020' endorsing application of M. B. Airline Service before the State Railroad Commission for aero car service to the 36th Street Airport5/16/46 24 100 Gardner Mulloy's request for $500 appropriation for tennis tournaments is referred to Pub. Relations Advis. Com. 6/5/46 24 107 Beer license granted Martin's Sea Food Restaurant 6/19/46 24 135 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 83 Book Page Liquor license granted Rendale Cocktail Bar, 6/19/46 24 135 Application of M. B. Boat Corp. for permit to con- struct 60 ft. wharf is refer- red to City Manager 7/17/46 24 188 Maurice's Restaurant and Monroe Towers Cocktail Bar granted liquor licenses 807/46 24 234 Request of MIAMI CITIZEN for Labor Day ad referred,to Pub. Relations Advisory Committee 8/7/46 24 235 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 84 Book Page John Miskoff asks for 5 ft. setback on Lots 13-18, Blk. 7 and Lots 1-6, Blk. 8, Normandy Beach South - Council amends zoning ordinance coming on for 3rd reading to provide for this change 8/7/46 24 244 Miami Beach Boat Corp. given permit for timber wharf 8/7/46 24 254 Liquor license granted Miami Beach Islanders Club 9/4/46 24 273 "M" -MISCELLANEOUS Mardi Gras is granted night club license 9/4/46 Contract for pit rock for Golf Course water reservoir let to Mills Rock Co. 9/18/46 Mardi Gras granted liquor license Monticello Restaurant granted beer and wine license 10/2/46 10/16/46 85 Book Page 24 273 24 301 24 320 24 346 F'M" MISCELLANEOUS 86 Book Page Don McCarthy is appointed on Board of Marine Inspection 10/16/46 24 373 M. B. Bar Association request that license fee for attorneys be reduced to $15.00 - it is referred to City Attorney 11/6/46 24 377 Sammel Matz is reappointed on Public Relations Advisory Committee 11/6/46 24 378 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 87 Book Page Miami Beach Airline Service, Inc, request for permit for loading platform is referred - to City Manager 11/6/46 24 380 Mador's granted beer and wine license 11/6/46 24 380 Council denies claim of Jack Miller in Purdy Avenue accident 11/6/46 24 387 V" MISCELLANEOUS 88 Book Page Miami Beach Marine Basin, Inc. given permit to construct 12 mooring piles 11/20/46 24 397 Monroe Towers Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 11/20/46 24 399 Loyal Order of Moose ask to display an iron lung on street - is referred to Mr. Renshaw with power to act 11/20/46 24 407 "M" MISCELLANEOUS M. B. Water Safety Ass'n. asks for use of city bleachers - referred to Mr. Hice 11/20/46 89 Book Page 24 408 Council again denies request of Loyal Order of Moose to display exhibit of iron lung on streets 12/18/46 24 427 Martinique Hotel asks for change of liquor zoning to permit liquor bar in their hotel - City Attorney is instructed to draw ordinance making change 12/18/46 24 427 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 90 Book Page Isidore Marks' application for permit for marine filling station at 210 Alton Road is denied 12/184+6 24 427 Martinique Hotel granted liquor license 1/2/47 24 452 Harold Malamud's application for private school at 7705 Abbott Ave. is filed and taken under advisement 2/19/47 24 493 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Council denies Harold Malamud's application for private school license for Abbott Gardens Private School 3/5/47 25 2 M. M. Mason of Taylor Construction Co. speaks in connection with request of Henry Hohauser for partial building permit 3/19/+7 25 39 In compliance with court order, Harold Malamud is given permit for private school at 7705 Abbott Ave. 4/2/47 25 81 91 Book Page "TAT" MISCELLANEOUS 92 Book Page Mendelsohn's Ocean Villa granted beer and wine license 5/7/47 25 144 Monroe Towers Rainbow Room granted liquor license 5/7/47 25 145 Miami Beach Marine Basin's request for extension of docks referred to Mr. Renshaw 5/7/47 25 145 Miami Beach Frozen Food Mart granted beer and wine license 5/21/47 25 175 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 93 Book Page Mrs. Frank McDowell's request to operate day nursery at 7135 Byron Avenue is referred to Asst. City Manager 6/11/47 25 203 Marines given permission to use beach in Lummus Park for simulated beach landing show 7/2/47 25 235 John D. Montgomery asks Council to consider continu- ing Lincoln Lane Parking area to Alton Road 7/2/47 25 239 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 94 Book Page Beer and wine license granted Miller's 8/6/47 25 296 Mexicana Bar granted liquor license 8/6/47 25 297 Council appropriates $1,500 toward Marines landing show in Lummus Park 8/20/47 25 327 Mahi Shrine Temple's request for $250.00 appropriation for decorating City Hall for Shrine Convention refer- red to Pub.Rel. Adv. Com. 9/3/47 25 350 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 95 Book Page Mayfair Bridge Club granted beer license 9/3/47 25 351 Council denies Mahi Shrine's request for $250 appropriation for decorations for Shrine Convention 9/19/47 25 385 Res. #6406 endorsing Miami Beach Evening Sun's special "storm edition" 10/1/47 25 415 "M" MISCELLANEOUS 96 Book Page $500.00 appropriated for advertising in Miami Beach Sun -Star "storm edition" 10/15/47 25 425 Mother Kelly's granted liquor license 7,1/5/47 25 453 Marseilles Hotel granted liquor license 11/5/47 25 453 Monroe Towers Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 11/19/47 25 4$0 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Meat Cutters Local asks for relief from fingerpting requirement Meyer, Weiss & Rosen's request that City reimburse them for expenditures in connec- tion with Carstairs zoning suit Monroe Towers Cocktail Lounge granted liquor license 97 Book Page 12/4/47 26 2 12/4/47 12/17/x+7 26 18 26 28 "M" MISCELLANEOUS Miami Beach Boat Corp.'s request for permit to construct timber piles is referred to City Manager Miami Beach Boat Corp. granted permit to extend timber piles Melody, Inc.'s request for reduction in license fee is referred to Mr. Renshaw 1/7/48 1/14/48 2/18/48 98 Book Page 26 46 26 95 26 225 :"M" MISCELLANEOUS 99 Book Page E. Max Goldstein asks that Mayfair Bridge Club be permitted to operate - the matter is referred to the City Manager 2/18/48 26 227 At request of Chas. C. Meyer Council votes to abandon a 10' easement in Biscayne Point and to accept a 5' easement 3/17/48 26 268 Edward Mandell objects to signs on public property along Alton Road 3/17/48 26 269