M. B. Apartment House Owners' Ass'n_December 1931 to December 1955Me B. APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS' ASS' N Committee requests more advertising 12-16-31 1. BOOK,PAGE. 11, 243 Committee request passage of Ordinance re: Soliciting Tenants 3-2-32 11, 286 M.H.Holiingsworth: Change Ordinance re: z h° ltriatcl1erggysaemecting 42iiinesl 286 M. B. APARTMENT ASSOCIATION Book Page Request erection of direction boards 9-30-32 11, 368 Committee appointed to work with City Mgr. on said work. 9-30-32 11, 368 Object to present practice Of park- ing on Ocean Dr. & Collins Ave.12-7-32 11, 450 M.B.Apt. Assn. urge passage of amend, ment to Bldg.noise Ord.setting up date of issuance -of permits for new con- struction to Nov, -15th 2/4/14-2_ 21 171 -i. B.APARTrENT ASSOCIATION 7 Book Page Council agree to send representative from this Assn.to Wash.D.C.to investi— gate rumor of Army Exodus- from M.B. 5/19/43 22 103. __Be.s.of M.B.Apt.Assn.wherein they ap— prove of two mill levy for publicity, same to be reserved for post war adv. 6/16/3 22 13 M.B.A.pt.Fssn. file objection to the granting of homestead exemption to Abe.Polick 7/21/43 22 172 M. B. APARTMENT A5S' N. INC. 4. BOOK PAGE Go on record as objecting to change of zoning on Firestone estate and urge the acquisition of this property for municipal purposes +/5/44 22 311 Ask Council tp petition OPA to ameliorate conditions in apart- ment renting business 6/21/44 22 346 Council instructs City Attorney to draw up resolution for con- sideration at later meeting 6/21/44 22 346 MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASSN. INC. 5. Book Page Resolution read with reference to investigation of possible injustices in OPA 6/28/44 22 353 Delegation of landlords and tenants present 6/2g/44 22 35/$ Melbourne L. Martin represents tenants 6/2g/44 22 355 Army and Navy state their position with regard to OPA 6/2g/44 22 354.5 MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASS ° N. INC. G. Book Page Simon Englander explains Assn. only wishes an investigation to determine if there are injustices in OPA regulations 6/26/44 22 354 He produces statistics taken from Assn. surveys to show percentage of apartment vacancies 672g/44 22 354 Maj. Robarts says not 1 out of 2500 apartments rented to military are available to military for re -renting 22 355 MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASSeN. INC. 7. Book Page Council takes no action on 6/2/44 22 355 resolution Pass resolution favoring creation of separate county for Miami Beach 4/18/45 23 48 Protest action by Council which would give adverse publicity kg to City 2/6/46 23 393 Protest trucks parked on streets at night and on Sundays - referred to Mr. Bice 6/19/46 24 149 M. B. APARTMENT ABS°N. INC 8 Book Page Harry Magid, president presents resolution passed by association pledging members not to raise rents for time being (this followed termination of OPA on July 1) 7/3/46 24 159 Ask Council to ask O.P.A. for relief from present inequalities claimed by landlords - Council takes under advisement 8/7/46 24 255 Object to relaxation of Noise Ordinance regarding heavy construction 12/3/47 25 492 M. B. APARTMENT ASS'N. INC. 9 Book Page Ask that another bond election be called 3/17/48 26 247 Objects to Lock and Key ordinance 10/7/48 27 112 Urges Council to continue fight against rezoning of Firestone estate 10/20/48 27 143 Commends Tom F. Smith 7/20/49 28 271 Files resolution re. use "Miami Beach" in long distance calls 11/2/49 29 16 M. B. APARTMENT ASS'N. INC. 9,1 Book Page Requests that Mortimer Raskin, former member of their organi- zation and member of PRAC be replaced - referred to City Manager for investigation 4-5-50 29 274 Offers resolution urging City to condemn Smith Cottages or to purchase same 7-5-5o 29 466 Endorse recommendation of Chamber of Commerce that auditorium be dedicated to Mr. Renshaw 8-2-50 29 501 MIAMI BEACH APAP NT ASS, 10 Book Page Objections made to portion of proposed ordinance requiring receipts be given for payment of rents for housing accommo- dations 11-15-50 30 174 Asks passage of ordinance prohibiting distribution of handbills 8-1-51 31 427 City Atty. to prepare ordinance re. Nandbills,in line with Association's request 11-21-51 32 200 MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASSN. 11 Book Page Association's communication filed favoring multiple -level parking garages in business and multiple -family zones; also favoring construction of such garages by City to be financed by revenue bonds 5-21-52 33 51 3 resolutions of M.B. Apt Assn filed 4-1-53 34 136 M.B. Apt Assn suggests Council purchase right-of-way for extending 8th St. from Alton Rd. to West Ave. Mr. Lipp to ascertain how much right-of-way should be procured. Bldg. Dept. requested not to issue bldg. permit for 1, iy operty lc 206 MIAMI BEACH APARTMENT ASSN. 12. Book Page Asks stricter enforcement of hot plate ordinance. City Mgr. to make every effort to enforce ordinance 12-21-55 37 494