Masseurs & Sun Bath Operators_July 1934 to January 1950MASSEURS & SUN BATH OPERATORS Book Page Ordinance regulating operators of Sun Baths & Massage Institutions presented 7/5/34 12 474 and 2nd lst/Reading above Ordinance 7/18/34 13 1 3rd Reading above Ordinance #35g 8/1/3+ 13 20 Examining Board of Massage Operators appointed. 10/12/34 13 111 Dr.Jonas J.Brotman appointed to Exam. Board to succeed Dr.Saalfrank 12/3/36 15 277 MASSEURS & SUN BATH OPERATORS Book Page Proposed ordinance amendingMassage ordinance referred to City anager and City Attorney 6/5/11-0 Committee of Councilmen Wolfson and Frink,together with City Manager to study proposed ordinance re: massage operators 6/19/110 19 162 Massage operators seek early passage of new proposed ordinance 10/16/40 19 Massage Board relieved and new board appointed,Dr. Frank Voris,M.D.Fred.Butler, and Capt.W. H. Livingston 11/27/40 19 435 19 138 354 MASSEURS & SUN BATH OPERATORS .3 Book Page Council agree to hold examination for massage operators on Jan.20,1941 1/2/41 20 3 Kay, Rudolph appointed as member of Massage Examining Hoard 5/7/41 20 210 Letters from Massage As n. D-adt O unty ssn. of Natuapatnic .rndysi- objecting to appointment of Rudolph BBoa member ----of Maasage_Ep irk ig Dr. J. Bruce Es lin a 703 ted to serve on Massage Eixami in� ___ City Atty. to prepared eidm-ent to 20 24 Massage Ord.as to application fee refund 10/2/41 20 431 20 -227- MASSEURS & SUN BATH OPERATORS 1st and Ord.358 2nd readings of Ord.amending as to application fee refund 10/4/41 3rd reading of Ord.#609 amending Ord. No. 358 as to application fee refund 10/15/41 Book Page Dr. Sol Selevan appointed member of Massage Examining Board. Massage operators ask that Penny Pence be appointed license inspector to check massage operators. 1/7/42 20 463 20 496 21 45 21 127 MASSEURS & SUN BATH OPERATORS Book Page Dr. Sol Selevan submits resignation to Massage Exathining Board as he has entered army service 10-7-42 21 436 Dr. Randolph Shevach and Mr. Paul Steel appointed to Massage Examining Board 12/2/42 21 473 M. B. Massage Assn. asks for reduction of license fee - referred to City Attorney 1-18-50 29 148