Miami Beach Bay Shore Company_May 1930 to March 1944MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY. Book, Page Allowed refund of portion of 125 Taxes 43$ Objections to Deauville Casino Groins Filed 5-21-30 10, 146 Objections to Fire Station at 63rd Street 15.-31 11, 16 - Request exchange in easement in Blk.31, Lake View Sub. , -324 Offer to sell Bay Shore Golf Course to -City for 4850-,000. 7=15-56 15 17 9i 2 C1�i_ ') JJa c ,L / / i -, eati,Ytt 40", 7 U % .d ?,--ii-e-,(_, , -J414,, / 39, .6 /0 - a. &-,2 a7 tia,-sZte- � .�%aex -Cs-u. , - 7-6=Q 7 7 7 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY Book Page Proposal to pave 41et Street, ;en .. . v -. • v -•P 5, —Flat of Creekvievr Subdivision presented for approval but action withheld 11-3-37 16, 347 Action withheld again on approval Creekvi e_w plat 11-10-37 16, 354 Easement for watermains given City over their property adjacent to Cause- way 2-1 39 17 . 467 Offer to sell 5 acres at south end of Polo Fields to City 4-5-39 1S 24 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE CO. 4 Book Page Permit given M,B.Bay Shore Co. to erect cabanas,comfort station and operate parking lot -for guests of their hotels 1/17/40 18 439 Committee appointed to consider purchase of Bay Shore Golf Course 2/14/40 lg 481 Res.#4923 authorizing agreement with tui. B. Bayshore Co, as to use of foot of Biscayne St.forferry dockage 7/26/40 19, 197 Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. advise in re: street. nds owned b them Cit toinvesti- gte wits reference 'to_ getting t1t18/5/41 20 88 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE CO. Book 5 Page M.B.Bayshore Co. ask for change in zoning in Nautilus Extension 4th and Rwt _ Arri ?, /l Q /dl 20 -115 .+-. p =' • Nautilue Extensi nn Rth suhipet to satisfarstory arrangements h city in re. installing s' ree s : - •ewalks io/6/ 3- 22 188 Asan Finalarrangements reported made with pp ��!! Ur-)Ei bl 11b • B' �mtsnha�n l�af�t� 10/20/43 22 200 MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE CO. Exchanges easement in Indian Creek Sub. (Res. #5720) 3/1/44 Requested in RES. #5722 to give city first right and opportunity to purchase LA GORCE GOLF COURSE when it is offered for sale 3/1/44 6. BOOK PAGE 22 286 22 288