Miami Beach Civil Service Employees' Assn._April to May 1941M. B. �,�" 'G�IVIL SEIIVICE EMELOYEgS ASSN. -'gook Page Letterfrom Above with reference toone -- a-weeof .res ror-employees-loyees- or-Po-ieeT and Lifeguard Departments 4/23/41 20 183 lat and 2nd reading of Ordinance pro- viding for one_lay a week of rest ror 'employees in Police, Fire and Life uuard De- partment s --4/23/41 -20- 184_ Letter of thanks from M.B.Civil Service EmpIoyees 'Assn.thanking --City Council for -providing for a six day workin week for Police, Fire and Life Guard Dept. 5/7/41 20-211-