Miami Beach Exhibition Co._January 1946 to February 1954MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITION CO. 1. Book Page Request use of Flamingo Park ballfiel d by professional baseball team - request referred to Mr. Renshaw 1/16/46 23 352 Council authorizes agree- ment with M. B. Exhibition Co. for use of Flamingo Park ballfield by profes- sional baseball team 1/22/46 23 373 Ask to renew lease on ball park for 3 years - is refer- red to Mr. Renshaw 10/2/1+6 24 315 MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITION CO. 2. Book Page The r enewal of lea��� r�o committee consisting of Messrs. Burbridge, Liberman and Hice, with power to act 10/16/46 24 372 Their request for renewal of lease on the baseball park is granted 10/15/47 25 418 Res. #6510 granting use of baseball field for playing season in 1948 1/28/48 26 160 MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITION CO. 3 Book Page Operation of ball park concession referred to City Manager for study 1/12/49 27 332 Res. #6743, authorizing renewal of agreement for use of baseball park for 1949 playing season 1/19/49 27 334 $800 appropriated for painting at ball park 2/16/49 27 435 MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITION CO. 4 Book Page Authorizes renewal of agree- ment on same basis as 1949 contract for 1950 11/16/49 29 43 playing season Res. #7131, authorizing execution of agreement with M.B. Exhibition Co. for use of baseball field for 1950 playing season 3-1550 29 232 MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITIOg Co. Council authorizes execution of lease. for 3 years for use of Ball park by Flamingos - agreement to include provision that City will pay light bills 1-17-51 30 335 Councilman Liberman appointed as honorary member of Board of Directors 1-17-51 30 335 Res. #7484 authorizing exe- cution of 3 year lease for use of baseball park 3-19-51 30 451 (Li ense issued t dell ePr in aper cups at `za par . 411/521 5 Book Page MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITION CO. 6. Book Page Councilman Roth suggests Council take official recognition of Flamingos baseball team; referred to Public Rel. Dir. 8-20-52 33 216 Use of Flamingo Park from Dec. 1952 to March 1953 for Girls Softball League requested. Referred to Asst. City Mgr. for study and report 10-15-52 33 324 Mr. Lipp reports on request of M.B. Flamingos for use of Park for girls' softball league. Use granted. 2 33 355 MIAMI BEACH EXHIBITION CO. 7. Book Page Res. #8190 authorising agreement 3 with M.B. Exhibition Co. for use eti° c�,nae of Flamingo Park ball field for P res 2$-53 girl's softball league from 12-1-52 1 to 4-30-53, incl. 12-3-52 Council's action in authorizing above agreement rescinded. Baseball Club desires arrangement be terminated due to poor attendance at games. 1-28-53 33 484 Flamingos baseball teamo be re-established in city. U14,000 authorized to rehabilitate Flamingo Park baseball park 2-3-54 35 320 33 414