Miami Beach Sports Committee_June to October 1948MIAMI BEACH SPORTS COMMITTEE Jas. H. Ruby tells of its organization and asks that requests for funds for sporting events be referred to this committee 6/16/48 26 385 1. Book Page Council endorses principles of committee and agrees to consult it on occasion 6/16/48 26 385 Request of Herman Parsoff to use Flamingo Park facilities for boxing is referred to committee 8/4/48 27 8 MIAMI BEACH SPORTS COMMITTEE 2. Book Page Reports on application of Herman Parsoff for permit to hold boxing matches in Flamingo Pak± 8/6/48 27 9 They recommend that use of bandshell facilities be permitted but not ball park 8/6/48 27 9 Edw. Herr's request for $5,000 for tennis tourna- ments is referred to committee for recommendations 8/6/48 27 9 MTAMI BEACH SPORTS COMMITTEE On committee's behalf Carl Gardner asks $5,000 appropria- tion for tennis tournaments and for construction of tennis administration building - Council takes under advise- ment 10/7/48 27 112 Book Page Carl Gardner urges Council to take action on their request for underwriting of $5000 for tennis tournaments 10/20/48 27 141 3.