Microfilming And Destruction Of Certain Old City Records_November 1950 to September 1956MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN ODD CITY RECORDS Rook Page Res. #7341 adopted, authorizing destruction and microfilming 11-15-50 30 185 Certificates of cremation of 1-24-52 30 345 certain documents in accordance with Res. 7341 12-20-50 30 257 filed 3-28-51 30 484 Certificates of Cremation Nos. 32 - 40 incl. representing records which have been destroyed presented and filed. 12-19-51 32 263 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS v Book Page Building Dept. authorized to microfilm and destroy certain plans of buildings 7-2-52 33 136 City Clerk advises of cremation of certain unused receipts formerly in use at Normandy Shores Golf Course, and of retention of certain others by Accounting Dept. for auditing purposes 7-16-52 33 155 Res. #8074 authorizing microfilming certain records of Tax Assessor, sub- sequent destruction; and destruction of other records without microfilming 7-23-52 33 172 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Cremation Certificates Nos. 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 filed 3-18-53 34 104 Cremation Certificates Nos. 46 thru 52 filed 4-8-53 34 163 Cremation Certificates Nos. 53 and 54 filed 5-13-53 34 235 Appropriation of $1,030.00 approved for microfilming important records of Engineering Dept. 5-20-53 34 278 3 Book Page MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Book Page Cremation Certificates Nos. 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59 filed 1-20-54 35 300 Res. #8753 authorizing destruction of city records, some after and some without microfilming. Letter from City Auditor recommending adoption of resolution 7-9-54 36 71 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Cremation certificates Nos. 60 thru 65, filed Book Page 11-17-54 36 333 Res. #8864 authorizing microfilming of Tax Assessor's records. 3-16-55 36 477 Cremation certificates Nos. 66 and 67 filed 4-20-55 37 105 Cremation certificates Nos. 68, 69 and 70 filed 11-2-55 37 435 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS 6 Book Page Res. #9194 authorizing cremation of copies of 1952 and 1953 traffic fine tickets 12-21-55 37 504 Certificates of Cremation, Nos. 71 - 75 incl. filed 8-15-56 38 373 City Mgr. explains purpose of proposed resolution re. microfiling of Tax Assessor's records - that it differs from present resolution in that provision for microfilminga sonal roperty cards has be removed and t ese records included among hose which are o be d gyed apemicrofilm ng. Res. 9- 38 389