Milk_August 1935 to November 1939MILK Book Page Request made for ordinance re- quiring pasturization of milk 8/7/35 14 31 E.H.Ehrlick, representing Civic leagues of Miami Beach urges pass- age of ordinance prohibiting sale of raw milk 8/21/35 14 52 Sol Goldstrom urges passage of ordinance requiring pasteurization of all milk (no action) 7/5/39 Delegation of citizens urge passage of ordinance requiring pasteurization of all dairy products 8/16/39 18 207 18 156 MILK Book Page Mr.Renshaw to prepare ordinance re: pasteurization of milk %g'`ts 18 227 Copies of proposed pasteurization ordinance to be given each Councilman for study 9/20/39 18 265 Murry Grossman urges passage of milk pasteurization ordinance 10/4/39 18 29 6 Milk pasteurization ordinance discussed 11/3/39 18 372