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Million Dolar Pier_July 1940 to October 1946
MILLION DOLLAR PIER } Book Page Purchase--Res.4880 - authorizing Lots 7 and 8, B1k.112- and -Pier- _--Mayor-and--Clerk-inst-r eted to sign noteson above purchase Res.#4922 7/3/40 LEASES on Pier property filed7/19 190 Ronald Granat seeks permit to operate roller skating rink on Million Dollar Pier 10-2-40 --19 -308— City 30 -City Mgr. authorized t©--aeeeept- offers for leases on pier 10-2-40 19 308 19 131 19 190 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page Committee appointed to cons der AAspee 1 -eases on pie 3- ear,- and Wolfson 10-9-40 19 322 40, Roland Granat asks Cnuncllto-leas-e Poieronsatigrrokhi0 VET_19 370 C it_y ngine er Li necessary repairs be made to pier be- for.leses are -made 10-230 19 371 No conea©soon of any kind to be -leased )n Pier until definite planofp ation has been worke8�ut---1O-23-40 19 371 Painting of out3ide of pier -4e oblit erate burlesque figures authorized 130/40 . . • U 11 _ .. - MILLION DOLLAR PIER 3 Book Page Berkow Lease to run on month to month basis 11/27/40 -19— 429 $500.00 appropriated for fishing pier on Million Dollar Pier 0 19- 429--- Feiners Organization ask for lease on pier for legitimate st�.a�ge shows (denied) 12/11/40 19 462 —Elrod, E.D. - request for—lease on pier referred to Mr. Lipp 12/11/40 19 464 Elrod. E. D. given lease for bat and taakle eonces3ion on pier 12/11/40 19 480 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 4 Book Page Mr. Berkow asks regarding his le se on the Million. Dollar Pier 2/1941 20 82 Estimate to be prepared on repairing Million Dollar Pier 3/5/41 20 111 Architect to be engaged to submit plans for putting Million Dollar Pier Into spMpe 5/7/41 20 19 Two proposals submitted by Capt. Peeples for leasing of upstairs portion o f Million Dollar Pier 6/541 20 265 ~move proposal r erred to City —Maras 6; /41 20 265_ MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page Two proposals received from Gapt-.--Peeples for use of Million _Dollar Per, upstairs portion 6/18/41 20 304 8 Council agree to hold this matter an abeyance until plans prepared —by Architect Geiger can be----studied- 6/18/41 20 305 Terms recommended for leasing up - stair portion of Million Dollar Pier to Capt -i -W. H. -Peeples, Jr. 7/4/41-20 Above_terma accepted by Council 7/2/41- 20 318 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 6 Book Page Contract for roof on outer portion of pier awarded to Giffen Roofing Company for *1,319.00 10/3/41. 20 458 Berkow, David,Inc. - no action taken on his letter in re lease on con- cession 10/15/41 20 498 Committee appointed to make re- commendations as to what to do with Pier. 11/24/41 21 70 Council agreed not to renew pe it for extension of pier. 12/5/41 21 96 MILLION DOLLAR PIER(Oee Recreation Pier Assn.) 7 Book Page Group of M. B. Women ask Council to put Pier in shape so as to be used for bath house purposes by soldiers (Mr.Renshaw to report back to Council) 2/25/42 21 216 $500.00 appropriated for placing Million Dollar Pier in shape for soldiers' bath house, and $50.00 3/4/42 21 229 a month for maintenance Council authorizes necessary repairs and ventilation for Recreation pier,appropriate fund not tvxceed $1,000. 6/3/42 21 335 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page_. Council authorizes Recreation Pier Assn. to employ architect to make sketches on improvements- Council a ree to assume$8,000.repair work Res. #5588 authorizing Asst. City Mgr. to file application to P.W.A.for aid in improving Million Dollar Pier 728 5 Contract for repairs to roof o21l n Million Dollar Pier awarded to Giffen Roofing Co. at $2710.00 1O/7/42 21 425 21 345 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 9 Book Page City Mana7er reports F.W.A.has ap- proved allotment of $26,500. for im- provements to Million Dollar Pier providing City will assume 58,000 expense 11//42 21 4-58 for imps.to Million oiler Pier Contract/with August Ge g r filed with minute data '%!�' / 35/ Res. #5612 accepting the offer of Federal Works Agency of $26,500. Res. #5613 setting up pay /rates2 for 21 467 mechanics on improvementsto pier 1125/4. 21 471 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 10 Book Page Council af;ree to carry expenses for 3 months operation costs of Recreation Pier Assn.;also salary of custodian 12/16/42 21 484 Appropriation made for elimination of fire hazards at pier ($500.00) 12/16/42 21 484 Council agree to put up $500.00 as de— posit on furniture for Recreation Pier with understanding.it would be returned from Gov't funds or War Chest funds 1/2p/43 22 10 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 11 Book Pali Payment of August Geiger bill for Architect on Improvements to Pier, ordered paid 2/3/3 22 25 Mr.Renshaw reports on bids received for imps.to -Million -Dollar Pier 3/26/43 22 6i E.L.Hackney of F.W.A.advises that Regional Director is recommending an additional appropriation by Gov't_ and City to make total a lc9t ent 4349,000. 3/20/43 - 22- 62 City M2'r. advi sed- above figure does no.t in/lude 300. for roof repairs 3/26/43 22 62 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 12.- Bock Page Discussion_ on item for ronf_repai rs 3/26/43 22 62 Mrs. Russell Pancoast of Recreation Pier Assn. urges Council -to take early action in e-rder- that --work may be started 3/26/43 22 6 2 Res.#56L1-1 awarding contract to Wm. S. Green for-Improvements--to--M-i-ilio Dollar Pier _3/26/43 22 62 Res . #56ij-2 authorizing City Manager to make application for additional grant 0010,500 for pier imps. 3/26/43 22 6 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 13 Book Page Res. #5643 appropriating the sum of $4,000 in addition to $8,000 previously aporoloriated,subject to grant being forthcoming from F.W.A. 3/26/43 e2 64 Mr.E.-L.Hackney suggests that Ctty Manager Renshaw write to F.W.A.concern, ing $2300 spent on roof repairs 3/26/43 22 64 Res. #56L!.6 appointed. Mr.Wm.A.Geiger. as Oity's Chief Representative on Pier Improvements 4/7/43 22 69 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Res.#5647 awarding contract Jr furniture and draperies at Pier to Maxwell Ca. 4/15/43 Book Page 22 Res.#5648 awarding contract for electrical equipment at pier to Kirby -Tuttle Co. 4/15/43 22 72 Res.#5611.9 granting Government to use Pier as Signal Station 4/15/43 22 Res.#5655-accepting Grant- of F.W.A. -of $35,500 additional funds for_impa.. _ to pier _ 4/21/43 22 81 73 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page Res. #5658 approving of three pro- posed changes ro-posed:changes in contract for pier improvements. 5/5/14-3 - 22- 86 15 1st estimate to Wm. 8. Green for work done on pier improvements o?erect pai. 1-n--the-am Ot flt- of -47,489,4_ 3 22 95 5/ Res. #56f7 approving certain changes -irr contract for imps. to pier 6/2/143- 22 131 Rea. 5678- -granting extension-of—time to Wm. S. Green, Inc. for cont imps. i/43 pier- 22 137 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 16 - Book Page Appropriation of not to exceed $4,000. made for operation of M.B. Recreation Pier and its various branches,up to November lst,1913, this amount to include Frank Morri- son's salary who acts as custodian for City. 7/7/3 22 152 Res.#5682 -as to granting of exten- sion of time on Pier Impr, Contract - waiving all damages against contractor 7/7/43 22 153 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 17 Book Page Res.#5690 a uth orizing certain changes in pier contract. 7/21/43- 22 173 Res. #5691 appropriating 021.73 to complete work on pier improve- ments 7/21/43 22 174 Res. #5692 accepting work performed by Wm. S. Green Co. , Kirby -Tuttle Co. and Maxwell Co. on Pier 1contracts -22 �7 Final ayymbnts to_ co t adore to be withheld until City Mgr.an rchi. determine that all IiA1714.9re paid 22 175 MILLION DOLLAR PIER (See Recreation Pier) 18 Book Page Various miscellaneous expense items on pier improvement ordered paid and appro. of $2,413,84 made for this purpose 7/21/43 22 175 Offer of Louis Beckerman to lease for fishing pier is referred to Mr. Renshaw - 7/3/46 24 162 Council authorizes making loading test--at-Pier-_ 7/3/46 24 176 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 18 Book Page Mr. Renshaw urges that con- sideration be given to sell- ing the Pier 7/3/46 24 175 Council takes under advise- ment request of Everett S. Smith, Jr. to use Pier for wrestling matches 7/17/1+6 24 222 Council advises Al Ritchie, wrestling promoter, that no commitment can be made as to use of Pier for wrestling matches 8/7/1+6 24 232 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 19 Book Page Council appropriates $2,331.25 for landscaping entrance 8/7/46 24 253 Request of B'nai B'rith to use Pier is refaered to Mr. Hice 10/16/46 24 345 Requests of Harry Marvil, Bertha Foster, Nancy Hubsch for use of Pier are refer- red to Mr. Hice 10/16/46 24 345 Ben Cohen asks on behalf of a client to lease Pier 10/16/46 24 375