Misleading Advertising_November 1950 to February 1951MIut .DING ADVgET1SING Book Page Councilman Roth presents proposed ordinance prohibiting misleading advertising and providing that receipts be given for payment of rents for housing accommodations - Taken under consideration 11-15-50 30 174 1st & 2nd readings ordinance prohibiting misle&dingand deceptive advertising 12-7-50 30 228 MISLEADING ADVERTISING 2. Book Page Ord. #962, prohibiting mis- leading and deceptive adver- tising 12-27-50 30 284 $3,000 appropriated from CFS for employment of Fair Trade Inspector to enforce ordi- nance no. 962 1-17-51 30 325 Council instructs Clerk to remove Jack Eisenstat from Fair Trades Insptor position and to find through the Per- sonnel1Dept a CivilffService motion and°qualiriedrO- 2-7-51 30 349 MISLEADMT8LEADtMO ADVEPtT18IN6 INS.PECTOft 3. Book Page Discussion held re. firing of Zack Eisenstat 2-14-51 30 373 Councilman Roth reads pre- pared statement relative to dismissal of Jack Eisenstat and moved to rescind Council action of 2/7 and to reinstate Mr. Eisenstat - His motion is defeated 2-14-51 30 375