Mississippi Flood Relief_April 27, 1927MISSISSIPPI FLOOD RELIEF: $2,000.00 sent to Arkansas & Mississippi Res. 1593 Book 7, Page 442 Councilmen give their pay for meeting of -/27/27_._ for relief 11 11 445 MORTUARIES Book Page Bldg. permit granted for mortuary on Lot 2, Bik. 11,Island View 2/12/34 12, 25g MOSQUITO Bk. Page. Lecture on eradication of by Mr. H. B. Maure and Resolution of thanks 4-4-28 8 225 Notice to property owners ordering breeding places cleared or burned. 4-4-28 8 229 MOS QUIT; S 2 Book Page Mr. Renshaw is authorized to order spraying of city with D.D.T. whenever necessary at a cost of $1,750 for each complete spraying 7/17/46 24. 221 County Mosquito Control Agency asks for ordinance to prevent accumulation of water under buildings 2/5/47 24 482 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending Bldg. Code to require grade undes builgngsf above surrounaingllot area grades5024 482 MOSQUITOE ER.ADICATI CN WORK Book Page City Mgr. authorized to provide two foremen & tools 6/22/33 12 94 Authorisation for employment of 3rd foreman 8/28/33 12, 132 Res. suggesting employment of 100 additional men on work 8/28/33 12, 132 Res. #2671 Res.#2672 endorsing movement to call election on Anti—Mosquito District 8/28/33 12,132 $125.00 appro. for transpp r ion of workers to keys 11/1f 12, 169 MOTELS Book Page Letter from B. L. Slater, realtor, re. efforts of group of Surfside Hotel and Apartment owners to use word "motel" on signs advertising their establish- ments; also suggesting that ocean front strip north of Firestone Estate be used for construction of motels. Other letters on subject held over until next meeting. 8-11-54 36 116 Letters filed asking rezoning of ocean front strip fiorth of Fontainebleau Hotel in order to permit construction of motels. City Mgr. to study and make recommendations. 8-18-54 36 128 MOTORCYCLES Hook, Page Old Motorcycle given in payment of repair bill 2-15-33 12, 2 MOWING, Book, Page Requested by Altos Del Mar residents 8, 487 MUNICIPAL CONSULTANT & ADVISOR Proposal of E. P. Owen, Jr. to act in this capacity 11/20/47 25 1+87 1. Book Page Res. #6423 authorizing execution of agreement with E. P. Owen, Jr. to act as Municipal Consultant & Advisor Res. #6957 extending agreement with E. P. Owen Jr. for 2 years beginning July 1, 1949 11/20/+7 25 488 7/6/49 28 237 MUNICIPAL CONSULTANT & ADVISER Proposal of E. P. Owen, Jr. to act in this capacity. Contract to be drawn. 2. Book Page 6-20-51 31 297 Res. #7671 authorizing execution of contract between City and E. P. Owen, Jr. to act as Municipal Consultant for 2 -year period for fee of $6,000 per year plus traveling expenses 6-21-51 31 298 MUNICIPAL CONSULTANT & ADVISER 3. • Book Page Contract to be entered into with E.P. Owen,Jr. as Mun. Consultant, for 2 -year period, $7,500. per yr. plus $2,500 per yr. expense allowance 7-8-53 34 377 Res. #8441 authorizing execution of above contract with E. P. Owen, Jr. 7-15-53 34 399 Res. #9095 authorizing renewal agreement with E. P. Owen for add']. 2 yrs. from 7/1/55 thru 6/30/57, $7,500 per yr. plus $4,000 expenses 7-6-55 37 256&260 MUNICIPAL DOCK BULKHEAD. a, 77,17 / 7-4 37 MUNICIPAL DOCK AND CHANNEL, (Also see Fishing Boat Docks) Policy for use of same 10-5-27 B'-S,Page 68 Policy: Dockage of Yachts 11-5-30 10, 314 Policy: Dockage of Yachts 10/4/33 12 , 155 Dock at Foot of Biscayne Street 5/16/34 12, 409 MUNICIPAL DANCE PAVILION 1.0,000.00 Appropriated 10-19-27 Bk.S,Page 3 Committee _appointed_on__construction and operation of Dance Pavilion BK-g,Page 95 Bids received for construction of floor Nov. 2, 1927 Bk.8 Page 100 City _.Mgr. _ins_tructed_ to contract for orchestra Nov. 2, 1927 Bk -8, Page 100 -------- ---------------- - -- --------- ---- J. S. WQllard requests lease of patio Bk.12, 11 156 MUNICIPAL COURT 11 Book, Page g liun3 &ipa Courirlror1M$rain eeachCreating -8, Third_Reading g. £ stimate to be _prepared of cost of improving appearance of Municipal -..Court -Room 9-6.50- 30- 62 No action taken by Council on request of David Frost and William Ta3ilor for refund -of fines pal--in--Munleipal Court 8-15-56 • 38 375