Mosquito Eradication Work_June 1933 to February 1947MOSQUITO Bk. Page. Lecture on eradication of by Mr. H. B. Maure and Resolution of thanks 4-+-28 8 225 Notice to property owners ordering breeding places or burned. ij--4-28 S 229 MOSQUITDES Mr. Renshaw is authorized to order spraying of city with D.D.T. whenever necessary at a cost of $1,750 for each complete spraying 7/17/46 24 221 County Mosquito Control Agency asks for ordinance to prevent accumulation of water under buildings 2/5/47 24 482 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending Bldg. Code to requirerade under build ngs t be raised not less than b z 5�'t? above surrounaing oarea grades 24 482 2 Book Page M0SQ.UITOE ERADICATION WORK Book Page City Mgr. authorized to provide two foremen & tools 6/22f33 12 94+ Authorisation for employment of 3rd foreman 8/28/33 12, 132 Res. suggesting employment of 100 additional men on work 8/28/33 12, 132 Res. #2671 Res.#2672 endorsing movement to call election on Anti—Mosquito District 8/28f33 12,132 $125.00 appro. for transpp r ion of workers to keys 11/1/,' 12, 169