Municipal Hospital_March 1942 to July 1950MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 25 Book Page__ Committee reports on having met with owners of M. B. Hospital 3/18/42 21 248 Dr.Weil rejects offer of $94,000 but agrees to accept $100,000 for M.B. Hospital 3/18/42 21 24,E Council authorize purchase of M.B. Hospital at $100,000. 3/18/42 21 248 City Manager and City Attorney to prepare ordinance providing for operation of Municipal Hospital 3/18/42 21 249 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 26 Book Page_ Res.#511.96 authorizing purchase of L B.Hospital at the price of $100,000 4/1/11.2 21 254 1140 day period in connection with above purchase to date from this date 4/1/42 21 256 Offer from Atwill & Co. and Leedy- Wheeler Co.to purchase $100,000 Mort- gage notes in connection with financ- ing purchase of M. B. Hospital 4/1/4I-2 21 256 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Page 27 Motion made by Councilman Wolfson to accept offer of Leedy-Wheeler & Co. and Atwill & Co. for financing purchase of M.B.Hospital 4/1/42 21, 257 Above motion to accept offer carried 4/1/42 21 257 Res.#5506 formally accepting offer of Leedy-Wheeler & Co. & Atwill & Co. as to financing purchase of Miami Beach Hospital 4/1/42 21 266 Bill of Atwill & Co . & Leedy-Wheeler CoRefo uexple1)gGer es in co on with2propQ 8d MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 2g Book Page Council discuss proposed operation of Municipal Hospital with reference to Civil Service 5/6/42 21 302 Councilman Wolfson offers suggestions for proposed ordinance with reference to operation of Municipal Hospital 5/6/42 21 302 3 readings Ord. No.652 creating Board of Trustees of Miami Beach CITY Hospital, prescribing powers,duties,appointment and budget,etc. 5/6/42 21 302 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 2g Book Page Bill of Local Architects and bill from Chas.Neergaard presented for drawing plans of hospital 5/7/42 21 317 Councilmen Levi and Wolfson and City Manager Renshaw to confer on hospital architects* bills 5/7/42 21 317 Board of Trustees for operation of City Hospital appointed for 1,2 & 3 . year terms as follows:Albert Kahn(1) Henry K.Gibson(1) Shirly Haynsworth(1) J.L.Owan (2) Morris Goodman (2) Leonard Abess (3) Chas.Clements (3) 5/7/42 21 318 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL(see M.B.CITY HOSPITAL) 30 Book Page Res. #5549 authorizing payment of $40,OOO to M.B.Hospital,Inc. and exe— cution of $60,000 mortgage 5/2O/42 21 333 Ray Sterling offers 2 propositions to City with reference to financing purchase of M.B.Hospital 5/20/42 21 334 Neither of above proposals considered by Council 5/20/42 21 334 August Geiger presents bills for local architects on proposed hospital — Council atthorize payment of $10,000 6/3/42 21 336 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 31 Book. Page Res. #5565 providing for taking over of insurance on M.B.City Hospital Balance of Local Architects2bilis for 21 356 drawing plans for proposed municipal hospital ordered paid 7/9/42 21 380 City Manager reports inability to obtain materials for improvement to City Hospital 10-12-42 21 437 Council approves recommendation of Board of Trustees for City Hospital to be used by Dade County Defense Counbil, cleani3ag to be done, JJ n; tto & Nurse to be emTloyed. lU-i -r2 21 43, MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 32 Book Page Council authorizes shock proofing of X -Ray Equipment in M.B.City Hospital ao/21/42 21 438 L.A.Oates request for City to pay him $10.00 per mo.for use of his lot adjoininp hospital referred to Board of Trustees 6/16/43 22 137 Report of Board of Trustees read 10/6/43 22 186 HENRY K. GIBSON, S. D. HAYNSWORTH & ALBERT KAHN appointed to Board 10/6/43 22 186 Ity Mgr. authorized to purchase Lot 26, Blk, 2, Fleetmrod for hospital if MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 33 BOOK PAGE owner assumes broker's comm. 10/6/43 22 186 City Manager reports Shirley Haynsworth unable to accept appoint- ment as Trustee and recommends John A. Haynsworth in his place 12/1/43 22 233 Council appoints_John A. Haynsworth 22 233 1st reading of Ord. authorizing purchase of Lot 26, Block 2, Fleetwood for hospital purposes 12/15/43 22 238 3rd & final reading Ord. #704 authorizing purchase of Lot 26, Block ? Fleetwood 1/5/44 22 22 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL- 3 HOOK PAGE Dr. Alfred A. Richman & group of 12 local doctors offers to buy hospital thru Att'y. Shepard Broad 3/15/44 22 294 Council asks that recommendation of Hospital Board of Trustees be obtained before they take action 3/15/44 22 295 Board of Trustees pass resolution endorsing sale of hospital under certain conditions 3/20/44 22 301 U. 8. Navy advises acquisition of Municipal Hospital is being considered 3/20/44 22 301 MUNECIPAL HOSPITAL 35• BOOK PAGE Dr. F. H. Fisher, who made offer for hospital on 3/16, withdraws it 3/20/44 22 302 Mr. Broad asks permission to confer further with his clients before action is taken 3/20/44 22 303 Dr. .Sma/ H, Kaplan objects to city's selling hospital 3/20/44 22 303 Attorney Broad advises Dr. Richman & group of agreed to buy hospital Navy leases it Council that doctors are even in event 4/5/44 22 305 rIuNICIPAL HOSPITAL 36. BOOK PAGE Navy willing to recommend lease on hospital at $14,000 per year 6/21/44 22 346 Council agrees upon request of Shepard Broad to defer action on renting hospital until next meeting 6/21/44 22 346 Council asks for recommendations from Board of Directors as to selling or leasing hospital 6/28/44 22 357 MUNrtIPAL HOSPITAL 37 Book Page Board of Directors -recommend lease of hospital to Navy 7/5/44 22 360 Dr. Richman's good -faith check in amount of $10,000 returned to Shepard Broad 7/5/44 22 361 Council authorizes lease of hospital to Navy 7/5/44 22 361 Dr. Morris Goodman & J. L. Owen reappointed on Board of Trustees 8/16/44 22 386 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 38. Book Page Res. 85775 authorizing execution of lease of hospital to U. S. Govt. 11/844 22 432 Res. #5835 authorizing lease to U. S. Govt. 6/8/45 23 118 Mrs. Josephine Ralston offers to purchase for $107,000. 6/20/45 23 122 Harold $paet, attorney, says 28 doctors wish to purchase hospital for $100,000 - referred to Board of Trustees the MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Page Lionel Cassel advises of client who wishes to purchase hospital - referred to Board of Trustees 11/7/.45 23 283 Dr. Leonard Weil's offer to purchase hospital taken under advisement 3/20/46 23 481 Dr. Weil's offer again taken under advisement 4/3/46 _ 23 494 Dr. Harry Needelman offers to purchase hospital for $1+0,000 6/5/46 24 106 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 40 Book Page Dr. Harry Needelman makes offer in writing to purchase hospital for $140,000 6/19/46 24 145 Dr. Harry Needelman urges that some action be taken on his offer to purchase hospital 7/17/46 24 '187 Mayor appoints committee consist- ing of Councilmen Liberman and Powell and Mr. Renshaw to study various offers to purchase hospital and make recommendations 7/17/46 24 187 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 41 Book Page Hospital committee makes report on various offers to purchase or lease hospital 8/7/46 24 230 The committee recommends acceptance of proposal of Mt. Sinai Hospital to purchase Hospital The proposal of Mt. Sinai Hospital to purchase is read to Council and ordered filed 8/7/46 24 230 8/7/46 24 - 230 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 42 Book Page Council accepts offer of Mt. Sinai Hospital to purchase hospital for $100,000 8/7/46 24 232 Junior Chamber of Commerce urge that City sell hospital to non-profit group 8/7/46 24 232 Formal proposal of the Mt. Sinai Hospital for purchase of Municipal Hospital is read to the Council 8/21/46 24 262 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 43 Book Page Res. #6140 is passed, accepting offer of U. S. Government in settlement of lease on hospital 10/16/46 24 373 Res. #6280 is passed, authorizing execution of supplemental agreement with U. S. Govt. on hospital 4/16/47 25 123 Council indicates it is not interested in buying Alton Road Hospital and does not object to its sale to others 7/6/49 28 238 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Res. #6089, accepting offer of Mt. Sinai Hospital to purchase the Municipal Hospital 8/21/46 24 263 Res. #7231 reducing term of insurance policy on Alton Road Hospital 7/19/50 4117, Book Page 482