Municipal Hospital_May 1941 to March 1942MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL /. Book Page Atty.Glynn 0. Rasco advises that -group of citizens art seeing erec- tion of a Municip? l Hosp.ita]_5/7/41 20 196- -L -is cus s ion held with reference to erec .. :.. .. - .. . d I cipal Hospital 5/7/41 20 197 Councilman Prink suggests the buying of a bay front hoteI and converter same into ospita1 5/7/41 20- 197 Res.#5235 favoring the ex° c,tion and construction of hospital and calling bond e±e-ction-to--vuLe ons-su nce v bonds for hospital 5/7/41 0 197 ) UUNICIPAL HOSPITAL. Book Page Appropriation of $300,000.00 asked for -the -erection of a Municipally awn -ed hospital - 545/41 20 223 Atty. Glynn 0. fiasco presents titions urging erection of Municipally owned Hospital 5/2V41 20 223 Councilman Hice states that the only way to handle the matter of a_ ureic pal - Hospital is -by a Bond -issue x/2 /41— 20 224 City Manager Renshaw advises of City Funds on nand and committmen f said. money ),1 1 20 224 MUNICIPAL HOBPITAL Book Page Discussion with frefere c to Municipally_ owned hos-pi) /41 20 -221F Council authorized Clerk to re- Hosntalition asking 5/or 21/4 n.icipal 20 226 Pi John J.Hayes offers to sell land at corner of 10th St.& West Ave. to City for hospital 6/5/41 20 265 Motion -of Councilman Meyer --that $300,000.be appropriated,lost for - want of second 6/5/41 20 266 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 4. Book Pad, e Councilman Wolfson explains his stand on the Municipal Hospital 6/5/41 20 26/ Discussion with reference to Municipal Hospital 6/6/41 20, 272 Citizens Committee appointed to con- sider hospital matter:Sam Blank,H.K. Gibson,Judd Owen,Sol Goldstrom,C.L. Clements,Albert Kahn,Glynn O.Rascoe City Manager Renshaw 6/6/41 20 273 The following added to Municipal Hospital Commettee: (see card 5) MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Leo Robinson Mike Dallett Benny Gains Leo Eisenstein Jesse Weiss 6/11/41 5. BookPage 20 277 Councilman Meyer advises of proposal of Leedy-Vgheeler & Co.for financing proposed municipal hospital 6/11/41 20 Mr. Meyer presents proposals from Leedy-Wheeler Co. for financing Municipal Hospital 6/18/41 Glynn 0:: Rascoe presents report of citizens hospital committee with reference t� Floridian Hotel as possible hospita120 *7/0/Al 277 20 308 316 6. MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Page Site of Fleetwood Hotel submitted for new Municipal Hospital 8-6-41 20 373 Estimate presented for converting Floridian Hotel into Municipal Hospital 8/6/41 20 387 Citizens Committee reaffirm recom- mendation in use of Floridian Hotel as Municipal Hospital—minority re- port also filed 8/6/41 20 387 Res.#5340 authorizing City Mgr.to negotiate for issuance of Revenue ert. in amt. of 43500,000,also authorizing employment of Architects 8/6/41 20 388 MUNaCIPAL HOSPITAL 7 Book Page Offer of kleetwood Hotel as site for Municipal Hospital referred to Citizens Committee for consideration 8/6/41 20 388 2 proposals submitted by Atwill & Co. and Leedy,Wheeler & Co. for purchase of 000,000 to $5004000. Revenue Certificates for financing municipal Hospital 10/2/41 20 440 Council tentatively accept proposal No. 1 contained in foregoing letter, subject to wording of contract by City Manager 10-2-41 20 440 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 8 Book Page City Mgr.' and City Atty.to confer as to wording of contract for pro- posed sale of Revenue Certificates for Municipal Hospital 10/3/41 20 442 Offer of M.B.ELKS CLUB to donate iron lung to Municipal Hospital ac- cepted if, as and when the Hospital is erected 10/3/41 20 ' 442 Proposal of Atwill & Co.& Leedy- Wheeler Co. for financing of proposed Municipal Hospital ordered accepted 10/4/41 20 464 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 9 Book Page Citizens Hospital Committee recommend portion of Flamingo Park for site of proposed hospital 10/23/41 21 6 Discussion with reference to site of proposed hospital 10/23/41 21 6 Motion to use Flamingo Park as site for hospital carried 10/23/41 21 7 Discussion with reference to site of hospital 11/5/41 21and812 1st reading of proposed Ordinance providing for constructiohof hospital 21 25 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Page Council discuss at length provisions of ordinance providing for construct- ion,maintenance and financing of $500,000 hospital 11/10/41 21 26 Motion made to pass foregoing ordi- nance to 2nd reading by title only and to third reading in full as an emergency measure - 11/10/4+1 City Mgr.asks Council to carefully consider controversial features of above ordinance before final action 11/10/41 21 26 21 26 10 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 11 Book Page Council.agree to withhold action on motion to pass ordinance to 2nd and 3rd readings until Nov.l2th meeting. 11/10/41 21 27 1st reading of Ordinance No. 615 pro- viding for construction of municipal hospital- 11/12/41 21 32 Discussion with reference to pro- posed ordinance providing for construc- tion,operation,maintenance and financ- ing of municipal hospital 11/12/41 21 40 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 12. - Book Page Councilman Burbridge submits motion requesting City Atty.to submit reso- lution calling for election for free- holders as to the issuance of 500M Bonds for Municipal Hospital 11/12/41 21 40 Further discussion on hospital matter 11/12/41 21 41 Commtnication fromCity Mgr.Renshaw with reference to provisions of pro- posed ordinance on municipal hospi- tal 11/12/41 21 42 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 13 Book Page Councilman Wolfson gives reasons why he favors adoption of proposed hospi— tal ordinance 11/12/41 21 43 Councilman Levi express willingness to finance hospital with revenue certificates 11/12/41 21 4+3 Motion made at meeting held 11/10/ voted upon and carried — given 2nd reading by title only and the 3rd time in full as emergency measure City Mgr. a sks Council tblmeet with 21 144 axchitects & study prelimliry2/plans 21 44 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Page Mr, Renshaw advises that archi- tects will meet with Council on Nov. 20th,1941 11/19/41 21 6o Charles F. Neergaard, Consulting architects present hospital plans 11/20/41 21 62 Discussion with reference to plans on proposed hospital 11/20/41 21 62 Estimated cost of hospital as provided for in plans quoted at $643,000.00 11/20/41 21 62 114 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 15 Book Page Further discussion on proposed construction of hospital and on Ilans presented 11/20/41 21 63 Couticil agree that all Miami Beach doctors be invited to view plans on proposed hospital 11/20/41 21 63 Chas.F.Neergaard reports that he and architects had analyzed plans in effort to reduce cost 11/20/41 21 70 M.B.Doctors go on record as favoring present plan of hospital 11/24/41 21 70 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 16 Book Page Discussion with reference to pro- viding additional $143,000 for con- struction of hospital 11/24/41 21 70 Architects on proposed hospital 'authorized to proceed with plans (Contracts filed) 11/24/41 21 70 City Manager recommends that bond issue on hospital be increased to $643,000. 11/24/41 21 70 Further discussion on pr d munici- pal hospital ordinance 11/ -db/ 21 72 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 17 Book Page___ Mr. Henry Hohauser objects to proposed cost of hospital 11/26/111 21 72 Wm.Atwill agrees to furnish an agreement that City will not be obligated to take full 643M in Revenue Cert.if hospital should cost less 11-26-41 21 73 City Atty.Shepard explains provisions of new hospital ordinance 11-26-41 21 73 1st reading Ord.621 providing for construction,maintenance,etc.Municipal Hospital 11-26-41 21 73 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 16— - Book Page 2nd and 3rd readings Ord.No.62) providing for issuance of 643M Revenue Certificatm for construc- tion, equipment, etc. Munici_nal Hosp. 11-26-41 11 74 Committee appointed to try and ob- tain Comity Charity Funds for City of Miami Beach Municipal Hospital 11=26-41 21 81 Supplemental agreement with Bond Companies with reference to purchase of Hospital Revenue Cert. (6+3M) Accepted by Council 12/5/41 21 9s MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 19 Book Page Wm.Atwill suggests proposed amend- ments to Hospital Ord.No.624 Discussion on above but no action taken by Council 2/4/42 21 190 Resolution from Citizens Hospital Committee urging purchase of Flori- dian Hotel for Municipal Hospital 2/4/42 21 191 City Manager to look into matter of Purchase of Floridian Hotel 2/4/42 21 191 City Manager Renshaw reports on pro- posed amendments to Municipal Hospital Ord.No. 624 2/6/42 21 193 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 20 Book Page City Atty. reports on proposed amendments to Ord.No.624 2/6/42 21 194 Discussion by Council on proposed amendments to Municipal Hospital Ord.No.624 2/6/42 21 194 Motion on passage of amendments to Ord. No.624 fails to carry 2/6/42 21 195 Res.#5468 authorizing City Manager to negoatiate for purchase of Floridian Hotel or other property for Municipal Hospital 2/6/42 21 195 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 21 Book Page Councilman Meyer offers amendment to Res.#5468 offering price up to 200M for Floridian Hotel 2/6/42 21 196 (no second to motion) Councilman Wolfson offers amendment to Res.#5468 that Mr.Neergasgrd make survey of Floridian or any other hotel for hospital purpose 2/6/42 21 196 (no second to motion) Councilmen Meyer and Burbridge ap- pointed to serve with City Manager as per Res.#5i4-68 2/6/42 21 196 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 22 Book Page City Mgr. asks that he and his committee be given a few more days in which to make report on Purchase of Floridian Hotel or other bldg.for hospital 2/18/42 21 199 Dr.Herrnan Boughton calls attention to fact petition has been circulated by certain doctors opposing new hospital 2/18/42 21 199 Miami Beach Hospital suggested as Municipal Hospital and Committee to continue functioning and bring in price 2/18/42 21 199 &20C MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 23� Book Page__ Mr. Renshaw reports price of M.B. Hospital is $120,000. 2/25/42 21 214 Discussion with reference to price of M. B. hospital 2/25/11-2 21 215 Dr.L.L.Weil to furnish committee with complete inventory and opinion as to value of land and bldg. of M. B. Ho sp. 2/25/42 21 215 Citizens Hospital Committee re— signs 3/4/42 21 236 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 24 Book Page City Manager Reports on estimates made as to value of Miami Beach Hospital — Land, Building & Equipment 3/4/42 21 234 Councilman Levi suggests offer of $100,000 be made for M.B.Hospital 3/4/42 21 235 Council agree to offer $94,000,00 for M.B.Hospital 3/4/42 21 235 Citizens Hospital Committee re— signs 3/4/42 21 236