Municipal-Office Building_August 1952 to March 1953MUNICIPAL -OFFICE. BUILDING 1. Book Page Henry Hohauser retained to prepare plans 8-6-52 33 195 Res. #8120 authorizing agreement with Henry Hohauser, architect, to prepare plans for the Municipal Office Bldg. on old Municipal Golf Course 9-17-52 33 266 Location of proposed municipal building approved - southwest section of Auditorium area 3-18-53 34 102 MUNICIPAL OFFICE BUILDING Book Architect's drawing submitted, showing proposed location of office building on 17th St. at rear of Auditorium. Objection. Matter to be taken under consideration until next meeting. 6-10-53 34 334 Revised plan of site for Municipal office building to be constructed on 17th St. at rear of Auditorium submitted and approved 6-17-53 34 343 Statement.:of Henry Hohauser & Associates approved, second payment for services in connection with Municipal Office Bldg., $4,125.00 9-16-53 35 31 2. Page MUNICIPAL OFFICE BUILDING 3 Book Page Contract with Telephone Co. for installation of switchboard equipment at new building approved. City will pay $700 for installation which will be absorbed in rent in a 5-yeareriod 3-3-54 35 365 Construction of steps on 17th Street side of Municipal Office building authorized, $900.00 4-21-54 35 438 Request of Chamber of Commerce for construction of millwork in that trboncuple &1 p em ft lding $5,000 from unappropriate4e25tfun ds35 438