"N" Miscellaneous_January 1930 to December 1941"N" MISCELLANEOQS 1. BOOK, PAGE No action on 9th Floor Lighting 9, 52 Nicholls, Chas. C., dedication rejected n 348 National Nagenga.s Nichols, Geographic Magazine -Res. 2122 f thanks f Jaivary, 1930 clition on F1orica 9, 425 , Joseph G. -Park site pur- chased 1-15-30 9, 433 Chas. -C.-Storm Sewers sug- gested 10-1-30 10, 281 Naval Hangar at ()pa Locka-Flag Pole bought 7-1-31 11, 97. MISCELLANEOUS 2. BOOK, PAGE Naval Hangar Flag Pole: Letter of thanks for 7h15-31 11, 104 National League of Commission Merchants: Appropriation for convention asked ro 105 Newspapers, J.H.Wendler re: Qualifications for legal notices 2-17-32 11, 281 "N" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Nagengast, Jos. requests adjustment on paving lien on his Ocean Drive property 5/15/35 13 422 Nagengast, Jos. allowed reduction on paving Lien -Lot 4,B1k.113,0.B.#4 6/3/35 13 435 National Liquor Stores ask interpre- tation of signs in liquor stores 8/7/35 14 17 National Liquor Stores granted pkg. goods license for 744 -5th St. and denied license for 655 Washington Ave. 9-18-35 14 103 2.11 "N" MISCELLANEOUS Nunnally's request permission for Service Bar in their Lincoln Road Store. 9/30/35 14 114 North Beach Store gran ed beer and wine license 19-17-35 14 151 Nyberg, Edwin; assigned 3 for hire permits owned by Al Hickland 10/25/35 14. 164 Nat'l Liquor Writagiv cese for 14 152 National Liquotd stierdegTVdn4tUthority to change name to National Package Stores 10/30/35 14 167 Nautilus Hotel granted liquor license permit 11/7/35 14 180 :3. Book Page "N" MISCELLANEOUS 4. Book Page Novak, Mr. F. J. objects to puroha_se of ocean front park 11/7/35 180 .Nuninally Co. granted liquor license 11/20/35 1+ 198 -N1c ioIson, H. granted contract for __interior painting City Hall 11/29/35 14 218 -Nyberg, Edw. Jr.given permit to assign _2__Taxicab permit 12/11/35 l'I 236 _- Neon --Sign t their -company -- be permitted to put Neon lettering on marquises for Paddock and 6hicken Jocks 178/36 "N" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Normandy Lunch Room granted beer and wine permit 178736 5. 14 258 _bther1anda Hotel granted permit for sky sign 1/6/36 14 New Jersey Drug Co. granted beer and wine permit 2x19/36— —14 296 di National Package Store _granted liquor � �� license for 24th & Collins 10-21-36 15 191 New Deal Smoke Shop granted beer 15 219 -and-wine li-cense-- II 12-36— -n "N" MISCELLANE OUS 5.0 Book Page Nichols, W. L. - Res. on Death of Res. #3420 14 295 Flowers ordered sent to funeral of Officer Nichols 14 295 Monthly salary check is reported -being mailed to Mrs.W1L.Nichols 3/1g-/36 14 -"N" MISCELLANEOUS 6. Book Page Novak Elmer - asks permit to have band in park 12/16/36 15 287 Normandy Spa - granted beer and wine license 1/6/37 15 326 —Normandy Beach Tavern granted beer and wine license 1-29-37 15 371 Normandy Plaza Hotel grant ed:beer and wine license 2-17-37 15 39g Numerology School of America,Inc. granted permit 3-22-37 15 471 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 7. Book Page Albert M. Newman granted permit to operate private school at 1618 Lenox Ave. 6/23/37 16 155 Niceley Funeral Home given permit to enclose porte-cochere, but not to extend building. 7/7/37 16 176 Nicks; National Kosher Market and Normandy Pharmacy granted beer and wine licenses 10-11-37 16 306 Numerology School of America granted 1937-38 permit 10-20-37 16 333 "N" MISCELLANEOUS Napoli —granted beer and wine license 12-3-37 8 Book Page Navial_Aftal_rs_Dommittee-_appmpria- 16 415 tion made for entertainment 4-6-38 17 100 National Package Stores file application for license on 41-st Street 5-4-38 17 137 Appro. of $1,333. made for Fla.Natil • • 163 Nikko, Yacht - granted permit for neon sign 9-7-38 17 264- "Na MISCELLANEOUS Newman, Albert M. granted private school permit for 1334 Euclid Ave. 9-7-38 9. Book Page 17 267 Norris-Howard-pequest for parking_ lost permit referred to City Mgr. 9-7-3g —279 - Newman, Albert- Mi granted private school permit for 1251_ Euclid _Ave..____ rather than 1334 Euclid as previously permitted 10-19=3 - 17 29 - N-ew-Club--Deuce Bar & -Aril-l--&--New--Harry' s Market granted beer & wine 10-19-38 17 300 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 10 Book Page "New River" boat - granted beer and wine license 10-2&-38 17 313 __Normaniy Resid.ent__.and_ Dai school granted private school permit 11/2/38 17 332 Numerology School of America granted permit 11/16/38 17 3119 Novak,Frank- Res.*4+19 urging Pardon ----Bot roto deny clemency 11/16/38 7 350 N-ormand3:eHotel granted-commerctal - packing_lot pe_mit 12/7/38 17 3_0 Normandie Plaza ask for.Ltauoor 7 Zest ►l N n MIS CELLANEOUS 11 Book Page Normandie Hotel parking lot complaints filed against same 12/14/38 17 398 New Paddock granted liquor ./license 17 413 New Paddock granted ight club license 12/21/3g 17 413 Normandie Hotel parking lot permit revoked 1-4-39 17 420 Normandy Plaza Restaurant granted beer—and-- ilmwEE o enme 1-4-39 17 433 'A- - MI0tiL' 1LAIV.UU Norman Hotel granted parking lot permit 2/1/39 Nemo Hotel denied permit for post sign 2/15/39 Book Page_ 17 467 17 x+72 New Paddock Club - liquor license request held up 7/5/39 18 136 NATHANSON, BEN -beer.' aria wipe-permtG .held_ up _for '► nv estigation_ 8/16/39_18 213 Nathanson,Ben nson,Ben - granted beer and wine permit iffathenson,Mary 1t or e1dp 9/6/39 18 229 V. -appli cat i on for 9/6/39 18 230 "NH MISCELLANEOUS New Paddock Club gr nted liquor license 5 -ba -39 13. Book Page -- - 18 230 Nathanson, Mary V. petition filed in --her behalf for liquor license at -Mary k_Mac's Bar 9-13-39 _ 18 261 National Package Stores granted 2 liquor licenses 9-20-39 18 276 NOR1UTANDY RESIDENT & DAY SCHOOL - granted private school permit 10/5/39 18 315 Nathanson -Mary V. -requests liquor license— 10/1$-/39 18 "N" MI6ONLLANEOUS • 14 Book Page New Rainbow Hotel — complain of noise 'from Segal Taxi stand 11/1/39 -18 351 New Paddock Club -granted night club licenser 11/1/39 18 352 Nathanson, Mary V. -granted liquor license for Mary's.& Mao's 11/1/39 m18— 353 Normandy Pharmacy granted beer and -wine license- 11/3/39 18 364 RewYorkergranted_beer_an4_ains_ license 11/3/39 18 364 NUT CLUB granted liquor lice if,16/39 18 3&1 "Nu MISCELLANEOUS 15 Book Page hotel NORMANDY granted beer and wine license 12/13/39 18 416 NORMANDY TAVERN granted beer and wine 12/28/39 18 429 Normandy Resident & Day School de- nied permit to have tent on property —217/40- 18 453 Norman Hotel granted parking lot permit Lot 614k.11 2/8/40 18 469 Friedman & Cope Sub. Netherlands Hotel granted beer and ---Age license 5/29/40 19 131 °N" MISCELLANEOUS 16. Book Page Petition filed against operation of Normandy Residence School 7/3/40 19 179 Nemetz, Albert - granted liquor license at 240-2lt4-23rd St. 7/3/40 19 1g5 Normandy Plaza Hotel granted parking Lot at cor.7lst & Harding Ave. 8/7/40 19 219 Normandy Plaza Hotel again requests__ ParkingLot permit at 71st St. and _19 p86• Harding Avenue. 9/25/40 Normandy-Plaza7Hotel granted pr$ruu.Lt for -- parking lot 10-9-40 19 322 HN" MISCELLANEOUS Netherlands_ Hotel license Nolan -Peed 17 Book Page - granted liquor 10-21-40 19 363 er Motor 0o.granted park - ing lot permit 10-21-40 19 364 National Tours ,Inc., granted travel bureau license 10-23-40 19 371 N_adelweiss,Henry granted parking lot permit Lots 1 and 2,B1k.27,E.35' Lots 19 and 20, Fisher's 1st Sub. 10=5U-40 -191-377 Nut Club granted night club 1 i cense 10-30-40 19 378 tIN" MISCELLANEOUS 18 Book Page Normandy School requests renewal of private school-- petition filed against operation -of this school - permit granted 11-6-40 19 386 Nati1, Hotel Cocktail Lunge granted liquor license 11-20-40 19 416 _Needleman,A. - granted beer and wine license 11/27/40 19 43� Nash Hotel file objection to parking lot north of their hotel 1I/2'7/40 33 Nut- s 7 & 8,Blk.11,Island View Sub. 12/4/40 19 446 "N" MISCELLANEOUS New Yorker Hotel granted beer and wine license 12/4/4M New Paddock Club - granted night club license 12/4/40 19 Book Page 19 448 19 454 National Children's Convalescent Home granted permit to have tag day on January 25th 12/16/40 19 481 idence and Day School - John J. LTodesky complains of noise d D a = - 40 19 483 gran e. eer:ane ne cense off the premises. 20 63-