Normandy Isle Golf Course_April 1937 to May 1946NORMANDY ISLE, GOLF COURSE Also see GOLF COURSES Bay Shore & Normandy Shores) AUR IANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE Proposed form of agreement with M.C.Gryzmish for golf course and filling and bulkheading of North half of Isle of Normandy 4-12-37 Mayor & Clerk authorized to sign agreement with M.C.Gryzmish on Golf Course subject to approval of City Atty. 4 -?3-37 16 City Attorney Robillard reports on above agreement 4-26-37 16 46 Above agreement . approved byCouncil 4-27-7 16 E f� �' .tet>tr ArsKEEN1aNT Adeu_,,v�ec.�C.e Book Page 16 1 35 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE Toomy and Flynn employed as Golf Architects. 7/28/37 let estimate to M.C.Gryzmish on Isle of Normandy Golf Course ordered paid 6/7/37 July 2nd estimate to M.C.Gryzmish ordered paid 7/14/37 Aug.l6th estimate toM.C.Gryzmish ordered paid -amount of $200.8.88 .8-20-37 3. Book Page 16 154 16 128 16 1g7 16 239 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 4 Book Page City Mgr.authorized to advertise for bids for bulkhead on City property 11-3-37 16, 316 ordered paid (32,800.00 9-16-37 16 264 Estimate to M C gzmi_sh_for-i11 on Normandy Isle -$60,559,92 Labor and material - 3 $5,000•00, M-�-37 16 333 x§mx acz. xisiax xt @ Estimates to Mr. Gryzmish for fill, $29,904.84 and bulkha 6 00.00 s - - s ■ NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 5. Book Page Estimate to M.C.Gryzmish for fill and r at eria , ourse ordered- 140.(1_ rderez- 140d_ 12-15-37 16 454 on North Normandy Isle 1-5-36 16 466 Estimate to )L .Gryzmi _h for fill on North Normandy Isle ordered paid Estimates ordered paid 6- 17 i Bids called for construction of -mounds-on-Normandy Isle Gob- Course 3 17 �4 Contract for above awarded to 59t LIC -=1--9 pid paaapao 3(aom apr.Ig aIsI i poem —aoMiN uo uspazLafl'p •pi O. avi uTzsz -Etat Lt R I pavdao —au ate' apuumaorH uo a2Buivap aoJ t;sTmzSavo •qI moa; uauiaBBa Zijt Lt pTBd paaapao /IT; p pat �itnQ aoa LIeTwzdiVVW off, a413WT .s3 0£tt a:Bva 3Ioog $�—La as rLQ0 atofl a's' Apuemaom jo aReuTvap .z�; apum '0089$ Jo uoTzuTadoaddy 9 aeunoo f oD urISI DINiiRUON NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 7. Book Page Estimate_ to Belcher Oil Co. for mounds for Normandy Isle Golf Course ordered paid 6-1=3. 17 165 Estimate to M.C.Gryzmish on N.Normandy Isle paving 6-15-38 17 191 Estimate to M.C.Gryzmish on N.Isle of Normandy paving and Construction of West bridge ordered. paid 7-6-3g 17 209 Estimates to M.C.Gryzmish on East & West Bridge and St.paving ordered paid 7-20-38 17 22g NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE Estimate to Belcher Oil Co. for construction of mounds ordered paid -7=6-3E4 Book Page IT 209 Agreement reached with reference to street paving, tax -payments and fill on North Isle of Normandy__ &.3-38 17 23g Estimate to Belcher 011 Co. for con- struction of- mounds ordered paid — 8-3®38 - 17 239 Estimate to Belcher Oil Co.for construc- tion of mounds ordered paid 17 333 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 9. Book Page Ree. #4414 re -conveying portion of Korth:Tile of Normandy to M. C Orrznah 11/--2/_3g 17 333 Final settlement with M. C. (ryzmieh authorized on North Normandy Idle 1a/1f3g 17 37 Approprta tt ons --made for Sprinkling System - $15:40.0.00 _3/1/39. -Contract---f-ar---sand for- t rap s -and-soi for greens and tees awarde d to H.D. Fountain 3-15-39 17 494 lg 11 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 10 Book Page Council agrees to use cast ikon pipe for sprinkler system on olf Course 3-22-39 __ 18 17 Add' l appropriation for sprinkler system made ($2600.00) 3/22/39 18 17 Marl- for Normandy Isle Golf Course (contract awarded to J.Tesei at -$1,020.00 5/4/39 18 74 Contracts awarded for Normandy Isle Golf Course Landscaping & appro. made 5/4/39 18 75 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 11 Book Pale Contract for muck awarded to Carl R. Carter 7/5/39 18 157 _ All bids for grass forolf course rejected. 7/10/39 18 160 New bids received for furnishing grass for Normandy Isle GolfCourse and contract awarded W.H. Vann,Inc. for $1280.00 7-24-39 18 172 August Geiger authorized to draw plans for Normandy Isle Golf Course Club -house 11-20-40 1-9-415- NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 12 Book Page Construction of comfort station,shelters, caddy pen and ticket office at Normandy Tsie Goff Course authorized -7 -not to ex- ceed $6300.00 12/24/40 19 492 $1,944.78 authorized for purchase of tactor and mower 1/2/41 20 10 gpropristed for erinipmenb Rnd soil storage shed for Normandy Isle Golf Course 129 41 20 30 Rob t.A.Taylor submits bi 1 or drawing plans of Club House Bldg. 2/5/41 20 34 s--sk-etchs of club house & Eng neer to adv. fds 20 45 NORMANDY ISLE GOLP COURSE 13 Book Page Bids received for construction of Golf GIUb House building. 4/16/41 20 156 Contract fir 0amatatuotion of Normandy Isle Golf Club House awarded to Wm. B. Green Co. at $394978.00- appropria, -tion-of-44-3-i-,75A0 set up for club house work • 446/41,--- 20 177 1st esti:ma e Lo Wrn.S.Green for con- struction of Normandy Isle Club House,ordered paid 5/21/41 20 240 2nd Estimate tn Wm S. OreenZo.. for work_dane on Normiady Isle ulub Houlebrdered paid 6/11/41 20 277 =HANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE Estimate to 4Vm.S.Green Co. for Normandy Isle 'golf Club House ordered paid $3,100.80 7/2/41 Estimate to Wm. S. Green Co. for Normandy Isle Golf Club House ordered paid 33,674.74 8/6/41 20 382 Contracts for furnishing and equipment for0 387 for Club House let 8/6/41 14 Book Page 20 330 Estimates paid in the & 1,6,091.80 to VUm.S.Green Co. ordered amounts of $6,046.09 for const. of 1c L, , ouse 20 439 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 15 Book Page Payment of estimate to Wm.S.Green for work done on Club House, in amount of 3,302.25 ordered paid 10/3/41 20 443 Landscaping for Normandy Isle Golf Club House awarded to Exotic Gardens and Auxier Landscaping Co. 10/3/41 20 459 Construction of Driveways at Clyb House awarded to Mills Hock Co. 11/6/41 21 21 Payment of $543.5 to Tropic Textile co for equipment for Club douse authorized.t C141 21 45 , ib House Contract for driveways la 1 /4 awarded to Mills ock o. 11/0 1 21 21 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 16 Book Page Payment of $757.10 for furniture for Club House, to Granada S ops authorized 11/19/4-1 - -21 56 Estimate to Wm. S. Green fo- work on lub House in amount of $8,-a33 83 ordered paid. 11/26/41 21 84 Council approved schedule of greens fees for both golf courses. 12/5/41 21 97 COUNCIL authorized expenditure of dvertising of Norm=ndy Isle Golf Course. 12/5/41 21 99 Estimate to Richard Plummer for $768.32 for furnishings in Club House 12/5/41 , 21 96 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE 17. Book Page Golf Course officially dedictaed December 18, 1941. 12/18/41 21 122 Final estimate to Wm. S. Green in amount of $678.ordered paid for work done on Club House Bldg. 2/18/42 21 205 #572.32 ordered paid to Washington Galleries for furniture in Normandy Isle Golf Club House 2/20/42 21 212 Res.#5521 reducing greens fees on Northandy IslepGolf Course 50% to soldiers and tc31y19Lnployees from L./cy/12t,192 ifio 295 NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE la. Book Page Miami Women°s Golf Assn. asks to play on Normandy Course without charge - referred to City Manager 5/2/45 23 6o $20,735 appropriated for cultivation of entire course 5/15/46 24 92 Council approves purchase of 80 tons of fertilizer for cultivation of course 5/15/46 24 95