Normandy Isle Swimming Pool_April 1953 to December 1955NORMANDY ISLE SWIMMING POOL 1. • Book Page City Mgr. to look into feasibility of building swimming pool at north end of city, and report back 4-22-53 34 191 City Mgr. reports on possibility of building swimming pool on Normandy Isle - recommends NormanitrIsle Park as site, estimated cost t$110,000.00. To be included in next year's budget. 5-6-53 34 226 Councilman Turk asks for consideration of funds in budget for certain projects including construction of swimming pool on Normandy Isle 8-12-53 34 477 NORMANDY ISLE SWIMMING POOL Request made that funds be included in 1954-55 budget for construction of swimming pool in Normandylsle 3-3-54 35 361 Parent Teachers Assn of Biscayne Elementary School asks Council to consider locating public swimming pool in vicinity of school, possibly behind Water Dept. pumping station at 76th St. and Dickens Ave. Taken under advisement. 2. Book Page 6-16-54 36 38 NORMANDY ISLE SWIMMING POOL Petition submitted by residents and property owners in North Beach area asking that public swimming pool be built in vicinity of Biscayne Elementary School 7-7-54 36 6o 3. Book. Page Normandy Isle residents assured that swimming pool will be constructed on Normandy Isle 7-21-54 36 82 Mr. Henry Nelson employed as mechanical engineer in connection with Normandy Isle swimming pool, fee $2,500.00 T0-8-54 36 227 NORMANDY ISLE SWIMMING POOL 4. Book Page Bill of Henry J. Nelson, consulting engineer, amt $1,500 - fee for portion of services in connection with mechanical features of Norm. Isle swimming pool, approved for payment 1-19-55 36 413 MR. Lipp's report re. bids for Normandy Isle Swimming Pool construction presented. Contracts awarded. $14,000 appropriated to cover deficit in swimming pool project. 3-16-55 36 482 Statement of Henry J. Nelson, for engineering work in connect on with Normandy Isle swimming pool, $511.24, approved for pgirment 9-7-55 37 341 NORMANDY ISLE SWIMMING POOL 5. nl Book Page Statement of Henry J. Nelson for mechanical and engineering work on swimming pool, amount $574.64, approved for payment 12-7-55 37 475