Normandy Isle_July 1938 to June 1954NORMANDY ISLE 1 Book Page Res. #9355 requiring property owners to provide for drainage system of N.W. portion of south half of Normandy Isle 7-20-38 17 226 Agreement reached with M.O.Gryzmish with reference to above drainage Easement from M. O.Gryzmisi for storm 1 7 238 sewer at foot of Madeleine Way ac- cepted by City 9-27-38 17 293 Plat of Miami View Section,Isle of Normandy approved 4/19/39 15 33 NORMANDY ISLE Book Page 2 Plats on 1°2nd Revised Plat of portions of Ocean Side Section and Trouville Section of -Isle of Normandy and "Miami, View_Section1Part 3,Isle. of Normandy" approved 5/17/39 18 82 Plat of "Miami View Section,Isle of Normandy; Part 2" approved for record 6/7/39 18 101 Property owners of- Normandy Isle petition— council to extend Venetian Way Bus system $150.00 appropriated fora rleppa� s to 19 354 Normandy Isle foundain & . panting 941 NORMANDY ISLE 4 Book Page _Auprotriat}on set u for purchase o ma er a s for s i sanitary sewer installations on Normandy Isle ($23,100.00) July 16, 1941 20 356 American Cast Iron Pipe Co.awarded contract for furnishing pipe for Normandy Isle Sewerage System 8/8/41 20 418 Appro. of $300.00 made for resurfacing 250 -foot strip of Biaritz Dr. 10/2/41 20 439 Appropriation of $1250. authorized for illumination of Norm. Isle fountain. 11/19/41 21 54 NORMANDY ISLE 5 Book Page Normandy Isle Improvement Assn. asks that thoroughfare composed of 71st Street, Everglades Conc., North Bay Causeway and 79th St. be renamed "Everglades Concourse" - Council is agreeable provided no objections are received from City of Miami, Dade County and State Road Dept. 7/3/46 24 182 County Commissioners advise that several protests have been received to changing name of North Bay Causeway to "Ever- glades Concourse" 7/17/46 .24 214 NORMANDY ISLE 6 Book Page Normandy Isle Improvement Ass'n. urges the City to purchase Block 37, Isle of Normandy, for playground - it is referred to committee on playgrounds 11/20/46 24 407 Normandy Isle Improvement Ass'n. requests that City pay for installation of community Christmas tree - it is referred to the City Manager 1/2/47 24 45�+ NORMANDY ISLE 7 Book Page Normandy Isies Improvement Ass'n. recommends that the City acquire Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Blk. 30, as addition- al playground property - it is referred to the committee on playgrounds 1/15/47 24 466 Dr. Abram Hoffman of 71st St. Improvement Ass'n. urges that additional police protection be given for Normandy Isle 2/19/47 24 492 NORMANDY ISLE Wm. E. Cook concurs in the request and also asks for police sub -station at north 8 Book Page end of city 2/19/47 24 492 Their request is referred to City Manager 2/19/47 24 492 Council defers action on request of Geo. Jacobs that North Normandy Isle be renamed to Normandy Shores 6/2)48 26 370 NORMANDY ISLE. 9 Book Page Council takes no action on Geo. Jacobs' request that name of Everglades Concourse be changed 6/2/48 26 370 Council asks Geo. Jacobs to bring in petition in connec- tion with his request for sidewalks on Everglades Concourse Normandy Isle Improvement Ass'n. asks that name of 71st Street be changed to Everglades Concourse 6/2/48 26 370 3/16/49 27 492 NORMANDY ISLE Council appropriates 1100.00 for Christmas decorations 12-14-49 29 87 10 Book Page Normandy Isle Improvement Asso- cation request for enlargement of park and playground on Normandy Isle referred to com- mittee on parks and play- grounds lay- 2 p 4-0 q sOpposes cut-off causeway -- 1j-1 /'I 30 4582 Improvement groups request changing name of Everglades Con. to 71st St. and renaming of two blocks of Bay Dr. Or- dinance to be drawn 2-21-51 30 377 NORMANDY ISLE _ 11 Book Page City Manager authorized to negotiate for purchase of Lots 22, 61 and 62, Block 10, Ocean Side Sec. of Isle of Normandy for street purposes. 2-6-52 32 336 of thanks Letter/from Normandy Isles Improvement Asstn for fine resurfacing job on South Shore Dr., and sign and landscaping at M.B. entrance to 79th St. causeway 6-16-54+ 36 26