North Beach Business Association_January 1948 to May 1950NORTH BEACH BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 1. Book Page Their request that Byron Avenue be paved through Surfside Park is referred to City Manager 1/21/48 26 149 Their request for parking lanes in front of post office on Abbott Avenue is referred to Mr. Thompson 1/21/48 26 149 Request certain improvements at north end of city 3/17/48 26 247 NORTH BEACH BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2. Book Page Ask that Byron Avenue be extended through North Shore Park 4/21/48 26 313 Mr. Renshaw favors cutting Carlyle Avenue through instead of Byron but tells of obteetions 4/21/48 26 313 Council aks Mr. Renshaw to meet with objectors to see if difficulties can be ironed out 4/21/48 26 314 NORTH BEACH BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 3. Book Page Their plans for alleviation of traffic at north end of city presented and referred to City Manager 5/18/+9 28 142 Their request for $1500.00 appropriation for marine pageant on Indian Creek re- ferred to Public Relations Advisory Committee for re- commendations 11/9/49 29 37 Given permission to erect banner signs 5/17/50 29 375