Objections Made by Property Owners_December 1929 to November 1942-OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS BOOK, PAGE Businesses in Fisher's First sub of Alton Beach 12-24-29 9,420 Filling Station adjoining Geo. Washington Hotel by Amalie E. Reiniking 9,425 Mrs. Rose Weiss -Speeding in Alleyways 9,450 Various Proposed Improvements 2-26-30 10, 37 Palm Island -Club Lido 4-2-30 10,122 Gertrude Fay -Closed Street Ends in M•B,I. Ocean Front 5-21-30 10,1)1)1 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS By M.B. Bay Shore Co. to Deauville Casino Groins 5-21-30 BOOK, PAGE 10, 146 By Clayton Shappell to Distillate Tank in alley rear of Goldsrom Bakery 10, 201 7-10-30 By C. J. Dougherty to closed street ends " 256 By E. P. Wheelan to use of residences for restaurants 10-1-30 ft 271l By Delmores' to certain improvements in Altos del Mar 1,2 & 3 10-1-30 " 26I OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS BOOk, .r2.. BY: Eugene E. Evans, J. C. Delmore and C. W. Chase, Sr. to frame buildings moved to Normandy Beach South by P. L. Watson 11-19-30 10, 337 BY: A. L. Bowes to above mentioned frame buildings 1-7-31 10, 428 BY: Commodore Schantz & C.W.Chase, Sr. to charges for Trunk Drayage 1-21-31 10, 442 BY: Walter Reid - "Used Car" lots on Fifth Street . 1-21-31 10, 442 -OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS 4. BOOK,PAGE L.I.Grote: Tax Roll Assessments 2-18-31 10, 468 L.I.Grote: Sun Beth Colony 4-1-31 11, 1 J.B.Moos & W.B.Bidhop: Obstructions in 43rd Street 4-1-31 11, 1 M. B. Bay Shore Co. & Sarah Bass Throm: Fire Station at 63rd Street 4-15-31 11,. 16 Oscar Daniels: Transfer of Virginia_Xey- to Miami City Limits 4-22731 11, 22 S.M.Tatum: Change of Ocean Drive Zoning 11,_ 34 Free showers on Ocean Front, J.H.Wendler 0 100 )SJEC IONS MADE BY PROPZRTY OWNERS 5. BOOK PAGE Irs.Klein,13].8 Euclid Ave: Objects to wall on property line 12-16-31 11,243 L.J.Moloney: Improperly Clothed Bathers Complaints to Southern Fish Mari}t f33_ tramp Realty 0o.. re: park at end J 2nd Street 12/6/33 Basketball & volleyball courts in Flamingo Park 1/x/34 Objection toholdingcarnival -on Ocean Driye 2/7/34 11,028 12,1g1- 12 202 2,1&l-12,202 12,226 12 241 OBJECTIONS FADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS Mrs. F. Ks Ebersole: Private use of Beach by Thomson & McKinnon 6. Boo image 13 262 Residents of 23rd St. Area: Noise and nuisance from Bars, etc. 13 262 Alton Road property owners object to equestrians riding along lawn. 1/16/35 13 238 Exotic Gardens,Inc. object to installa tion of Power plant in Patten Bldg. 7/10/35 13 490 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS Book Page Selecman, Chas. L. objections to construction of one-story apart- ments 7/17/35 13 493 Wilson, Walter B. objects to con- struction of one-story apartments 7/17/35 13 493 Petition presented objecting to con- struction of power plant in Patten Bldg. 7/17/35 13 494 Objections filed to installation of power plant in Patten Bldg. 7/19/35 14 1 7. OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY OWNERS 8. Book Page Lincoln Road Assn. objects to bars on Lincoln Road 7/19/35 14 1 Joseph Mack protests to moving City Jail to City Hall bldg.8/7/35 14 17 Hollingsworth,M.H.objeets to unfinished condition of Stahl bldg. 8/12/35 14 32 Beach Taxpayers Assn.objeet to fish and. poultry market in Blk.l11 8/21/35 14 52 Van Ness Bros. object to comfort sta- tions in Lummus Park opposlte their property 11/6/35 14 171 OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY diV ERS 9. Book Page F.J.Novak objects to purchase of ocean front-properto-at-south beach 11/7/35 14 181 Orenshaw,Kathleen -objects to night club of Carter Catering Co. 12/11/35 14 236 Diefenderfer,A J.objeco unneces- sary night noises 1/29/36 14 a79 Alfred Betancou for Lear School 2/5/36 14 2g7 . Objections filed to sale of liquor in French Casino if operated as moving oicturetheatre 3/4/36 14 I1A OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS 10. Book Page Seminole Bond & Mtg..Co. file objection to H -12g assessment - letters filed s- -m''n to data May 15th, 1935 Property owners in South end of City --object-toy-ere ctf � high pressure holders by Peoples Water & Gas Co. g-21--36 15 60- Biarritz 0- Biarritz Hotel a lain of noise in their neighborhood 1-20-37 15 338 Mrs.B.Thompson complains of noise from Roadside Rest g -1g-3 ( 16 223 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS 11, Book Page Property owners file objections to construction of utility building -at 40th St.& -Sheridan Ave. 9-15,.37 16 257 Tom Heeneyls Bar - noise emanating therefrom objected to bv property owners .4-30-37 16 -287 Property owners complain of noise from bars on Collins Ave.near 6th St. 10-13-37 16 326 Mrs. Bertha Thompson complains- of noise from Roadside Rest.10-20-37 16 330 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS - Heath -J.. and Edith, complain of noise from bars on-C-6111nns37ve. Use of Lot fi_ Blnc+k C _ M_ B _ I.Ooe n Front for S.A.Ryan parking of cars 12-=1-37 12. Book Page 16 335 16 403 Property owners complain of early morning -deliveries up alley in vicinity of Coi 1 i ns &_ 9th St.12-1-37 16 403 Objections filed by Manager of Clay stand 9n Espanola Way 12-3-37 16 4,19 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OVNErS 13. Book Page Property owner seeks reimbursement for damage done to paint on house by -mangy a no reimbursement 12-3-37 16 420 Fred Vanderpool and Mrs. T.R. Phillips file objections to construction of dock by Rod & Reel Club 12-8-37 1- 436 Objections filed. by Property Owners to purchase of additional property 6 ------fig Barcelona Hotel Mgr. complains of all-night noises at M N 11 's Beer Sta OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS 14. Book Page Property owners object to construc- tion of sidewalks on 78th, 80th and 86th -Streets A--27-38 17 129 Objections filed by property owners in subdn.west of Flamingo Park to moving old house into their eubdn. Property owners file objections to late practice of Boys Drum and -Bugle Corps 5-25-38 17 163 Olympia Hotel object to Strath -Haven Hotel.parking lot noises 11-30-3g 17 36g OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS 15 Book Page _Property owners complain of Normandie Hotel Parking lot 12/14/38 17 398 - O1ympi-c--Hotel- ob j ec.t-t o Strath -Haven Hotel parking lot 12/14/38 17 398 Evans Hotel and others protest parking lot on Ocean Court south St. 17 40D4� Property owners complain Normandie Hotel Parking lot 1-4-39 -17 419 I.Evans again complains of parking e-vn Ocean O :-1-4-3$ —17-420- OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY OWNERS 16 Book Page Property owners filed objectionsto proposed erection of tent by bapist 1 "hur ch 3-8-39 7 Petition filed by property owners ob_ jecting to issuance of permits for golf baa-livery for Mrs. G 11oway! a property 11/15/39 18 372 Island Improvement Assn. protest issuance of night club license to Palm Island Club —12/13/39 18 415 Mr BOTH oompl-ains of noise from patio restaurant at 1035 Collins Ave. 12/20/39 18 420 x+99 OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY OWNERS 17. Book Page Lakeside Pharmacy object to Belmar Hotel cooking and serving food on ocean- front 2/8/40 18 477 Property --owners at -south-end -of- Beach object to proposed erection of Gas Storage Tanks 2/21/40 1S 500 Mrs. Louise Osius complains of un- sanitary condition of- roomii -house -in-he-r vic inity 3/6740 19— -4— Property owners file objections to use of Lot 1:6-,B1k.40,AltonBeach for parking -purposes 4/17/-40 19 76 OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY OWNERS lg Hook Page Biarritz Hotel files ob ection parking lot north _of f s6ilo'telto /5/ . 19 15g Managers of Hotel Henry and St.George Hotel object to bldg.construction at .corner EucIl . . • Mr. Cecil A. Snow files objection to noise in Miami Beach 'Tropics 1/8/41 20 11 -- Prcp-erty owffers on Palm Island complain of.noises in Latin Qu to 2/19/41 20 71 OBJE0liONS FILED BY PROPERTY OWNERS 19 Book Page Delegationnroff Apt. owners andamannaagers: avenue tan ciffai Sre 43.`5/4- 20 113 Marsa,John - complains of docking of Sightseeing Boat tGar Reed" at Wofford -Rotel Dock__ 3/19/11 20 113 Webster, J. 0. - files objection to pro- -posed location--o-f slaughter house 10341 Messrs.Masserrrrran & Bruckn/er/ complain 20 442 -of noi-ae--from-handba 1--cert-in-2nd St,_ playground, 11/5/41 21 11 OBJECT DNS FILED t NROPER r OWNERS 20 Book Page Gertrude Fay objects to paying paving assessment 10-7-42 21 436 Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Fields ask for change in zoning for their property known as 1434 Collins Ave. - complain of exhaust fan in Eskay Drug Co. 11/4/42 21 458