Oceanside Improvement Assn._August 1936 to September 1947OCEANSIDE IMPROVEMENT ASSN. Book Page Ur step be taken to abate noises in 75th St. district Sr576 15 29 -To -meet -with City-ligr.- -Object to bare in vicinity -of 71st Str4e_t _ 15 94 -Request for sidewalks extending .from 72nd St. & Collins Ave.north 711/12t36- 15 21 Representatives of Association ask Council to beautify ocean street ends -In-Alto-9 Tel Mar se -at -ton and for -street -markers -3-27f-34 17_ 42 0CEANSIDE IMPROVE ENT ASSN. Book Page Urge construction of sidewalks in all street ends in Altos Del Mar section 8-24-38 17 255 Present petition urging better bus service to north end of City 11/4/38 Letter from Ocean Side Impr.Co. re: Liquor sales in vicinity of 71st Street 12/7/38 17 380 & 381 Letter from Ocean Side Impr.Co. request no lowering of zoning restric- tions 5/4/39 18 71 17 337 OCEAN SIDE IMPROVEMENT ASSN. 3. Book Page Assn. ask for change in setback regulations on Altos Del -Mar #3 & Harding Townsite _- Res.#4608 calling hearing$ on above change 8/16/39 18 212 Assn.endorses Uouncil action in refus- ing permit to Long Bar for exec- on of concession stand 12/20/39 18 420 Res. --from association endorsing Council. l s present reatrlotion prohibiting bars in their vicinity 4/3/40 19 6+1 Venetianiwayl Jitneys line 1/241 mon of 20 OCEAN SIDE IMPROVEMENT ASSN. 4. Book Page Res.from Asan.presented urging the City to acquire Surfside Park and not to -sell -of the Collins Ave-. fr-Qnta e 7/3/40 1 178 Oceanside Improvement Assn. prebent —resolution opposing issuance of liquor --license to- _Epicure --- Rest, -and --any lower- ing of restrictions in their neighbor- hood 5--7 0 19 216 --Oceanside Imp -.Assn. present letter re: liquor sales in their area 11/2'/40 19 4.3. Letter filed re: new building at 78th so-- e-que-sting- ex L ens-ton- of nsi orrof Venetian us line to City limits11/27 $O '13] OCEAN SIDE IMPROVEMENT ASSN. 5• Book Page Ocean Side Imp.Assn. ask Council to. invite units of army to consider their area for training site 7/9/42 21 382 Letter from Oceanside Imp.Assn, asking Council not to permit package stores to go above 71st St. 12/16/42 21 479 Oceanside Imp.Assn.ask for extension of Venetian Shortway line to 71st Stand urge reduction in bus rates for travel on Miami Beach 1/20/43 22 11 Ocesnside Imp.Assn.a.sk Ci,- to red eGt Away to let remain Stan .i lie mess fia t 135 in Surfside k'ark OCEANBIDE IMPROVEMENT ASSrN, 6. Book Page Urges that horizontal and vertical signs be removed 8/1/45 23 184 Oppose any additional liquor licenses on north end of city 9/3/47 25 363