20170517 AM2MIAMIBEACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERTAL 2 (5115120171 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor,lTOO Convention Center Drive May 17,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vlsrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA G4 - Commission Gommiftee Assignments C4 I REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE - DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY ATTORNEY RAUL J. AGUILA'S ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Office of the City Attorney Addendum added on 5/1512017 C4 J REFERRAL TO THE LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND THE PLANNING BOARD - LAND USE BOARD RENEWABLE ENERGY FEE WAIVER. Planning Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Addendum added on 5/1512017 1 Addendum 2,May 17,2017 R9 - New Business and Commission Requests R9 AH DISCUSSION REGARDING AN EXCEPTION TO THE PROPOSED LOT AGGREGATION REQUIREMENT, TO ADDRESS AFFORDABLE AND/OR WORKFORCE HOUSING, WITH RELATION TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICT ORDINANCE, Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Addendum added on 5/1512017 R9 AI UPDATE ON THIS YEAR'S LEGISLATIVE SESSION AND CASINO GAMBLING BY REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON. Office of the City Manager Addendum added on 5/1512017 R9 AJ DISCUSS SUPPORTING THE SIERRA CLUB'S #READYFORIOO CAMPAIGN, WHICH CHALLENGES 1OO CITIES ACROSS THE UNITED STATES TO SETATARGET OF 1OO% CLEAN ENERGY, AND URGING THE 2017 U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS PARTICIPANTS TO COMMIT TO 1OO% RENEWABLE ENERGY. Mayor Philip Levine Addendum added on 5/1512017 R9 AK DISCUSSION REGARDTNG AECOM CONCEPTUAL PLAN AND RENDERING OF RESIDENTIAL STORMWATER CONNECTIONS. Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Addendum added on 5/1512017 2 Gommission Committee Assignments - C4 I MIAAAI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayorand Members of the City Commission FROM: Raul J. Aguila, CityAttorney DATE: May 17,2017 SUBJECT: REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMM]TTEE . DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITYATTORNEY RAUL J. AGUILA'S ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATI ON. ANALYSIS Please place on the May 17,2017 City Commission agenda, a refenal to the Finance & Cityrvide Projects Committee to discuss City Attomey Raul J. Aguila's annual performance evaluation. As in the past, it has been customary for the Chairperson of the Finance & Cihywide Projects Committee to be designated as the person who negotiates, on behalf of the City Commission, the employment contracts for the City's three Charter officers (i.e., the City Manager, City Clerk, and the CityAttomey). Leoislative Trackino Office of the CityAttorney Page 141 of 949 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 Gommission Committee Assignments - C4 J MIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:REFERRAL TO THE LAND USE THE PLANNING BOARD - LAND WAIVER. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayorand Members of the City Commission Jirumy L. Morales, City Manager May 17,2017 AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND USE BOARD RENEWABLE ENERGY FEE RECOMMENDATION Refer the item to the Land Use and Development Committee and Planning Board for consideration and recomnendation. ANALYSIS On April 19,2017, the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee (SRC) discussed incentives for renewable forms of energy, such as solar panels. Under certain circumstances, some renewable energy projects may be required to go to the Design Review Board and Historic Preservation Board, and there are fees associated with these land use board review processes. The SRC recommended that an ordinance amendment, to further incentivize the installation of solar panels and renewable forms of energy, by waiving the fees relating to any required land use board revieq be refened to the next available Land Use and Development Committee meeting. Since this proposal would amend the fee schedule (Appendix) of the Land Development Regulations, Planning Board review of the draft ordinance wculd also be required. GONGLUSION Pursuant to the recommendation of the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee, the Administration recommends that the Mayor and the City Commission refer the item to the Land Use and Development Committee, as wellas the Planning Board. Leoislative Trackino Planning Soonsor Page 142 of 949 5 Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Page 143 of949 6 MIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING AN EXCEPTION TO THE PROPOSED LOT AGGREGATION REQUIREMENT, TO ADDRESS AFFORDABLE AND/OR WORKFORCE HOUSING, WITH RELATION TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATI ON DISTRI CT ORDI NANCE. ANALYSIS Please place on the May 17, 2017 City Commission agenda, a discussion item related to the proposed lot aggregation requirement, to address affordable and/or workforce housing, with relation to the Neighborhood Conservation District Ordinance. I would like to request the addition of an exception for raorkforce and affordable housing to the proposed lot aggregation requirement. This exception would allow aggregation for up to five lots, rather than the proposed two lot aggregation limitation. ln order for an affordable or worKorce project to be competitive for funding, a base number of units would be required for a development. As such, lot aggregation of up to and including five lots appears to be necessary. For additional information, please contact my office at extension6437. Legislative Tracking Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman New Business and Commission Requests - R9 AH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayorand Members of the City Commission Corrrfssioner John Elizabeth Aleman May 17,2417 Page 906 of 949 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8 New Business and Commission Requests - R9 Al MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 17,2417 SUBJECT: UPDATE ON THIS YEAR,S LEGISLATIVE SESSION AND CASINO GAMBLI NG BY REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON. ANALYSIS Representative David Richardson will give an update on this year's Legislative Session and casino gambling. Legislative Tracking Office of the City Manager Page 907 of 949 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10 AAIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DISCUSS SUPPORTING THE SIERRA CLUB'S #READYFORIOO CAMPAIGN, WHICH CHALLENGES 1OO CITIES ACROSS THE UNITED STATES TO SET A TARGET OF 1OO% CLEAN ENERGY AND URGI NG THE 2017 U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS PARTICIPANTS TO COMMIT TO IOOYo RENEWABLE ENERGY ANALYSIS The nation's largest grassroots environmental group is throWng its weight behind clean energy with its new #ReadyFor100 campaign. Wilh 2.4 million members and supporters, the Siena Club is urging Mayors in cities across the country to follow the lead of cities like San Diego, Paris, Sydney and Vancouver that have committed to 100% clean energy. The #ReadyFor100 campaign challenges 100 cities across the United States to set a target of 1A0% clean energy. The move to 100% clean energy in the U.S. must begin in cities. Twenty- six (26) cities have already adopted the 100% clean energy goal. These cities have agreed to generate 100% of the energy used community-wide from clean, non-polluting and renewable sources. More than half the world's population lives in urban areas. By 2050, cities will encompass two{hirds of the people on the planet. Since urban areas account for an estimated 76% of CO2 emissions from energy use - and many are wlnerable to flooding and higher temperatures - many city officials are taking on climate change. Numerous U.S. cities have made public commitments to cut carbon and address climate change through initiatives like the Compact of Mayors or by establishing their own climate action plans. Ahead of the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Miami Beach in June, the launch of Mayors for 100% Clean Energy aims to demonstrate bold local leadership and showcase the depth and breadth of support from city leaders for a transition to 100% renewable energy. The Mayors for 100% Clean Energy initiative is co-chaired by Mayor Philip Levine of Miami Beach, Mayor Jackie Biskupski of Salt Lake City, Mayor Kevin Faulconer of San Diego, and Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin of Columbia, South Carolina. "As Mayor of Miami Beach, I am proud to support a vision of 100 percent clean energy for my community. Our vibrant, historic city will be a model for other communities around the world on the importance of addressing the threat of climate change. We have already taken steps to expand renewable energy and we will continue to improve our infrastructure and innovate clean New Business and Commission Requests - R9 AJ GOMMISSION MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mayor Philip Levine May 17,2017 Page 908 of 949 11 energy solutions for a stronger Miami Beach," said Mayor Philip Levine of Miami Beach, Florida. "Climate change may be the challenge of our generation, but it is also the opportunity of a lifetime. The transition to clean and renewable energy will both help Miami Beach confront climate change and strengthen our local economy. Cities can lead the way and, as Co-Chair of Mayors for 100% Clean Energy I am honored to stand with mayors across the country in supporting 100 percent clean energy." Building on this history of climate leadership, Mayor LeMne urges the 2017 U.S. Conference of Mayors participants to support the #ReadyFor100 campaign, and set a goal to transition their cities to 100% clean energy. By adopting a 1A0% clean, renewable energy target, Mayors can set a new bar - not only for climate leadership - but also as proof that they prioritize people's health and wellbeing. Legislative Tracking Mayor Philip Levine ATTACHMENTS: Description n Press Release - Sierra Club Page 909 of 949 12 Contact: Shane Levy, Sierra Club - Shane.Levy@sierraclub.org, 201-67I-9507 U.S. Mayors Announce New National Drive For 100% Glean Energy OAKLAND, Calif. - Mayors from across the United States today joined with the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign to announce a new effort to engage and recruit mayors to endorse a goal of transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy in cities across the country. Ahead of the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting in Miami Beach in June, the launch of Mavors for 100%o Clean Enerav aims to demonstrate bold local leadership and showcase the depth and breadth of support from city leaders for a transition to 100 percent renewable energy. The new Mayors for 100% Clean Energy initiative is co-chaired by Mayor Philip Levine of Miami Beach, Mayor Jackie Biskupski of Salt Lake City, Mayor Kevin Faulconer of San Diego, and Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin of Columbia, South Carolina. Mayor Benjamin is also a Vice President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. "As mayor of Miami Beach, I am proud to support a vision of 100 percent clean energy for my community. Our vibrant, historic city will be a modelfor other communities around the world on the importance of addressing the threat of climate change. We have already taken steps to expand renewable energy and we will continue to improve our infrastructure and innovate clean energy solutions for a stronger Miami Beach," said Mayor Philip Levine of Miami Beach, Florida. "Climate change may be the challenge of our generation, but it is also the opportunity of a lifetime. The transition to clean and renewable energy will both help Miami Beach confront climate change and strengthen our local economy. Cities can lead the way and, as Co-Chair of Mayors for 100% Clean Energy I am honored to stand with mayors across the country in supporting 100 percent clean energy." "We can't ignore climate change because climate change is not ignoring us," said Mayor Jackie Biskupski of Salt Lake City. "Our city is warming at twice the global average. Among many other risks, we face water shortages, decreased snowpack, and threats to our $1 billion ski industry. Cities must adapt to cope with these threats, and that's also why we must take action to mitigate them. Salt Lake City has set the ambitious but achievable goals of generating 100 percent of the community's electricity supply from renewable energy by 2432, followed by an 80 percent reduction in community greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. Cities account for three quarters of humanity's overall emissions and we have the tremendous ability to make a difference on this issue. I urge all of my colleagues in local government to join with me and our other champions in committing to 100 percent clean energy." "We are blessed to have a planet of abundant resources, and a number of those resources are renewable," said Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin of Columbia, South Carolina. "lt's up to us as leaders to creatively implement clean energy solutions for our cities across the nation. lt's not merely an option now; it's imperative." Mayoral leadership has been a powerful driver of city-wide action on climate change and clean energy in municipalities across the United States. the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda or Climate Mayors founded by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, and former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, recently released an electric vehicle request-for-information to demonstrate demand to automakers for nearly 115,00 vehicles that could be electrified in 30 cities. Now the Co-Chairs of Mayors for 104% Cban Energy, a number of whom are Climate Mayors, are further demonstrating their commitment to lead nationally on the shared challenge of Page 910 of 949 13 reducing climate pollution and contributing to Climate Mayors'framework of local leadership and action. "Cities are on the front lines of the fight against climate change, and we are leading the way toward solutions to our greatest environmental challenges," said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, chair of the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda. "l applaud my fellow Climate Mayors Benjamin, Biskupski, and Levine along with my California colleague Mayor Faulconer for driving the Mayors For '100% Clean Energy fonrard. This initiative shows what can be accomplished when we work together to reduce our emissions, and influence climate policy around the world." "Mayors can lead our nation toward a healthier, stronger and more prosperous country by championing a vision of 100 percent clean, renewable energy in their communities. Cities don't need to wait for Washington, D.C. to act in order to move the ball forward on clean energy," said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune. "The Sierra Club applauds those mayors who have already endorsed a goal of 100 percent clean energy and we look foruvard to working with local leaders in cities across the country to accelerate the transition away from dirty fuels to clean and renewable sources of energy." Twenty-six cities across the United States have now committed to transition to 100 percent clean and renewable energy. This growing list of cities most recently includes South Lake Tahoe, California, which last week unanimously voted to transition entirely to renewable energy by 2032. Other big cities including Los Angeles and Denver are studying pathways to 100 percent clean energy. Earlier this month, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a commitment to transition Chicago municipal buildings and operations to '100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2025. ffi The Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign is a new national campaign launched in 2016 working to accelerate a just and equitable transition to 100 percent clean energy in the United States. Ready for 100 is campaigning to get 100 cities in the United States to move away from dirty, outdated fossil fuels and to commit to 100 percent clean energy. The Glimate Mayors (the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda)- founded by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, and former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter - are 86 U.S. mayors in red states and blue states working together to strengthen local efforts for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policymaking. For more information visit www.climate- mavors.orq or follow @climatemayors on Twitter. Page 911 of949 14 New Business and Commission Requests - R9 AK MIAAAI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayorand Members of the City Commission FROM: Conrr$ssioner John Eizabeth Alennn DATE: May 17,2017 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING AECOM CONCEPTUAL PLAN AND RENDERING OF RESIDENTIAL STORMWATER CONNECTIONS. ANALYSIS Please place on the May 17,2017 City Commission Agenda a discussion item regarding AECOM renderings related to the City's upcoming stormwater/road-raising improvement projects. At our April 26, 2017 City Commission meeting, the Commission unanimously passed Resolution No. 2017-29840 to allow City of Miami Beach residents to tie their private properties into the public stormwater system at no charge. The next step is to help residents understand the engineering options for this connection. I would like to direct the Administration to request that AECOM provide conceptual plans/conceptual renderings of the residential connection options. Please contact my office at ext. 6437 for additional information. Legislative Tracking Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Page 912 of 949 15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 16