20170517 SMMIAMI BEACH Gommission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERTAL 1 (5t 12t20171 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive May 17,20'17 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vlsff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article Vtl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the Gity Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R5 - Ordinances R5 C REZONING - WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE OFFICIALZONING DISTRICT MAP, REFERENCED IN SECTION 142- 72 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FOR THE PARCEL WESTERN PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE, FROM THE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF RM.2, "RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY, MEDIUM INTENSITY," TO THE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CD-2, "COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY"; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10:00 a.m. First Readinq Public Hearins Planning Commissioner Michael Grieco Supplemental updated on 511212017 (Attachment - Draft Referral Ordinance) 1 Supplemental 1, May 17,2017 R5D COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORtDA, pURSUANT TO THE pROCEDURES tN SECTTON 163.3184(3), FLORIDASTATUTES, TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, BY CHANGING THE DESIGNATION FORTHE PARCEL LOCATED ON THEWEST PORTION OFTHE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE, FROM THE CURRENT DESIGNATION OF RM-2, "RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY, MEDIUM INTENSITY", TO THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION OF CD-2, "COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY"; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION lN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 10:05 a.m. First Readinq Public Hearinq Planning Commissioner Michael Grieco Supplemental updated on 5/1212017 (Attachment - Draft Referral Ordinance) MEDICAL CANNABIS ORDINANCE - LAND USE REGULATIONS: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 114OF THE CITYCODE, ENTITLED ''GENERAL PROVISIONS,'' TO DEFINE THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS: CANNABIS, MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARY, DERIVATIVE PRODUCT, LOW-THC CANNABIS, AND RELATED DEFINITIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 130, ENTITLED 'OFF-STREET PARKING,' ESTABLISHING MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR 'MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES" AND PROHIBITING PARTICIPATION lN THE FEE lN LIEU OF PARKING PROGRAM; AMENDING CHAPTER 142, ENTITLED'ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,'' BYCREATING DIVISION 10, ENTITLED "CANNABIS REGULATIONS AND USE,'' AND AMENDING SECTIONS 142-1501 TO 142-1504, RELATING TOAPPLICABILITY, DEFINING MEDICAL USE OF CANNABIS, DESIGNATINGAREAS FOR THE USE, ZONING REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE USE, AND PROHIBITING CULTIVATION, PRODUCTION OR POSSESSION OF CANNABIS PLANTS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. R5N Planning Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Supplemental updated on 5112120 (Revised Ordinance) R5 U AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 106, ENTITLED ''TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES," BYAMENDING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED ''METERED PARKING,'' BYAMENDING DIVISION 1, ENTITLED "GENERALLY,' BYAMENDING SECTION 106- 55, ENTITLED.PARKING RATES, FEES, AND PENALTIES''; BYAMENDING METERED PARKING SPACE RENTALS FOR PRODUCTIONS AND FILM; ESTABLISHING A PRODUCTION COMPANY RECREATIONAL VEHICLES (PCRV) PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM AND RELATED FEES; PROVIDING FOR CREW PARKING AT MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGES AND RELATED DAILY FEES; AND, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. First Readinq Parking Commissioner Michael Grieco (Ordinance) 5:01 p.m. First Reading Public Hearinq Continued from April 26,2017 - R5 P 2 Supplemental 1, May 17,2017 R5 V RESIDENTS'RIGHT TO KNOW: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED ''ADMINISTRATION,' BYAMENDING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED ''CITY COMMISSION,' BY CREATING SECTION 2-14 TO BE ENTITLED 'RESIDENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW,' TO CODIFY THE LEGISLATIVE INTENT OF THIS ORDINANCE, DEFINE MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALITY OF LIFE, PROVIDE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL ADOPT A PROCESS FOR REGISTERING NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTS WHO CHOOSE TO REGISTER, REQUIRE TARGETED ELECTRONIC NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICES FOR MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALITY OF LIFE, ALLOW FOR TIMELY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC INPUT, SUPPLEMENT EXISTING PROVISIONS IN THE CITY CODE RELATING TO PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS IN QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS, ALLOW A REGISTERED NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION OR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENT WHO CHOOSES TO REGISTER TO REQUEST DEFERRAL OR RECONSIDERATION OF A MATTER IF SUCH MATTER IS NOT DULY NOTICED PURSUANT TO THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDE THATANYAMENDMENT OR REPEALER OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL REQUIRE THE AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 5/7TH OF THE CITY COMMISSION, DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER OR THE MANAGER'S DESIGNEE TO CONDUCT PERIODIC REVIEW AND PREPARE ANNUAL WRITTEN REPORTS, AND PROVIDE THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, ANDAN EFFECTIVE DATE. First Readinq Office of the City Attorney Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez and Commissioner Michael Grieco Supplemental updated on 511212017 (Memorandum & Ord inances) 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 Agenda 11", RIC ,(sD Date t-17-/l WASHINGTON AVENUE INCENTIVES - ALLOWABLE USE CLARIFICATIONS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR's) OF THE CITY CODE, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 142,..ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,'' ARTICLE II, "DISTRICT REGULATIONS," DIVISION 5, "CD.2 GOMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY DISTRICT,'' TO MODIFY SECTION 142.309, "WASHINGTON AVENUE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND AREA REQUIREMENTS," TO MODIFY THE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR PROPERTIES FRONTING WASHINGTON AVENUE BETWEEN 6TH STREET AND 7th STREET; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has the authority to enact laws which promote the public health, safety and general welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the City has reviewed the conditions of Washington Avenue and the concerns raised by residents, property owners, and businesses as it relates to the condition of Washington Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City has studied various mechanisms for improving the quality of life and quality of business improvements within the area; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Land Development Regulations ("LDRs") provides for the regulation of land within the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, at its meeting dated , 2017, by a vote of _, recommended in favor of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth below are necessary to accomplish the above objectives. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Chapter 142, "Zoning Districts and Regulations," Article ll, "District Regulations," Division 5, 'CD-2 Commercial, Medium Intensity District," of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 142-309 - Washington Avenue development regulations and area requirements: The following regulations shall apply to properties that front Washington Avenue between 6th Street and 16th Street, includinq ihose properties between 6th and 7th Streets that mav have frontaqe on Pennsvlvania Avenue; where there is conflict within this division, the criteria below shall apply: Page 1 5 (ll For properties between 6th and 7th Streets that abut residential zonino districts. the followinq additional requlations shall aoplv: a. The followinq shall be prohibited as a main permitted or stand-alone use: i. Restaurants. cafes and/or eatinq & drinkinq establishments:ii. Bars. Dance Halls. Open-Air Entertainment Establishments. Outdoor Entertainment Establishments and/or Entertain ment Establishments: iii. Alcoholicbeveraqeestablishments:iv. Convenience stores. qrocerv stores and similar retail sales of food productsl v. Retail sales of alcoholic beveraqes for off-oremises consumption: b. The maximum heiqht for new construction or additions shall not exceed the heioht specified in Sec. 142-306. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all section and parts of sections in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other appropriate word. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of 2017. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk First Reading: ,2017 Second Reading: ,2017 Verified by: Thomas R. Mooney, AICP Planning Director T:\AGENDA\201n5 - May\Planning\600 Block Washington - DRAFT REF Ordinance Allowable Uses.docx Page 2 6 1- Agenda ltem l]5 '' oateElT Medical Cannabis - Land Use Regulations ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE GIry OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 114 OF THE CIry CODE, ENTITLED "GENERAL PROVISIONS," TO DEFINE THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS: GANNABIS, MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARY, DERIVATE PRODUGT, LOW.THC CANNABIS, AND RELATED DEF!NITIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 130, ENTITLED "OFF.STREET PARKING," ESTABLISHING MINIMUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR ..MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES" AND PROHIBITING PARTICIPATION IN THE FEE lN LIEU OF PARKING PROGRAM; AMENDING CHAPTER 142, ENTITLED "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS," BY CREATING DIVISION 10, ENTITLED "CANNABIS REGULATIONS AND USE," AND AMENDING SECTIONS 142-1501 TO 142-1504, RELATING TO APPLICABILITY, DEFINING MEDICAL USE OF CANNABIS, DESIGNATING AREAS FOR THE USE, ZONING REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE USE, AND PROHIBITING CULTIVATION, PRODUCTION OR POSSESSION OF CANNABIS PLANTS; PROV!DING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABIL!TY; CODIFICATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014, the Florida Legislature authorized a very limited number of large nurseries to cultivate, process, and dispense non-euphoric, low-THC cannabis and operate dispensing organizations, as of January 1, 2015; and WHEREAS, in 2016, the Florida Legislature amended Section 381.986 of the Florida Statutes to include medical cannabis, revise the requirements for physicians ordering low-THC cannabis, medical cannabis, or cannabis delivery devices, amend the requirements for the cultivation, processing, transportation, and dispensing of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis, revise the Florida Department of Health's authority and responsibility and provide for penalties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 381.986(8) of the Florida Statutes, a municipality may determine by ordinance the criteria for the number and location of, and other permitting requirements that do not confllct with state law for dispensing facilities of dispensing organizations located within its municipal boundaries; and WHEREAS, due to the historical prohibition of cannabis, the City of Miami Beach does not currently have any land development regulations governing the use of real property for the purpose of on-site distribution, sale, delivery or retail of low-THC cannabis, medical cannabis or cannabis delivery devices as provided by Florida Statutes Sections 381.986 and 499.0295; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2016, Florida voters approved Amendment 2 to the Florida Constitution, entitled "Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions;" and WHEREAS, Amendment 2 "Allows medical use of marijuana for individuals with debilitating medical conditions as determined by a licensed Florida physician. Allows caregivers fo asstsf patients' medical use of marijuana. The Department of Health shall Page 1 of 14 7 register and regulate centers that produce and distribute marijuana for medical purposes and sha// issue identification cards to patients and caregivers. Applies only to Florida law. Does not immunize violations of federal law or any non-medical use, possession or production of marijuanai'and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to minimize and control the adverse effects of dispensing facilities by adopting appropriate land development and licensing regulations; and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth below are necessary to accomplish all of the above objectives. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. Chapter 114 of the City Code, entitled "General Provisions," is hereby amended as follows: CHAPTER 114 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 114-1. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases when used in this subpart B, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Cannabrs or maflluana means all parts of anv plat of the qenus cannabis. whether orowing or not: the seeds thereof. the resin extracted from anv part of the plant: and everv compound. manufacture, salt, cannabrs derivative product, mixture or preparation of the plant of its seeds or resin. Cannabis deliverv devices means a device utilized for the consumption of prescribed medical cannabis or low-THC cannabrs. Such devices can onlv be sold to a qualified patient that has been prescribed medical cannabis or low-THC cannabis or someone authorized bv the qualified patient or the qualified patient's legal representative authorized to receive the device on the qualified patient's behalf. Cannabis dervafive producf means anv form of medical cannabis or low-THC cannabis that is suitable for routes of administration. Dispensrnq orqanDafion means an oroanization approved bv the state to cultivate, process. transport. and dispense low-THC cannabis or medical cannabr's. * Page 2 of 14 8 Low-tetrahvdrocannabinol cannabis or low-THC cannabis means a olant of the oenus Cannabis, the dried flowers of which contain 0.8 percent or less of tetrahvdrocannabinol and more than '10 percent of cannabidiol weioht for weiqht: the seeds thereof: the resin extracted from anv part of such plant: or anv compound, manufacture, salt, cannabis derivative product, mixture. or preparation of such plant or its seed or resin that is dispensed onlv from a dispensino orqanization approved bv the Florida Department of Health pursuant to Section 381 .986. Florida Statutes. Low-IHC cannabis dr'spensary means an establishment where low-THC cannabis is dispensed at retail. May means permissive. not required. Medical cannabis or medical mariiuana means all paris of anv planl of the oenus cannabis. whether qrowino or not: the seeds thereof: the resin extracted from anv part of theplant: and everv compound, manufacture, sale. cannabis derivative product. mixture, or preparation of the plant or its seeds or resin that is dispensed onlv from a dispensing orqanization for medical use bv an elioible patient. Medtcal cannabis drspensarv or dispensrnq facrl,fy means an establishment where medical cannabis, low-THC cannabis. as well as cannabis deliverv devices. is dispensed at retail that is operated bv a dispensino oroanization. Medical use of cannabis means administration of the ordered amount of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabrs. The term does not include the: G) Possession. use. or administration of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis bv or for smokinq: or (b) Transfer of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis to a person other than thequalified patient for whom it was ordered or the qualified patient's leqal representative authorized to receive it on the qualified patient's behalf. (q) Use or administration of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis. i. On anv form of public transportation. ii. ln anv public place. iii. ln a qualified oatient's place of emplovment, if restricted bv their emplover. iv. ln a correctional institution. v. On the orounds of anv child care facilitv, preschool. or school. vi. On or in anv vehicle. aircraft, or motorboat. Page 3 of 14 9 Musf means a mandatorv and not merelv directory action or requirement. The term is interchanoeable with the word "shall." * Sha// means a mandatorv and not merelv directory action or requirement. The term is used interchanqeable with the word "must." State ouattftea Arsoensn ion_gf meOicat mariiuana transoort. anO Oisp neann, or success Vapor /ounge shall mean a commercial establishment at which individuals consume cannabis, medical cannabis, or low-THC cannabis. Section 2. Chapter 130 of the City Code, entitled "Off-Street Parking," is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 130 Off-Street Parking Sec. 130-32. - Off-street parking requirements for parking district no. 1. *** (32) RsseFrcd Medical cannabis dispensarv: 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area. Sec. 130-33. - Off-street parking requirements for parking districts nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Except as othenruise provided in these land development regulations, when any building or structure is erected or altered in parking districts nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided for the building, structure or additional floor area as follows. There shall be no off-street parking requirement for uses in this parking district except for those listed below: (4A) Medical cannabis dispensarv: 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area. Page 4 of 14 10 Sec. 130-131. - Generally. A fee in lieu of providing parking may be paid to the city in lieu of providing required parking on- site, or within 1,200 feet of the site in the architectural district or othenruise within 500 feet of the site, only in the following instances, except that parking requirements for accessory commercial uses in newly constructed buildings within the Collins Waterfront Historic District in an area in the RM-2 zoning district that is bounded by 41st Street on the south and 44th Street on the north, and for medical cannabis dispensaries shall be satisfied by providing the required parking spaces, and may not be satisfied by paying a fee in lieu of providing parking: Section 3. Chapter 142 of the City Code, entitled "District Regulations," is hereby amended as follows: DIVISION {O CANNABIS REGULATIONS AND USE Sec. 142-{500 - lntent. Section 381.986. Florida Statutes. and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64-4 authorize a limited number of dispensinq oroanizations throuqhout the State of Florida to cultivate, process. and dispense low{etrahvdrocannabinol (low-THC) cannabis and medical cannabis for use bv qualified patients sufferino from cancer, terminal conditions, and certain chronic conditions. The dispensino orsanizations must be approved bv the Florida Department of Health and. once approved. are subiect to state reoulation and oversioht. The intent of this division is to establish the criteria for the location and permittinq of establishments that dispense low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis in accordance with Section 381.986, Florida Statutes. and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64-4. Sec. 142-1501 - Applicabilitv. This division shall onlv be construed to allow the dispensino of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis bv a state-approved dispensinq orqanization for medical use of cannabis. The sale of cannabis or mariiuana is prohibited the Citv of Miami Beach except in a medical cannabis dispensarv approved in accordance with this Division. Sec. 142-1502. - Requirements for medical cannabis dispensing facilities. Medical cannabis dispensaries shall comply with the following regulations: (a) Onlv in accordance with the requirements of this division and the applicable zonino district. one (1) medical cannabrs dispensarv shall be permitted in each of the areas listed below: Page 5 of 14 11 flf Area one (1) shall in include the followins subareas: a. Lots zoned CD-2. oenerallv located alonq Alton Road between 6th Street and 8th Street: lots zoned C-PS2 located north of Sth Street between Ocean Court on the east and West Avenue on the west: and lots zoned C-PS2 between Stn Street on Meridian Avenue on the west; and lots zoned C-PS2 frontinq the south side of Sth Street between Lenox Avenue on the east and Alton Road on the west: as depicted in the map below: Lots zoned CD-1 and CD-2 frontins Alton Road between 13th Street and 16th Street: as depicted in the map below: Page 6 of 14 12 Lots zoned CD-1, qenerallv located between Alton Road on the east and north. Dade Boulevard on the south. Michiqan Avenue on the west: as depicted in the map below: PageT of 14 13 (2) Area three (3) shall include the @lots zoned HD located north of the Julia Tuttle Causewav / lnterstate 195. as depicted in the map below: (3) Area four (4) shall ots zoned CD-3 and frontinq 4l"tStreet between Sheridan Avenue and the lndian Creek Waterwav, as depicted in the map below: {1) Page I of 14 14 (b) Conditional use approval from the Plannino Board is required prior to applvino for a certificate of use. license, business tax receipt, buildino permit or other permit for a medical cannabis dispensarv. ln addition to the standard conditional use criteria set forth in section 118-192 of this code, the Planninq Board shall consider the criteria in section 142-1504 prior to makino its determination on the Conditional Use Permit. G) Dispensinq of, pavment for, and receipt of low-THC or medical cannabis is prohibited anvwhere outside of the dispensino facilitv, includins. but not limited to. on sidewalks, in parkinq areas. drive{hrus, or in the riohts-of-wav surroundinq the dispensino facilitv: provided, however. this provision shall not be construed to prohibit deliverv of low-THC or medical cannabis to an elioible patient, as permitted bv state law or rule. ful) Medical cannabis dispensaries shall onlv be allowed to operate between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. dailv. (e) No other uses are allowed within the dispensino facilitv. The sale of anv products other than medrcal cannabr's. low-THC cannabls, cannabis derivative products, or cannabrs deliverv devises flnerehanetiselis prohibited within the facilitv. (fl Entertainment is prohibited within a medical cannabis dispensarv. (g) Required parkino shall be located on the same parcel or unified development site as the medical cannabis dispensarv. or within 500 feet of the site either in private parkino facilities or a public parkinq facilitv, not within a resid lease, unitv of title. or covenant-in-lieu of unitv of title. or other document of a similar nature. Participation in the fee-in-lieu of parkino prooram is prohibited. (h) The facilitv shall complv with the followinq requlations related to siqnaqe, advertisement. and displav of merchandise: Page 9 of 14 15 fl) Sionaoe visible from public riohts-of-wav and adiacent establishments and parcels shall be limited to the name of the establishment and sions necessarv to complv with the requirements of the State of Florida. Miami-Dade Countv, and the Citv of Miami Beach. Depictions of cannabis and cannabls products shall not be visible from public riqhts-of-wav and adiacent establishments and parcels. (!) No advertisement for the establishment. cannabis. cannabis derivative product. cannabis delivery devices or cannabis related products is permitted on siqns mounted on vehicles. temporarv signs. hand-held or other portable siqns, handbills. leaflets or other flvers directlv handed to anv person in a public place. left upon a motor vehicle or posted upon anv public or private propertv without consent of the propertv owner. This prohibition shall not applv to (1) anv advertisement contained within a newspaper. maqazine or other periodical of qeneral circulation within the citv or on the lnternet: and (2) advertisino which is purelv incidental to sponsorship of a charitable event not qeared to or for the benefit of children or vouth. (3) No merchandise beinq dispensed or sold within the dispensinq facilitv mav be visible within areas of the facilitv accessible to the public unless it is beinq shown bv an emplovee of the facilitv to a client. ({) Under no circumstances shall activities related to the cultivation, production. processino. distribution. storaoe, displav. or sales of cannabis. cannabis derivatives. cannabis deliverv devises, and cannabis-infused products be visible from the exterior of the business. [) Each establishment shall have separate operations, ventilation p/an. securitv, and fire suppression svstems. and separate access from a public area. (i) Each establishment shall be divided within a buildinq from floor to ceilino. Unless hioher performance is required bv applicable law, there must be a minimum of a one-hour fire separation between a medical cannabis dispensary and anv adiacent business. (!) Each establishment shall not exceed 7.500 square feet, exclusive of required parkinq. (!) Buildinq permit plans shall be consistent with the securitv plan required bv section 6-54 (o) of the Citv Code. (lq)Consumption of low-THC or medical cannabis or alcoholic beveraoes is prohibited onsite at the dispensinq facilitv, includinq. but not limited to. in the parkino areas. sidewalks, or riqhts-of-wav surrounding the dispensino facilitv: provided. however. this provision shall not be construed to prohibit consumption associated with a dispensino facilitv emplovee. trained bv a medical professional such as a doctor. nurse. pharmacist, or medical or phvsician's assistant. instructino an eliqible patient on the mechanism of consumption of low-THC or medical cannaDrs. as permitted bv state law or rule. (n) A certificate of use shall be obtained for the low-THC or medical cannabis dispensinq facilitv on an annual basis. The application for the certificate of use shall be made on a form prescribed bv the Citv: Page 10 of 14 16 (ll The medical cannabis dispensino facilitv must be established on the premises bv a state-approved dispensinq orqanization within 180 davs of the date the certificate of use is issued: after 180 davs. unless the time period is extended bv the Director for oood cause shown. the certificate of use shall be null and void and the applicant must re-applv. (Q The Citv shall have the rioht to periodicallv inspect the premises of the dispensinq facilitv at anv reasonable time to ensure that the facilitv has a current and valid certificate of use. and to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions under which it was issued. Violators will be subiect to all appropriate penalties, includinq revocation of the certificate of use. (!) Where. a civil violation notice relatinq to the dispensinq of low-THC or medical cannabis has been issued and appealed bv the alleqed violator, the certificate of use shall not be renewed where the appeal has been pendino for 180 davs or more and the delav is attributable to the alleqed violator. Where. determinations of quilt for three or more violations have been made, or the Special Master has determined that a nuisance exists at the dispensinq facilitv. the certificate of use shall be revoked immediatelv. and a new application mav not be made within a period of 12 months. (q) Anv use. created and established under this division in a leoal manner. which mav thereafter become leqallv nonconformino, mav continue until there is an abandonment of said use. Once a leoallv nonconforminq use is abandoned. it shall not be re-established unless it conforms to the requirements of this division. Abandonment shall consist of: a chanqe of use or suspension of active business with the public for a period of at least three (3) months: or a lesser time if a written declaration of abandonment is provided bv the owner of the premises or. if the propertv is subiect to a lease, bv the owner and tenant thereof. (p) No certificate of use, business tax receipt, license, or buildino or other permit shall be issued for a medical cannabis dispensino facilitv where the proposed place of business does not conform to the requirements of this subsection. (q) Anv medical cannabis dispensarv shall be prohibited from obtainins a special events permit. (1) n meOicat cannaOrc O iOentifieO for ob ion- wnicnever comes tl Sec. 142-1503. Prohibited cannabrs-related uses. The followinq cannab,s related uses and activities shall be prohibited anvwhere within the Citv: (a) Cultivation. production or possession of mariiuana plants or cannabis plants. (b) Sale of cannabis from anv motor vehicle. (c) Medical cannabis product and cannabrs derivative product manufacturinq. Page11of14 17 (d) Medical cannabis testino. (e) Storaqe of cannabis or cannabis-related products off the site of the medical cannabis dispensarv. (f) Mariiuana membershio clubs. (g) Vapor lounqes. Sec. 142-1504. Conditional review criteria. ln addition to the conditional use review criteria in Section 118-192, the Planninq Board shall consider the criteria below when makinq its determination. Prior to applvinq for the conditional use permit. the aoolicant shal owners shall be required to underqo a Citv of Miami Beach backqround check pursuant to section 6-53 of the Citv Code: (a) A qeneral securitv plan shall be provided. The plan must sufficientlv demonstrate enhanced securitv measures in excess of the minimum requirements set forth in State requlations. The enhanced securitv measures include, but are not limited to, steel securitv doors. improved video surveillance svstem capabilitv, advanced alarm svstems. improved fire safetv svstems, natural disaster securitv, packaqing of dispensed products. procedures for waste removal. and other measures. such as the use of hurricane impact windows. lf the facilitv is located below the base flood elevation plus Citv of Miami Beach Freeboard. the plan should incorporate flood proofino measures to ensure the continued functioning of securitv devices in the event of a natural disaster and sea level rise. The plan must be reviewed and approved bv the Citv of Miami Beach Police Department before it can be considered bv the Planninq Board. (b) A business plan shall be provided. The plan is to demonstrate the applicant's abilitv to successfullv operate in a hiqhlv requlated industrv over an extended period of time. The plan mav include. but is not limited to the followino: scope of work for the planninq and development: scope of work for capital improvements: an estimate of first-vear revenues: an estimate of first-vear operatinq expenses and evidence that the applicant will have the resources necessarv to pav for those expenses; and a description of the applicant's historv of compliance in a hiohlv requlated industrv. (c) An operatinq plan shall be provided. The operatinq plan is to enumerate the specific means throuqh which the applicant intends to achieve the business qoals and complv with the citv and state resulatorv requirements. The operatino plans mav include, but is not limited to the followinq: staffinq schedules to ensure adequate coveraqe and experience durinq all business hours: emplovee traininq proorams for securitv, product knowledge and safetv: proactive consumer education and communitv outreach practices: an operations manual demonstratinq compliance with state and citv retail mariiuana laws: and disposal of waste. (d) An odor manaoement plan shall be provided. lt shall be required that the odor of mariiuana must not be perceptible at the exterior of the buildino or at anv adioinino use of the propertv. Facilities shall adopt best manaoement practices with reqard to implementinq state-ofthe-art technoloqies in mitiqatino mariiuana odor, such as air Page 12 of 14 18 scrubbers, charcoal filtration svstems, and sealed walls. The plan must include maintenance of svstems, includino preventino the buildup of mold. ns onty a timiteO nu (at. ot tne Citv CoO at an one time. fne is Oivision anO Cnaot come tirst serve Oasl aoolication snatl apotication snou However, tne secon timetrames iOentl (Zt a. snatt resutt l area. at wnicn time a for tnat area. fnereat exoire or be revoked the above Drocess shall aoolv. SECTION 4.Repealer. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all section and parts of sections in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. Godification. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other appropriate word. SECTION 6. Severabilitv. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of 2017. Philip Levine Mayor Page 13 of 14 19 ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION First Reading: May 17,2017 Second Reading: June 7, 2017 Verified by: Thomas R. Mooney, AICP Planning Director T:\AGENDA\201n5 - May\Planning\Medical Cannabis Land Use Regs - First Reading ORD.docx 5-/z-/7 Page 14 of 14 20 Agenda ltem RSUpxls S-r7-17 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, BYAMENDING CHAPTER 106, ENTITLED "TFUAFFIC AND VEHICLES," BY AMENDING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED "METERED PARKING,'' BY AMENDING DIVISION 1, ENTITLED "GENERALLY," BY AMENDING SECTION 106.55, ENTITLED "PARKING RATES, FEES, AND PENALTIES,'; BY AMENDING METERED PARKING SPACE RENTALS FoR PRoDUcrloNS AND FILM; ESTABLISH|NG A pRoDUcroN COMPANY RECREATIONAL VEHICLES (PCRV) PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM AND RELATED FEES; PROVIDING FOR CREW PARKING AT MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGES AND RELATED DAILY FEES; AND, PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, metered parking space rentals and related services/fees, including those for production and film, are established by Ordinance by the Mayor and City Commission; and WHEREAS, the production and film industry have identified parking as a service that is criticalforthe industry to flourish, and certain parking programs and fees would facilitate this growth and expansion; and WHEREAS, on April26, 2017, the Mayor and Commission discussed Agenda ltem No. R9T regarding various incentives for the production and film industry, including the establishment of parking incentives and related fees that will facilitate the use of municipal parking facilities in the course of productions and filming; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission directed the Administration to expeditiously pursue all legislation that would provide incentives for the production and film industry in the City of Miami Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Chapter '106, "T.raffic and Vehicles," Article ll, "Metered Parking," Division 1, "Generally," Section 106-55, "Parking Rate Fees, and Penalties," of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby amended as follows: 21 CHAPTER 1 06 TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES Article ll. Metered Parking Division l. Generally Sec. 106-55. Parking rates, fees, and penalties; exceptions. (g) Metered parkingspace ,rrruO. * * (4) Production and film space rental:The city may provide on an as-needed basis, rented spaces to accommodate production and film needs. A copy of a valid, city issued production/film permit must accompany each application for space rental. The fee per space is $10.00 per day, payable in advance at least 48 hours or two (2) business days, whichever is greater. Rented spaces for production and film use shallstate, "No Parking/TowAwav," and shall be strictlvenforced. Only essential vehicles shall be allowed to park at rented spaces, arrangements for crew parking on a first-come, first-served basis can be arranged with the parking department at underutilized parkinq qaraqes and lots. as determined bv the Parkinq Department Director. A dailv flat rate of $10.00 per vehicle shall applv. d shall be strietly enfereed, Production vehicles mav obtain a Production Companv RecreationalVehicle (PCRV) parkinq permit. A PCRV parkinq permit for production and film recreationalvehicles may be used at metered parkinq spaces citvwide and at taxistands during non-operational hours. A PCRV parkinq permit is notvalid in residential parkinq zones. A valid production/film permit must be prominentlv displaved on the driver's side dashboard. The PCRV parkino permit is valid onlv during the davs/hours stated on the production/film permit displayed. Metered parkinq rates are effective at all other applicable enforcement hours, The PCRV parkinq permit fee is $70.00 monthlv, plus sales tax. SECTION 2. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word. 22 SECTION 3. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SEGTION 4. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days following adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2017. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Underline denotes new language S+i*e+nreush denotes deletio ns (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine and Commissioner Michael Grieco) APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 5ru7-fr-ta- T:\AGENDA\2017\May17\Regular\FilProductionParkinglncentiweslstReading.ord.doc 23 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 24 Agendaltem RSV Date 5- l7- t1 TO: OFFICE OF THE CIry ATTORNEY RAULJ. AGUILA, CIW ATTORNEY FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Members of the Gity Commission City Manager Jimmy Morales _, n A (_ Raul J. Aguila, Gity Attorneyc(-f- Vg.t lllay 17,2017 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THECODE OF THE CIry OF MIAM! BEACH, ENTITLED..ADMINISTRATION," BY AMENDING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED "GIry COMMISSION," BY CREATING SECTION 2.14 TO BE ENTITLED..RESIDENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW," TO CODIFY THE LEGISLATIVE INTENT OF THIS ORDINANCE, DEFINE MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALITY OF LIFE, PROVIDE THAT THE CITY GOMMISSION SHALL ADOPT A PROCESS FOR REGISTERING NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTS WHO CHOOSE TO REGISTER, REQUIRE TARGETED ELECTRONIG NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICES FOR MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALIW OF LIFE, ALLOW FOR TIMELY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIG INPUT, SUPPLEMENT EXISTING PROVISIONS IN THE CITY GODE RELATING TO PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS IN QUASI.JUDICIAL HEARINGS, ALLOW A REGISTERED NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION OR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENT WHO CHOOSES TO REGISTER TO REQUEST DEFERRAL OR RECONSIDERATION OF A MATTER IF SUCH MATTER IS NOT DULY NOTICED PURSUANT TO THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDE THAT ANY AMENDMENT OR REPEALER OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL REQUIRE THE AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 5/7THS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER OR THE MANAGER'S DESIGNEE TO CONDUCT PERIODIC REVIEW AND PREPARE ANNUAL WRITTEN REPORTS, AND PROVIDE THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF THE Clry MANAGER; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFEGTIVE DATE. A. Introduction Pursuant to the request of Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez and Commissioner Michael Grieco, attached are two versions of an Ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the City Code to create a "Residents' Right to Know" Ordinance. Option A is the City Attorney's recommended draft, and Option B includes additional provisions requested by Miami Beach United, to which the sponsors of the Ordinance have agreed. 25 B. Analvsis The intent of the Ordinance is to supplement any notice and procedural requirements set forth in the City Code or State law that are currently applicable to the City, in order to provide targeted neighborhood notice, timely opportunities for input, and procedural fairness in hearings for any proposed policy, ordinance, project, or other matter that impacts residents' quality of life, which matters are defined in the Ordinance. G. Gitv Attornev's recommendation The Residents' Right to Know Ordinance is a groundbreaking proposal that, together with the recent implementation of the MB Resident Connect system,l will provide residents with unprecedented targeted electronic notices of specific City actions. Because the notices contemplated in the Ordinance will require the coordination of the City Administration (especially the lnformation Technology Department), the City Clerk, and the City Attorney to develop a system and a procedure to implement the Ordinance, the City Attorney recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the City Attorney's version of the Ordinance. ' The MB Resident Connect system, which allows residents toalerts based on keyword searches, may https://secure. m iam ibeachfl.qov/m bresidentcon nect. sign up to receive electronicbe accessed at 26 OPTION A: GITY ATTORNEY'S RECOMMENDED DRAFT RESIDENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF M!AM! BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE GODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED ..ADMINISTRATION," BY AMENDING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED ..CITY COMMISSION," BY CREATING SECTION 2.14 TO BE ENTITLED "RESIDENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW," TO CODIFY THE LEGISLATIVE INTENT OF THIS ORDINANCE, DEFINE MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALIry OF LIFE, PROVIDE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL ADOPT A PROCESS FOR REGISTERING NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTS WHO CHOOSE TO REGISTER; REQUIRE TARGETED ELEGTRONIG NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICES FOR MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALITY OF L!FE, ALLOW FOR TIMELY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC INPUT, SUPPLEMENT EXISTING PROVISIONS IN THE CITY CODE RELATING TO PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS IN QUASI.JUDICIAL HEARINGS, ALLOW A REGISTERED NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION OR INDTVIDUAL RESIDENT WHO CHOOSES TO REGISTER TO REQUEST DEFERRAL OR RECONSIDERATION OF A MATTER IF SUCH MATTER IS NOT DULY NOTICED PURSUANT TO THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDE THAT ANY AMENDMENT OR REPEALER OF THIS ORDINANGE SHALL REQUIRE THE AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 5/7THS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER OR THE MANAGER'S DESIGNEE TO CONDUCT PERIODIC REVIEW AND PREPARE ANNUAL WRITTEN REPORTS, AND PROVIDE THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CIry MANAGER; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, GOD!FICATION, SEVERABIL!ry, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Paragraph (A)5 of the Citizens' Bill of Rights provides for a right to be heard before the City Commission or any City agency, board, or department with regard to the presentation, adjustment, or determination of an issue, request, or controversy within the jurisdiction of the City; and WHEREAS, likewise, Paragraph (A)O of the Citizens' Bill of Rights provides that "[p]ersons entitled to notice of a City hearing shall be timely informed as to the time, place and nature of the hearing and the legal authority pursuant to which the hearing is to be held"; and 27 WHEREAS, in the spirit of encouraging public notice and public participation in City government, the Mayor and City Commission desire to enact this Residents' Right to Know Ordinance to provide for targeted neighborhood notices, timely opportunities for input, and procedural fairness in quasi-judicial hearings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND GIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 2-14 of Chapter 2 of the Miaml Beach City Code is hereby created to state as follows: CHAPTER 2 ADMINISTRATION Article ll. City Commission ** (s) Leoislafive ,nfenf. lt shall be the policv of the citv to provide tarqeted neiohborhood notice, timelv opportunities for input, and procedural fairness in hearinqs for anv proposed policv. ordinance, proiect. or other matter that impacts residents' qualitv of life. (b) /mpacfs fo resrdenfs' oualffy of /ife. Matters that impact residents' qualitv of life shall include the followino: (lf anv position that has been formallv adopted bv resolution of a reoistered neiqhborhood association and transmitted to the citv throuoh its citv manaoer: (!) anv application for development review before the citv's land use boards, or anv proposed zoninq leoislation before the citv commission. that includes the potentialfor lot aogreoation. or that includes the potential for material increase in (i) traffic over current levels. (ii) required parkinq. (iii) buildinq heioht. (iv) base elevation. (v) intensitv of uses. (vi) densitv, or (vii) floor area ratio: and (Q development proposals that require approval by the citv commission which propose a. chanoes of use or commercialization in a public park, public beach. or other public propertv or public easement: b. the desion and implementation of a streetscape. transit. pedestrian, parkinq. or area improvement proiect (other than routine repairs and maintenance): and ![) anv material chanqe to anv of the matters listed in subsections (bX1) throuoh (bX3) above. 28 For purposes of this Ordinance, a "material increase" shall be defined as anv increase in buildinq heiqht or base elevation over three (3) feet, anv increase in densitv, or anv increase in floor area ratio. Additionallv, a "material increase" shall be defined as anv increase in traffic over current levels. required parkino, or intensitv of uses that the planninq and director considers to be substantial. (g) Iarqefed ner'ohborhood nof,ce. The citv commission shall adopt a process bv resolution (as mav be amended from time to time) for reqisterino neighborhood associations and shall provide taroeted electronic notices on matters that impact residents' qualitv of life, as defined above and. in addition to taroeted electronic notice, the citv shall post such notices on the citv's website. Tarqeted neiohborhood notices at each step in the public process. excludinq emeroencv matters requirinq immediate action, shall be in addition to anv other public notices required bv law. Reqistered neiqhborhood associations shall have the opportunitv to reqister for specificallv cateqorized notices based on whether a particular action affects North Beach. Mid-Beach. or South Beach. Notices shall be written in plain Enqlish. and both the title and summarv shall obiectivelv describe the proposed action. For purposes of this Ordinance. the term "neiqhborhood association" shall be defined as an oroanization of residential homeowners and tenants created to address qualitv of life issues in a defined neiohborhood or communitv. Notwithstandino the above. an individual resident of Miami Beach mav also reoister to receive taroeted neiohborhood notices. ln order to be eliqible for reqistration, an individual shall have been a resident of the citv for a minimum of six (6) months, and must provide the citv with a reasonable form of identification exhibitino proof of residencv (to be defined in the resolution described above) upon reoisterinq. Reoistered neiqhborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reqister) must renew their reoistrations on an annual basis. (g[ Iimely opporfunffies for rnpuf. Once a matter that impacts residents' qualitv of life (as defined above) is referred to a citv commission committee or land use board. or once a matter is placed on an aoenda for approval bv the citv commission. the citv shall use reasonable oood faith efforts to ensure that reoistered neiqhborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reoister) have an opportunitv to participate in citv processes that shape anv matter that impacts residents' qualitv of life (as defined in subsection (b) above). (e) Procedural farness ,n ouasr-rudic,a/ hearnqs. The citv shall ensure that representatives of reoistered neiqhborhood associations (and indivlduals who choose to reoister) shall have the opportunitv at quasi-iudicial hearinqs before the citv's land use boards. or the citv commission, to present or rebut evidence relevant to matters that impact residents' qualitv of life. This shall include the ooportunity to request a time certain for the convenience of the public. Reqistered neiqhborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reoister) do not need to retain leqal counsel to exercise these procedural riohts. Notices of filinq. and a copv of each quasi-iudicial application. shall promptlv be made available on the citv's website upon filino, and amendments thereto or suoplemental information shall be filed and promptlv made available on the citv's website in advance of the date of the scheduled hearinq. 3 29 (fl Deferral or reconsrderafion. A reoistered neiqhborhood association (or individual who chooses to reqister) mav request deferral of anv matter that requires tarqeted notice, or the reconsideration of that matter. if such matter is not dulv noticed pursuant to this Ordinance. A reconsideration mav onlv be requested at the publiclv noticed land use board or citv commission meetino immediatelv followino the meetinq at which the challenoed action was taken. However, the land use board or citv commission shall have the sole discretion to qrant or denv anv such request. Consistent with Robert's Rules of Order, a motion to reconsider must be made bv a board member or commissioner who voted with the prevailinq side. (g) Amendmenf or repealer. Anv amendment to this Ordinance (includino the repealer of anv provision herein) shall require the affirmative vote of five-sevenths (5/7ths) of the citv commission. (h) Periodic reyiew and annual repod. The citv manager, or the citv manaqer's desiqnee, shall. annuallv durinq the citv commission's review and approval of the citv's annual operatinq budqet. present a written report to the citv commission trackino and identifvinq the operational implementation and fiscal impact of this Ordinance. The report shall include statistics relatinq to the number of reqistered neiqhborhood associations and individuals reqistered under the Ordinance and anv amendments thereto: issues pertainino to impacts to residents' qualitv of life that have resulted in the issuance of taroeted notices: and anv violations and/or complaints received by the citv administration with reqard to the implementation of the procedures set forth in the Ordinance. (i) Administrafrbn of mrs Ordtnance. fn the citv manaqer. SEGTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION3. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SEGTION4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1,2018. 30 PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: 2017. Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez and Commissioner Michael Grieco) Underline denotes additions S+rike+nreugh denotes deletions APPROVED AS TO rONU & LANGUAGE Nr F:\ATTO\KALN\ORDINANCES\Residents' Right to Know - City Attorney's Draft.docx 31 OPTION B: REQUESTED BY VIGE MAYOR KRISTEN ROSEN GONZALEZ AND COMMISSIONER MICHAEL GRIECO RESIDENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW ORDINANGE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND GITY GOMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," BY AMENDING ARTICLE ll, ENTITLED .,CITY GOMMISSION," BY GREATING SECTION 2.14 TO BE ENTITLED "RESIDENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW," TO CODIFY THE LEGISLATIVE INTENT OF TH!S ORDINANCE, DEFINE MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALITY OF LIFE, PROVIDE THAT THE CIry GOMMISSION SHALL ADOPT A PROGESS FOR REGISTERING NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOGIATIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTS WHO CHOOSE TO REGISTER, REQUIRE TARGETED ELECTRONIC NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICES FOR MATTERS THAT IMPACT RESIDENTS' QUALITY OF LIFE, ALLOW FOR TIMELY OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLIC INPUT, SUPPLEMENT EXISTING PROVISIONS IN THE CIry CODE RELATING TO PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS IN QUASI.JUDICIAL HEARINGS AND HEARINGS PERTAINING TO CERTAIN LEGISLATIVE MATTERS, ALLOW A REGISTERED NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION OR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENT WHO CHOOSES TO REGISTER TO REQUEST DEFERRAL OR REGONSIDERATION OF A MATTER IF SUCH MATTER !S NOT DULY NOTICED PURSUANT TO THIS ORDINANGE, PROVIDE THAT ANY AMENDMENT OR REPEALER OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL REQUIRE THE AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 5/7THS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, DIRECT THE GITY MANAGER OR THE MANAGER'S DESIGNEE TO GONDUCT PERIODIC REVIEW AND PREPARE ANNUAL WRITTEN REPORTS, AND PROVIDE THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE ADMINISTERED BY THE OFFICE OF THE GITY MANAGER; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFEGTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Paragraph (A)5 of the Citizens' Bill of Rights provides for a right to be heard before the City Commission or any City agency, board, or department with regard to the presentation, adjustment, or determination of an issue, request, or controversy within the jurisdiction of the City; and WHEREAS, likewise, Paragraph (A)O of the Citizens' Bill of Rights provides that "[p]ersons entitled to notice of a City hearing shall be timely informed as to the time, place and nature of the hearing and the legal authority pursuant to which the hearing is to be held"; and 32 WHEREAS, in the spirit of encouraging public notice and public participation in City government, the Mayor and City Commission desire to enact this Residents' Right to Know Ordinance to provide for targeted neighborhood notices, timely opportunities for input, and proced ural fai rness i n q uasi-j udicial hearings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 2-14 of Chapter 2 of the Miami Beach City Code is hereby created to state as follows: CHAPTER 2 ADMINISTRATION Article !1. City Commission ** (g) Leoislative infenf. lt shall be the policv of the citv to provide tarqeted neiqhborhood notice. timelv opportunities for input. and procedural fairness in hearinos for anv proposed policv. ordinance, proiect. or other matter that impacts residents' qualitv of life. (b) /mpacfs fo resrdenfs' oualrTy of /ife. Matters that impact residents' qualitv of life shall include the followino: (lf anv position that has been formallv adopted bv resolution of a reqistered neiohborhood association and transmitted to the citv throuqh its citv manager: (2) anv application for development review before the citv's land use boards. or anv proposed zonino leoislation before the citv commission, that includes the potentialfor lot aoqreoation, or that includes the potential for material increase in (i) traffic over current levels. (ii) required parkinq. (iii) buildino heioht, (iv) base elevation, (v) intensitv of uses, (vi) hours of operation for those uses that require a citv approval (e.9.. a variance or business tax receipt) for extended hours. (vii) densitv. or (viii) floor area ratio. (Q development proposals that require approval bv the citv commission which propose a. chanqes of use or commercialization in a public park, publlc beach. or other public propertv or public easement: and b. the desiqn and implementation of a streetscape. transit. pedestrian. parkino, or area improvement project (other than routine repairs and maintenance): !l) administrative decisions made bv the citv manaqer that the ciW manaqer determines. in the citv manager's reasonable iudqment and discretion. would 33 impact residents' qualitv of life (excluding decisions made durinq emergencv situations and decisions for which advance notice is impracticable): and (!) anv material chanoe to anv of the matters listed in subsections (bXl) throuoh (bX4) above. considers to be substantial. (g) Iaroefed nefuhborhood nofice. The citv commission shall adopt a process bv resolution (as mav be amended from time to time) for reqisterino neiqhborhood associations and shall provide tarqeted electronic notices on matters that impact residents' qualitv of life. as defined above and. in addition to tarqeted electronic notice, the citv shall post such notices on the citv's website. Tarqeted neiqhborhood notices at each step in the public process. excludino emeroencv matters requirino immediate action. shall be in addition to anv other public notices required bv law. Reoistered neiohborhood associations shall have the opportunitv to reqister for specificallv cateoorized notices based on whether a particular action affects North Beach, Mid-Beach. or South Beach. Notices shall be written in plain Enolish. and both the title and summarv shall obiectivelv describe the proposed actlon. For purposes of this Ordinance. the term "neiohborhood association" shall be defined as an orqanization of resid issues in a defined neiohborhood or communitv. Notwithstandino the above. an individual resident of Miami Beach mav also reqister to receive taroeted neiohborhood notices. ln order to be eliqible for resistration, an individual shall have been a resident of the citv for a minimum of six (6) months. and must provide the citv with a reasonable form of identification exhibitino proof of residencv (to be defined in the resolution described above) upon reoisterino. Reoistered neiqhborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reoister) must renew their reqistrations on an annual basis. (g!) Imelv opporfunrTres for inpuf. Once a matter that impacts residents' qualitv of life (as defined above) is referred to a citv commission committee or land use board. or once a matter is placed on an aqenda for approval bv the citv commission, the citv shall use reasonable oood faith efforts to ensure that reoistered neiqhborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reqister) have an opportunitv to participate in citv processes that shape anv matter that impacts residents' qualitv of life (as defined in subsection (b) above). (s) Proceduralfairness in quasi-iudicial and applicable leqislative hearinqs. The citv shall ensure that representatives of reoistered neiohborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reoister) shall have the opportunitv at (i) quasi-iudlcial hearinos and (ii) leqislative hearings on amendments to the land development regulations to 3 For purposes of this Ordinance, a "material increase" shall be defined as anv increase in buildinq heioht or base elevation over three (3) feet. or anv increase in densitv. floor area ratio. or hours of operation for those uses that require a citv approval for extended hours. Additionallv. a "material increase" shall be defined as anv increase in traffic over current levels. required parkinq. or intensitv of uses that the plannino and director 34 present or rebut evidence relevant to matters that impact residents' qualitv of life. This shall include the opportunitv for a resistered neiqhborhood association to obtain a reasonable time certain and for an individual who chooses to reqister to request a reasonable time certain for the convenience of the public. Notwithstandinq a registered neiqhborhood association's riqht to obtain a reasonable time certain. the chair or presidinq officer shall have the discretion to schedule the time of a particular quasi-iudicial hearinq. Reqistered neiqhborhood associations (and individuals who choose to reoister) do not need to retain leqal counsel to exercise these procedural riohts. Notices of filinq, and a copv of each quasi-iudicial application or applicable leqislative item. shall promptlv be made available on the citv's website. and amendments thereto or supplemental information shall be filed and promptlv made available on the citv's website in advance of the date of the scheduled hearinq. (fl Deferral or reconsrderafion. A reqistered neiohborhood association (or individual who chooses to reoister) mav request deferral of anv matter that requires taroeted notice, or the reconsideration of that matter, if such matter is not dulv noticed pursuant to this Ordinance. A reconsideration mav onlv be requested at the publiclv noticed land use board or citv commission meeting immediatelv followins the meetinq at which the challenoed action was taken. However. the land use board or citv commission shall have the sole discretion to orant or denv anv such reouest. Consistent with Robert's Rules of Order, a motion to reconsider must be made bv a board member or commissioner who voted with the prevailino side. (g) Amendmenf or repealer. Anv amendment to this Ordinance (includino the repealer of anv provision herein) shall require the affirmative vote of five-sevenths (5/7ths) of the citv commission. (h) Periodic reyiew and annual reporf. The citv manaqer. or the citv manaqer's desiqnee. shall, annuallv durino the citv commission's review and approval of the citv's annual operatinq budqet. present a written report to the citv commission trackinq and identifvinq the operational implementation and fiscal impact of this Ordinance. The report shall include statistics relatinq to the number of reoistered neiohborhood associations and individuals reqistered under the Ordinance and anv amendments thereto: issues pertaininq to impacts to residents' qualitv of life that have resulted in the issuance of taroeted notices: and anv violations and/or complaints received bv the citv administration with reoard to the implementation of the procedures set forth in the Ordinance. Q Adminisfrafion of fhis Ordrnance. This Ordinance shall be administered bv the office of the citv manaoer. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4 35 SECTION3. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1,2018. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: 2017. Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez and Commissioner Michael Grieco) U nde rl i ne de notes add itions ; s+ike+n+eugh denotes de letions F:\ATTO\KALN\ORDINANCES\Residents' Right to Know - SPonsors' draft.docx APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTTON, [ . . ,!- 0,r,1^ e \to \\ I %-Ear 36