Flagler Monument & Island_November 1933 to February 1939FhAQLm MONUMENT & ISLAND ' '
Book Page
Repairs suggested by Mayor 11/15/33 12» 103
Proposal of Fla.Power & LigJit Co.
for lighting monument sedepted.10/3/3^ 13> 9^
Residents of Rivo Alto Isi.urge , .
cleaning up of island. J/lS/Jo W 3^3
Fisher Properties to be asked to clean
up or dedicate to City 3/1^/3° 1^ 3^3
Installation of improved lighting
system on island approved 11/^/36 15 20h
No.Dade Jr.Chamber of Commerce urge
Bade ^o.help in financing up keep
lL/iq/7Q Ig gi
Book Page
Installation of improved lighting
system on memorial island approved
liyV36 -15 20^^-
City Manager authorized to advertise
for bids on removal of Fiagler Memorial
Island seawall S^17*"3^ ^7 ^25^-
Oontract let to Reed Const. Co. for
removal of Flagler Memorial Isl.
bulkhead 9-7-33 17 27^
Warranty Deed to Flagler Memorial
Isl.given City by Alton Realty M-Sj