Funeral Homes_December 1940 to March 1955FUNERAL HOMES 7 Book Page Feiner•3 Or^anlzatlon,Inc.seek permit for f^eral home at 1131 5th Street 12/11/40 19 462- Jewish "Funeral Home seek permTt for jEtuxeraL-home- on -Lot—6 , - Blk ,S4^-5r4 Commercial Subdn, 1/29/41 20 24 Permit denied to Miami Jewish Funeral Rome for funeral hdme^ on Lot 6,Blk.84, -5r d Uommeroiral 2/5/41 20 33— 7,N,o action- taken on- request of- G, Schoor, for funeral home and mortuary on Lot 2,Blk.66A,C omm.Sub. 5/21/41 20 240 FUNERAL HOMES BOOK Council takes no action on applica- ion of M. B. Funeral Service tThoe, M. Burns, Jr.) for funeral home at 671^-2 Collins Ave. 11/6/^1-3 22 207 Above application again taken under advisement 11/17/^3 22 215 Above application again taken under advisement 12/1/^3 22 222 W. L. Philbrick asks Council for modification of Court Order as to 1253 Washington Ave. 22 21+9 FUNERAL HOMES 3. Book Page Thos. O'H. DuPree objects to modifica tion of Court Order as to Philbrick's at IS53 Washington Ave, 1/19/^ 22 Thos. O'H. DuPree & group of property owners again address Council protest ing extension of services to W. L. Phil brick at IS53 Wash. Ave. 2/2/il4 22 Petition of W. L. Philbrick for extension of services denied 2/2/kk- 22 Application of W. L..Philbrick for . funeral home on Lot &, Block 1, 4lst St, Business Sub. taken xander , advlsemtnt 3/15/^^ 22 FUNERAL HOMES BOOK Council grants W. L. PHILBRICK, INC. permit for funeral home on pe.rt of Lot 19, Block g, let Add. to Mid Golf, lying west of Chase Ave. V19/44 22 313 Council grants permit for funeral home at 1333 Dade Blvd. to W. L. Philbriok 12/5A5 23 307 Calhou permit for Park . West Memorial Chapel of New York - Council takes under advisement VVtS 23 '^83 FUNERAL HOMES $ Book Page Riverside Memorial Chapel objects to issuing permit to Park West Memorial Chapel ^/17A6 2^ 13 Calhoun Saiil, representing Park West Memorial Chapel. urges they be given permit h/lJ/hS 2^ 13 Council denies permit to Park West Memorial Chapel V17-A6 2^ 13 Abe Eisenberg's request to make additions to funeral home at 1236 Washington Ave, . . „ ^ -o, is referred to City Manager 9/19A7 25 386 FUNERAt. HOMES 6 Book Page Coimcil defers action on re quest of Moe Hellman for permit to operate funeral home at 1712 Alton Road or I616 Alton Road pending report of Traffic Department 2-7-51 30 363 Traffic Director Seiler sub mits report - Alton Road Association requests Council to deny permit for either location for funeral home operation by Moe HeliLman- Council declines to grant permit-suggests new location 2-21-^1 30 375 FUlJERAL HOM^g 7 Book Page Request of Philbrlck Funeral Home to transfer license from 1333 Bade Blvd. to 17^3 Bay Road taken under advisement 3-7-51 30 ^31 Council denies permit for Funeral Home at 17^3 Bay Rd. 6-20-51 31 297 Appeal to be taken to Supreme Court in suit of Greater Miami Jewish Funeral Home,(1743 Bay Road) v. City Miami Beach. Matter to be brought up again at next meeting. 10-17-51 32 122 FUNERAL HOMES 8 Book Page Hearing to be held re. permit to operate funeral home at l4lO Alton Road (Moe Hellman) 1-9-52 32 293 Hearing to be held re. permit to operate funeral home at I4l8 Alton Road (Moe Hellman) 1-23-52 32 319 Hearing held re. permit to operate fimeral home at l4l8 Alton Rd. Denied. 2-6-52 32 333 FUNERAL HOMES 9 Book Page Hearing to be held June k, 1952 to consider application of Walsh and Wood for permission to operate funeral home at 71^0 Abbott Ave. 5-21-52 33 60 Hearing conducted re. Walsh & Wood application for ftmeral home at 71^0 Abbott Ave. Permit denied. 6-4-52 33 87 Hellman Funeral Chapel granted permit to operate funeral home at 1743 Bay Rd. 11-19-52 33 380 FUNERAL HOMES 10 Book Page City atty advises that Circuit Judge ordered issuance of permit for funeral home to Walsh & Wood at 71^0 Abbott Ave. No appeal to be taken. 12-10-52 33 ^18 Hellman's Funeral Chapels request permission to move funeral home from 17^3 Bay Road to 1819 West Ave.,a BB Business classification. Deferred until next meeting 7-15-53 3^ 391 Hearing conducted on application of Moe Hellman to move funeral home..Request denied. 8-5-|53 3^ ^24 FUNERAL HOMES 11 Book Page Beach Memorial Chapel submits application for permission to operate funeral home at 1250 Normandy Dr. Hearing to be held on Sept. 15. 9-1-5^ 36 140 Hearing conducted on applicaton of Beach Memorial Chapel for funeral home at 1250 Normandy Dr. (Lots 3 & 4. Blk 10, Ocean Side Sec. Isle of Norm.) Permit granted. , 9-15-54 36 I51 6 -"Z FUNERAL HOMES 12 Book Page Councilman Turk suggests Zoning Board be asked to make study relative to suitable areas for funeral homes, and also relative to all permits granted by Council with view to setting up standards and safeguards that courts would be likely to Sustain. 9_15_524 36 152 B. H. Bennett granted permit to operate funeral home under his own name at 1333 Bade Boulevard (same location asGordon's Funeral Home.) 3-16-55 36 M73