Gas Company of Miami Beach , Inc_July 1928 to October 1943^GAS Form of francMse presented to Council 7-1^22 Endorsed by Lions Club 2-29-26 Franchise presented by Atty.Copeland Action deferred on Ordinance Discussed 1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance Third Reading $ 25,000.00 deposit tendered Book,Pa^ g 352 6 372 6 3g^ 6 391 g 399 M-00 th% g 'I Book, Page 1st-, 2nd & Readings of _Ordl- nance calling election, Ord, No. 265 B, ^64- 1st & 2nd Readings of General Plpdng-Qr- ;dinance i«7->29 9, 291 P®ople_^-Gas^ OoE^anyr^Acceptanoe : Franchise , ' 3-29-32 11 310 Ing Bond 3-29-3R 11,-_31Q R®IlBiQi3^_of - ^6-32 315 " " L.I.Grote in^^j^y lj_gQ_jg h f GAS OOMPAHY ^ (See Peoples Gas Co.) —l5ok>P_^e Trustee's Deed and acceptance of same by Peoples Gas Oo. filed March 15,1933 .12, 12 ' notice of cancellation ©f assignment of franchise filed by Charles E.Starr March 15,1933 12,12 V Mayor announces proposal of Gas Oo. to reduce rates April 3, 1933 12, IS Proposed schedule of rates presented. April 3, 1933 12, IS Mayor's communication re; reduction in Gas rates April 27th, 1933 12, ^^3 ' ^AS COMPANY (See People( ^ V^ Book Peoples G-as Co. file new rate schedule "E" 2/3/^3 22 25 U, S. Array asks City to investigate rates of Peonies Water & Gas Co. 22 172 7/2l/iJ-3 City Attorney instructed to furnish opinion on gas rates 10/6/4-3 22 172 Army officials again appear before 22 i«9 City Attorney's opinion read on rate controverqjr 10/20/^3 22 129 GAS COMPANY 01-^ MIAiMI BEACH. lUG. P^E Res, 194-0 - Waiver Gas Main under Indian Creek at 63rd 4-3-29 9, I07 A'cceptance of by| Co.mpan 6-5-29 9, 222 kes. 2029 - Waiver Gas Main at 6oth\street 9» 273 Indemnifying Bond filed 9-3-31 11, 75 Bond of Trustees in Bankruptcy 7'517-31 11, 102 (Returned-See Correspondence "|£inute Data" 3-29-32) _ ^ '2i3^