Golf Courses ( Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_December 1945 to October 1953GOLF COURSES (Bay Shore & Normandy) Book Council takes no action on request of Dr. Morris Goodman that dependants of POWS be permitted to play on golf courses without charge 12/5/^5 23 30^ Council refers to Mr. Renshaw James Ruby's request that public school teachers be permitted to play on golf courses at half price 10/1A7 25 ^11 GOLF COURSES (Bay Shore & Normandy) Council to allow public school teachers to play on golf courses at half price Summer greens fees reduced to $1,00 Mr. Klein favors leasing of concessions at golf courses - City Manager asked to report on concessions 6/1A9 6/22 A9 Book 10/15/^7 25 28 28 229 GOLF COURSES 3. Book Page City Manager reports on manage ment policy at 2 golf courses 7/6/49 28 237 GUy Manager's report on management policy of 2 courses is accepted 7/22/49 28 274 Request for reduction in greens fees at golf courses referred to committee to be appointed by Mayor 8/17/^-9 28 GOLF COURSES Council opens bids for Food and Beverage con cessions and Pro Shop Concessions at two courses 9/21A9 Book 28 If. Page ^3^ Contracts awarded to Peter Soutar for Pro Shop Concession and Gerald F. Kelley for Food and Beverage Concessions at Normardy Shoes and Bay shore 9/21A9 28 lf35 GOLF COURSES CBayshor.. and Normandy Isle^ 5» ,, Book Page Res. # 7023 authorizing execution of agreement with Gerald F. Kelly for Food and Beverage Concession at golf courses for 2 yrs IO/5A9 28 ^-^l Res, #702^ authorizing e ecution of agreement with Peter Soutar for Pro Shop Concession at golf courses for 2 years 10/5A9 28 -Cemmittee on golf course fees submits recommenda- tions IO/5A9 28 IfA %0LF courses fRavshore and Normandy Isle) 6. "" Book Page Res. #7027 adopting A.dministrative Memo No. 90-I regarding golf Course fees 10/5A9 28 Committee consisting of Mr. Renshaw Councilmen Richard, Klein and Roth appointed to confer with committee from BayShore Golfers Club re. matters of importance at municipal courses II/I6A9 29 Council denies permission to Women's Golf ass'n. to play 1+ times a year without charge 1-18-50 29 GOLF GOUHSES (Bayshore and Normandy) Book Council gives permission to Women's Golf Ass'n. to use courses 4 times a year for tournament play 2-15-50 29 Mr, Klein questions food and drink prices at golf courses 4-19-50 29 Councilman Roth requests that Bayshore Golf Course be made available for students to use at half price - referred to golf course managers for recommendation 1/17/51 30 Ml!g_CQURS^g (BAYSHQBE AHt) ITOfeMANDY SHORES^ ^ 8 Book Page Permission granted women golfers for tourhament at Bayshore on 2-11-51 without charge 1-2^-51 30 3^-5 Complaint relative to flying golf balls filed Asst. City Manager to handle 3-21-51 30 1+72 Student golf coursemeober- ships to be issued - $37.50 Mf-51 30 527 All memberships to be issued on fiscal year basis 1+-1+-51 30 527 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) J Permission granted Miami Women's Book Page Golf Ass'n for use of Bay Shore Golf Course from May 21st to 25th, 1951 * for annual totirnament 4-18-51 31 44 $500, appropriated for Ela. State Women's Golf Ass'n for annual golf tournament 5-2-51 31 106 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORL AND NORMANDY SHORES) 9 Book Page Coiincil opens bids for Food and Beverage concessions and Pro Shop Concesslocg it Normandy- Shores and Bayshore Golf courses 9/19/51 32 51 Contracts awarded to Kelly & Plte for Food andBeverage and Pro Shop Concessions at Bayshore 9/19/51 32 52 Contract awarded to W-E. Glrard for Food Be ^erage Conce sslo'i at Nomandy Shores 9/19/51 32 52 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHOK AND NORMANDY SHORES) 10 Book Page Contract awarded to Gertrude Gleason for Pro Shop Concession at Normany Shores Golf Course 9/19/51 32 52 Res. #7802 authoarl zing agreement with Jerry Girard for Normandy Shores Food and Beverage Concession 10-3-51 32 92 Res'. #7803 authorizing execution of agreement with Gertrude Gleason for Pro Shop concession at Normandy Shores Golf Courjse 10-3-51 32 92 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 11 Book Page Res. #7804 authorizing agreement with Gerald Kelly & William Plte for Bayshore Pood & Beverage Concession, and Pro Shop 10-3-51 32 92 Free use of Normandy Shores Golf Course authorized - Feb. 14, 15, 16, 17, 1952, for Weathervane Golf Tournament 10-30-51 32 123 Honorary Golf Club memberships to be given Walter Wlnchell and Arthxir Godfrey II-2I-51 32 202 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 12 Book Page $2,500.00 appropriated for 1952 Golf fotirnament 12-12-51 32 244 1952 Golf Tournament cancelled. Letter requesting that $2,500.00 appropriation be put over for next year's tournament ordered filed. 1-2-52 32 276 Opening 9-hole old municipal golf course to be considered 1-16-52 32 308 Action postponed on development of portion of old municipal golf course 2-6-52 32 34? GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 13 Book Page Golf Course fees to be pro-rated " 2-6-52 32 3^9 Action deferred on request for free use of Norm.Shores G.C. by Miami Jr. C of C, for tournament play from May 26 to June 1, incl. 3-5-52 32 414 Free use of Norm. Shores Course for tournament play by Miami Jr. C of C denied. Mr. Lipp to check if request is for exclusive use. 3-19-52 32 436-437 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) l4. Book Page Request made by Miami Women's Golf Ass'n for free use of Normandy Shores Course from 5-19 thru 5-23^ for tournament play, and on 10-14 for dally play; and Bayshore Course on 6-17 for dally play. Mr. Llpp to check whether request Is for exclusive use of courses on specified dates. 3-19-52 32 431 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES) 15 Book Page Mgr. Bay Shore Golf Co\irse recommends that greens fees be increased from ii.50 to $2.00 during summer, and from $2.50 to $3.00 during winter. Mr. Lipp to contact Golfers Club to ascertain their views on matter. 3-19-52 32 437 Council rescinds motion of March 19th, and approves request of Miami Jr. C of C for free use of golf course for tournament play; ALSO grants Miami- Women's Golf Ass'n free use of golf co\arse5 as requested on March 19. Neither request is for exclusive use of courses.3-26-52 32 443 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) Book Convention delegates to be permitted free use of the golf courses 4-16-52 32 499 City Clerk advises of cremation of certain unused receipts formerly in use at Normandy Shores Golf Course, and of retention of certain others by Accounting Dept. for auditing purposes 7-16-52 33 155 Use of Bay Shore Golf Course in early part of February 1953> for a Wmen's Open Tournament, asked by United Cerebral Palsy Tournament Committee. $2,500. appropriated from Bay Shore GolfCou'se revenue to underwrite thiag t^w^an^nt. 182 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 17 BUUk Page Free use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for charity tournament authorized - (proceeds to be divided equally between St. Francis and Mt. Simai Hospitals) 8-13-52 33 209 City Mgr. recommendseincreasing greens fees. Investigation to be made concerning rates charged by other courses, before taking action 9-17-52 33 268 City Mgr. reports on greens fees charged elsewhere. Greens fees to be increased, effective 11/15/52,from $1.00 to $1.50 in summer, and from !)2.50 to $3.00 in winter^, E«tra revenue^ ■;o be set * ' "aside for new Bay^Shpr^ club house. GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) l8. Book Page Permission granted for free use of Bay Shore Course on Feb. 11 thru l4^ ^ 195^, for United Cerebral Palsy Golf Tournaments. $2,500, advanced for 1953 promotion, returned. 2-18-53 (Resolution to be prepared commending Serbin, Cove & Penias) 3^ Res. #8279 commending John Serbin, Otto Fenias and Henry Cove for their efforts in connection with Cerebral Palsy Golf Tournament 2-25-53 34 fHR. Lipp retePHoNe: i P \ Ir ^fiio O/iTBS OHj9/\/&ED To 2lf^,l9J%20 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 19. Book Page Request of Miami Jr. C of C granted, for use of Normandy Shores golf course from 5-18 thru 5-24 for golf tournament 4-1-53 34 150 Discussion held re. Improvements at Bayshore Golf Course including building new club house. Matter held in abeyance 4-8-53 34 163 Res. #8349 authorizing agreement with August Geiger, architect, for services in connection with proposed Bay Shore Golf Course Club House 4-22-53 34 190 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) Book Servicemen permitted to play on municipal courses at half price 5-6-53 34 Communication from Miami Jr. Chamber of Commerce thanking City for making Normandy Shores Golf Course available for play during anniial Pan Am Golf Tournament 6-17-53 34 Art Gleason reappointed Manager of Normandy Shores Golf Course 6-17-53 34 Artie Friedman reappointed Manager of Bay Shore Golf Coiirse 7-1-53 34 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 21, Book Page Gerald Kelly and William Plte request renewal of food and beverage and pro shop concessions at Bay Shore. To be renewed for another 2 yrs. starting Oct. 1. 1953 7-15-53 3^ ^02 Recommendation of Bay Shore Golfers that yearly memberships at Bay Shore and Normandy courses not be sold between Nov. 15 and March 15 accepted 7-15-53 3^ ^02 GOIJ' COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 22 Book Page Action on request of Mrs. Gertrude Gleason for renewal of pro shop con cession at Normandy Shores Golf Coiirse deferred 9-2-53 35 6 Res. #8501 authorizing extension of Bay Shore Golf Course pro shop concession agreement with Gerald Kelly and Wm. Plte for add'l 2 years. (Identical rent as In original agreement and payment In same manner) 9-2-53 35 11 GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 23 Book Page Res. #8502 authorizing extension of Bay Shore Golf Course food & beverage concession with Gerald Kelly and Wm. Pite for add'l 2 years, (identical rent as in original agreement, payable in same manner) 9-2-53 35 11 Gertrude Gleason's contract for operation of pro shop concession at Normandy Shores Golf Covirse extended for another 2 years 9-16-53 35 3C Request of Jerry Girard for renewal of food and beverage concession at Normandy Shore Golf Coursel held^over until next meeting 9-16-53 35 39 GOLF eOURSES (BAYSHORE & NORMANDY SHORES) 24 Book Page Council again defers action on renewal of food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course to Jerry Girard 10-7-53 35 52 Request of Wm. B. McDonald, Jr., for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course for 4-ball tournament from 3-7 to 3-14 granted 10-21-53 35 113 Petition presented — objections to manner in which food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores golf club has been handled and urging that bids be taken for operation of concession. Action deferred