Golf Courses ( Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_May 1969 to December 1972GOLF COURSES 150 Book Page Re. selection of architect for Bayshore G.C. motion authorizing City Mgr. to negotiate with Von Hagge fai led of passage. 5/12/69 5^ ^I6 Use of golf course for tournament by AFL. musicians,(Frank Cascioia) deferred. 5/12/69 5^ ^23 Counci l authorized contract for redesign of Bayshore G.C.; fee not to exceed $30,000. Contract E- resolution to Counci l 6/V69. 5/21/69 5^ ^33 City Mgr. to evaluate & recommend on 6/4/69 re. extension of yearly golf permits during time of Bayshore closure. Malek suggested rebates. 5/21/69 54 435 GOLF COURSES 151 Book Page Res.#12757 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Robert von Hagge at cost not over $30,000. 6/4/69 54 4/8 Request deferred re. extension of yearly golf permits during Bayshore Golf Course Closure. City Mgr. to evaluate effect of any extensions : ^ or rebates of fees on revenue & revenue structure of City & submit recommendations to Counci l . 6/1 1/69 54 500 GOLF COURSES 152 Book Page Counci l approved City Mgr. recommendation that neither rebates nor extension of permits be permitted during Bayshore closure. Malek's suggestion re. rebate on pro rata basis, failed. 6/18/69 55 13 Re: Bayshore reconstruction- Meeting Date rejected bids, authorized read- vertising. 7-02-69 Normandy Shores Tournament - 7-26,27-69. City employees 7-02-69 GOLF COURSES 153 Meeting date Bayshore reconstruction - contract to Golf Course Construction Inc. for $195,000.- 7_l6_6g Normandy Shores - use on 8-4-69 for Dade Amateur Golf Assn.League. Approved. 7-16-69 Bayshore reconstruction - remove 1 of trees, etc. - approved 7-16-69 GOLF COURSES 154 Meeting Date Bid for Bayshere reconstruction awarded 7/16/69 rejected. Work to be done by City as contractor 7-23-69 Bayshore reconstruction: equipment rental contracts awarded to Lowell Dunn Co., Eagle Trucking,Russel1 inc. 8-13-69 Bayshore-storm sewers-bids rejected; City improvement to proceed. 9-3-69 Bayshore - concrete pipe contract to Fla. Concrete Pipe - $14,873.80 9-17-69 GOLF COURSES 155 Meeting date Bayshore: irrigation contract de ferred to 10-15-59. IO-I-69 Contract to Wm.H. Bowers: $127,000. 10-15-69 Bayshore: fumigating, grassing contract to Pursley Grass Co.-$22,899.- 11-19-69 Normandy Shores: tournament (Footi ighters, Variety Chi ldren's) 5-15-70, appr'd. 12-17-69 GOLF COURSES I56 Meeting date Appearance by John Temple, his objections to fees, etc; CC requested written report for guidel ines re per mits, rates, etc. 1-7-70 Robt. Von Haqqe report re Bayshore opening. 2-4-70 Use of Normandy and Bayshore by Miami Women's Golf Assn for tournament - appr'd. 2-I8-7O GOLF COURSES 157 Meeting date Bayshore Golf Courfee: bids rejected for construction of comfort station; readvertisemt authorized. 4-1-70 rebidding de ferred to 5-20; architect for handbal l courts deferred to 5-20. 5-6-70 comfort station bids rejected; discussion re City as contractor, portable facilities. 5-20-70 Proposal of Bay- shore Greens to make improvements and extend contract rejected. 5-20-70 GOLF COURSES 158 Meeting date Bayshore: renovation: Architect Von Hagge reported course ready for play Labor Day, 9-7. City Mgr to coordinate celebration program. 6-24-70 Bayshore: openinq; C.W.Chase Jr. to be on committee, to be formed immedi ately. 7-1-70 Normandy Shores concession: bid rejected - readyertised national ly. 7-15-70 . -, 159 GOLF COURSES Meeting date Norma-ndy Shores: Golf tournament of Dade Amateur Assn Jr. League - 7-31-70- greens fees waived. 7-15-70 ....Food concession awarded to Elmer G.Daniels (Recreational Food Ser vices) from 10-1-70 thru 5-31-76, for $190,000. RES.13090. 9-2-70 Bavshore:Dick Reeves commended;Res.13098. S-^-lQ ' Jerry 01 in appearance re greens' fees increase re conventions. 10-7-70 Motion made that old fees hold for conventions, groups, to Nov.1,'70. 10-7-70 GOLF COURSES 159-a Meeting date Fees: Golf, other recreational functions: fee revision schedules; RES.131 19. 9-29-70 Bicycle paths at courses: Motion (Greene) to include in Budget FAILED. City Mgr to present study, recommendatns to CO. 9-29-70 GOLF COURSES l60 Meeting date Bayshore: Tournament approved for MB Sr.High School on 12-16-70; greens fees waived. 10-21-70 Normandy Shores: golf storage shed relocation approved.- discussion - appearances by Dr. Dorf, Mr. Binkov, objecting to location - rain drainage problem discussed - 12-16-70 GOLF COURSES l6l Meeting date Bayshore: approved U.S.Olympic Golf Classic on 3/20-22/71 I CityiMgr. to meet with Mr. Haddad, Parks Dir.,re fees, arrangemts, and give CC report. 1-20-71 Normandy Shores: Elmer Daniels, con cessionaire, urged fees decrease; City Mgr to present recommendatns on 2-3. 1-20-71 Greens fees: Mgr. requested defermt to 2-17 for his evaluation of report. 2-3-71 ....fees reduced for summer; Mgr. to furnish monthly income reports to CC. 2-17-71 GOLF COURSES 162 Meeting date Normandy: request of pro shop for cashier referred to City Mgr. 2-17-71 Bayshore: comfort faci 1 i ty: approyed rejection of bids. 6-2-71 Bayshore: approved golf tournament of Dade Amateur Golf Assn Jr. League on 7-16; greens fees waived. 7-7-71 Sales tax required on starting-time fee; fee set at 96b plus 4b tax. 7-21-71 GOLF COURSES -163 contract Meeting date Bayshore: comfort facility/to Biscayne Construction, $18,467. 8-4-71 Bayshore: Request for portable refreshmt stand (Greene); superyisor wil l reyiew and report to City Mgr. 8-4-71 Par 3: Request for portable refreshmt stand (Weinstein); supervisor wi ll review and report to City Mgr. 8-4-71 Bayshore: Employees' Golf Tournament on 9-15 agenda. 9-1-71...On for 10/23,24/71. g_15_71 GOLF COURSES .,.16SA, ^ . . Meeting DateNo action taken on increases of golf course fees 9/30/72 GOLF COURSES 164 Meeting date New employees Bayshore Golf Course Food and Beverage. Adminis recommendation that City ap prove subleasing of food and beverage concession to E. M. DZIURA, president & ERNEST MILLER, mgr. for Resort Ser vices, Inc., subject to final favorable pol ice report, WAS CONFIRMED. 12-8-71 Consideration deferred to Jan. 5, 1972, as to discussion concerning extension of existing contract with Bayshore Greens, Inc., in relation to prior closures. 12-22-71 &6LP COURSES Meetinq date Cpunci1maD.Weinateio suggested thatthe Council be furnishea with trthe ultimate termination date which will become effective by extension of the contract. 12-22-71 Consideration of extension of existing contract with Bayshore Greens, Inc., deferred to Jan. 19,'72, due to course closures. 1-5-72 Bayshore concession agreement with Bayshore Greens Inc. deferred to2/2/72 1/19/72 RES.13527 adopted approving agreement with Bayshore Greens, Inc. extending concession to June 6/1973 and releasing City from claims 2/2/72 BULK UUUKSfcS Approved greens fees to be waived for Bayshore and Normandy Golf Courses on May & Aug. dates &f Miami Women's Golf Association. I oo Meeting dat insurance for Bayshore Golf Course to Southern Underwriters 3 yrs. RES. 13556 adopted 2/2/72 to change date for extension of concession for 20 months. 2/2/72 2/16/72 3/1/72 Re: Bayshore Golf Course, Couricilman Greene referred to comford station project and said perhaps there should be a re-evaluation of design or approaches or personnel. At request of Mr. Dan Paul, Council establ ished policy that no park lands be used for capital 3/15/72 eOLF COURSES 167-- Meet!nq Date 'improvements and that City look to acquiring property for this instead.City Atty. advised this was an expression of intent but not binding. 4/26/72 City Mgr. said some question prevai ls in connection with feasibility of constructing bicycle paths adjacent to golf courses and that matter be given further study. 7/19/72 City Atty. advised sume of $70,000 was appropriated from Contingency Fund to later be reimbursed from sale of bonds approved by voters 3/14/72, instead of funding as set forth in Memo 3566. 7/19/72 GOLF COURSES 168 Meet. DAt Councilman Greene suggested Metro be contacted re. purchase by City of fencing used at Convention Center Complex for possible use in fencing of golf courses. 7/19/72 Councilman Greene suggested institution of safety program for golf course employees, contending their actions often invite injury. 8/2/72 Councilman Goodman requested consideration of expansion of Bayshore Golf Course into a golf and tennis center at workshop meeting. 9/25/72 GOLF COURSES 168A Meet. Date Councilman Weinstein requests consideration of expansion of Normandy Shores club house during workshop session. 8/16/72 Councilman Weinstein requests clean-up and beautifi- cation of vacant property abutting Normandy Shores' if it is City property; if privately owned, to cause it to be cleaned. Aslo requests installation of drinking fountains. 9/6/72 Reso. 13757, setting fee schedule 1972-73. 9/25/72 Reso. 13774 amending permit fees schedule and setting forth new schedule. 10/4/72. GOLF COURSES 16$ Meeting Date City Atty. asked by Counci lman Magnes to investigate possibil ity of moving Bayshore Golf Course l iquor l icense to Auditorium and Convention Hall and securing new "club" l icense for Bayshore Golf Course. 10/4/72 Counci l deferred action on proposed resolution pertaining to golf course memberships to pro vide for officers of corporations who own prop erty in Miami Beach to have same rates as a freeholder, and referred matter to the Administra tion to determine what safeguards should be established. 12/20/72 Counci l approved request of Dr. Solomon S. Lichter principal , M.B.High School , to util ize Golf GOLF COURSES (PRIOR TO 1950 ) SEE: BAY SHORE GOLF COURSE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE