Golf Courses ( Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_November 1963 to April 1966GOLF COURSES 100
Shores Book Pacie
Use of Normandy/coif Course by M. B.
Optimist Club for golf tournament on
NOV. 17, 1963 approved. No preferred
starting time,and no waiving of greens
fees. 11-6-63 46 252
Harry Frankel's letter complaining of
abuses of starting time privileges by
woman golfers referted to City Mgr.
11-6-63 46 269
City Mgr. advises that golf course mgr.
fecoramends removing starting privileges
for"Ladies Days" tee off time during
Nov., 15 to May. 1. City Mgr.,to meet withBayshore & Normandy Snores Golf Ass'^ns
before further act^-on taken. No action
on Mayor s suggestion that greens fees be
reduced. City Mgr. instructed to carr^.out^ )
(cont.) PW
Mayor's suggestion re. starting time
procedures. Mr. Garson asks Council
to permit golf pros tcfclay free at
municipal golf courses. City Mgr.
outlines past and present policy followed.
Motion made to refer matter to city Mgr.
for study and recommendations.
11-20-63 46 287
On behalf of members of Bayshore &
Normandy Shores Women's Golf Associations,
Jason Berkman expresses opposition to the
discontinuance ofpreferred starting time
for ladies day at golf courses. Ladies
day preferred starting time to continue;
Mr. Berkman requested to relay to golfers'gl^bs
(cont.) Book Page
proposal that tourists be given
preferred starting times in mornings
during winter months. 12-4-63 46 306
Concessionaire at Bayshore requests
clarification of rules regarding storage
of golf clubs in lockers. Councilman
Frank urges that some policy be established.
City Mgr. recommends that existing policy
be continued.until new year for locker starts.
City Mgr requested to look further into
entire matter and submit addl info, and
recommendations to Council at next meeting
or soon thereafter as possible.
12-4-63 46 322
Book Page
Bayshore Golf course concessionaire's
letter read re. storage of golf clubs
and bags in lockers. City Mgr. instructed
to issue directive to Golf Course Mgr.
prohibiting storage of golf clubs and
golf bags in lockers, and if anyone wants
locker fees returned, to"refund same.
12-18-63 46 338
Bayshore Golfers Clxab makes recommendations
re golf course operations. Suggestions
referred to City Mgr for study and recom
mendations to Council. 12-18-63 46 347
Book " Page
City Mgr. to investigate proposal
that greens fees for Normandy Shores
and Bayshore be reduced to $3.00 after
3:00 P.M. for 9 holes and submit recom
mendations to Council. , ^>1 >1,-
1-15-54 46 392
Council approves use of BayshoreGolf
Course for M. B. High School inter-
scholastic golf matches to be held after
3 P.M., dates running from Jan. 30
until some in April, with greens fees
waived. 1-15-64 46 398
Book Page
Miami Women's Golf Ass'n for use of
Bayshore Golf Course on 6/30/64 and
Normandy Shores on 7/28/64 to hold
tournaments, with greens fees waived,
approved. 2-19-64 46 434
Permission granted Inter-Club Ladies
Golf Ass'n use of Normandy Shores Golf
Course on July 10, and Bayshore Golf
Course on Aug. 14, 1964, for tournaments
and greens fees waived. 3-4-64 46 459
Normandy IslesImprovement Assn granted
request to hold general meeting on April 6,
at Club House. City Mgr to advise organization
to make arrangements to hold meetings on
private property in future.3_i8-64 46 472
Book Page
Bayshore's concessionaire's letter re.
proposed closing of golf course in May
discussed. City Mgr.^ says storm sewer
work feeing done fey Government to start
May 1. City Mgr. recommends no change
in closing date fee made at this time.
Howard 4-15-64 47 13
Mayor/of Surfside proposes that arrange
ments fee made to enafele limited numfeer of
Surfside permanent residents to hold annual
memfeerships in Normandy Shores course
10 mos. a year, permit fee to fee at least
$25.00 more than normal fee. Mayor Howard
to meet with City Mgr. 4-15-64 47 13
Book Page
City Mgr. reports re. applications
received for Golf Course Mgr.
Recommends Mrs. Friedman be designated
Acting Golf Course Mgr. until recommendation'
as fbpermanent mgr. can be made. Also refers
to plans to convert Asst. Mgr. post to
civil service status. 4-15-64 47 13
Mayor of Surfside presents written request
to permit limited membership for Surfside
residents at Normandy Golf Course. Action
deferred until June 17. various interested
organizations to be contacted for their
comments on the request.
5-6-64 47 33
, , _ Book Page
Council fails to confirm City Mgr's
appointment of E. C. Ambrose, Jr.
to position of Golf Course Manager
to fill unexpired term of the late
Stewart Boyle, interview to be set for
each applicant. 6-3-64 47 59
Council confirms infomal approval
given Normandy Isles improvement Ass'm
on May 11, 1964 for use of Normandy
Shores Golf course club House on May 18.
6-3-64 47 68
Book Page
Discussion re. request of Surfside's
Mayor to permit limited number of
residents to hold yearly memberships
at Normandy Shdres Golf Course.
Motion to approve request fails.
6-17-64 47 85
Council again fails to confirm City
Manager's appointment of golf course
manager. Ijrvin J. Leighton elected
by Council. 6-17-64 47 90
City Mgr. to issue addendum to specifications
already sent out, for Normandy Shores Golf
Course concessions 7-1-64 47 116
Golf Course Fees - 1963^64 ,
^ 7 %'1
Single $ 150.00
Family (man & wife) 200.00" ^
Each add' 1 meitODer
under 21 yrs. 50.00
Greens Fees
Norm.Shores & Bayshore
Winter - $5.00 (—**
Summer -3.00 ^ v , o-nJ
Par 3
Winter - $2.50 - '2^.
Summer - 1.50 — o—^
Book Page
City Mgr. advises golf course
investigation was in hands of States
Attorney's office and Council will be
advised when report is ready.
7-1-64 47 116
Use of Bayshore Golf Course on July 31,
1964, for charity tournament approved.
7_15_64 47 134
Rates for use of City Faci l ities- _L34
Tabulation of bids for Normandy Shores
Food and Beverage Prop Shop, etc. concession.
City Mgr. recommends bid of $142,000. sub
mitted by Ben & Doris Seidler be accepted.
Second high bidder contends Seidler bid did
not meet specifications and asks.award of.contract, ■'^councir votes to award contract to
Book Page
Seidlers. Formal agreement to be presented
at next regular meeting. 9.5_64 47 151
variety Children's Hospital ask for permit
to- use Bayshore Golf Course, Dec. 14 thru
20, 1964 incl. for World Wide International
Invitational Golf tournament to be held in
connection with 50th Anniversa^. Report
from Spec. Events Dir. Bill Glick read.
Report from Gblf Course Mgr. read. Council
approves re<guest' in principle, details to
be worked out with City Mgr.
8_19_64 47 173
Book Page
Res. #11281 authorizing execution of
agreement between Ben & Doris Seidler
for operqtion of Normandy Shores Golf
Course concessions commencing 10/1/54and ending 10/31/68.
Request of Dade Amateur Golf Committee
for use of Normandy Shores Golf Course
on Oct. 24, 1964,(Saturday) greens fees
waived, approved. 10-7-64 47 261
variety Golf Committee advises of
cancellation of golf tournament
scheduled for Dec. 14-20, 1964
10-21-64 47 286
Book Page
Council confirms informal approval
given on Oct. 13, 1964 for use of
Par 3 Golf Course on Sunday, Oct. 18, 1964,
for golf tournament co-sponsored by Nor Isle
Optimist Club and M.B. Beach Reporter.
10-21-64 47 286
Council approves request of U. S. Coast
Guard Greater Miami Golf Association for
use of Normandy Shores Golf Course on
Nov. 12, 1964, for golf tournament.
10-21-64 47 287
M. B. Junior Golf Association granted
permission to hold golf tournament at
par 3 course on Dec. 19, ^oi
Book Page
Complaint re. tournament starting
time at Normandy Shores referred to
City Mgr. 11-4-64 47 301
Date of golf tournament at Par 3 Course
sponsored by M.B. Jr. Golf Association,
changed from Dec. 19 to Dec» 23, 1964.
11-18-64 47 344
Date of Kids Golf Tournament at Par 3
changed to Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, 1964.
11=18-64 47 344
No action taken on request of shepard Broad
to play golf on City's courses.
12-2-64 47 380
Book page
Miami Beach Golf Association cancels
its Junior Golf Tournament scheduled at
Par 3 for Dec. 23, 1964,
12-16-64 47 389
Footlighters club granted permission to
hold Variety Children's Hospital golf
tournament at Normandy Golf Course on
April 9, 1965 (no preferred starting time
and no waiving of greens fees)
1-20-65 48 323
M.B. High School Golf Team granted permission
to hold their tournaments at Bayshore Golf
Course on Jan. 21, 28j Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25y
Mar. 18; April 1, 1965. 1-20-65 48 323
GQf.g CQimSES 116
Book page
City Mgrr. requested to investigate
feasibility of reduced rates at
golf courses after 3jOO P.M.
1-20-65 48 324
Normandy Isles improvement Association's
request for use of Noimiandy shores Golf
Course clubhouse without charge not approved.
Permission granted to use facilities at
established fee. 1-20^65 48 330
Normandy isles improvement Association's
request for use of Noirmandy Shores Golf
Course Clubhouse without charge brought
up again. Motion that this association
be given use of Nomandy club House facilitieswithout cost, to hold their me^tj-i^gg^ carrie^^^
Book Page
Greater Miami Women's Golf Association
grated use of Bayshore Golf Course 5/1/65
and Normandy Shores Golf Course 7/13/65
for tournament play, green fees waived.
3-24-65 48 419
Free use of Bayshore Golf Course for
Nat'l Intercollegiate Golf Championship'
approved (June 20-26, 1967) 4_2i_65 49 39
Request approved of the Normandy Isles
Improvement Assn for use of Normandy Shores
Golf Course Clubhouse on May 25, 1965.
5-5-65 49 68
eoij' couRSgg 116
Action deferred on appointment Book Page
of Golf Course Mgr. 6-16-65 49 111
Irvin J. Leighton appointed Golf Course
Manager. Mrs. Dorothy Friedman appointed
Asst. Golf Crse Mgr. 7-7-65 49 151
Miami Jaycees granted use of Normandy Shores
Golf Course for Bade Amateur Tournament
on Oct. 30, 1965. 10-7-65 49 325
Bayshore Golfers Club granted use of
Bayshore Golf Course for Pro Member Tournament
on Nov. 11, 1965 10-7-65 49 325
Book Page
Use of Par 3 Golf Course by Nor Isle
Optimist Club on Nov. 14, 1965 approved
with no waiving of greens fees.
11-3-65 49 408
Postponement of Pro-Member Tournament
scheduled at Bayshore Golf Course on
Nov. 11, 1965 approved. 11-10-65 49 426
Council discusses letter from Doris & Ben
Seidler, concessionaires at Norm./8of?
Course asking that Council approve an addl
2.mos on their contract at no charge for
time lost during previous year. City Mgr.
to submit recommendation in writing at
early date. 11-10-65 49 429
City Mgr presents report re. request Page
of concessionaire at Normandy Shores
Golf Course for relief as it relates to his
contract. 12-1-65 49 463
Communication from Paul M. Bruun re. golf
tournament for benefit of school activities
referred to City Mgr. for recommendation.
2-2-66 50 79
Mr. Poulos instructed to submit recom
mendations regarding conditions at Normandy
Golf Course in writing to Acting City Mgr.
Duffield. 2-2-66 50 94
Discussion on golf tournament for Book Page
benefit of M. B. school activities
deferred to Mar. 2, 1966, for submission
for formal request for specific date.
2-16-66 50 100
Committee appointed to evaluate
proposed golf tournament (proposal
presented by Mr. Arthur Nardin )
and report back to Council. 2-16-66 50 100
Action on
Bsquest of Miami Women's Golf Ass'n
for use of Bayshore and Normandy golf
courses on July 11 & 12 and Aug. 9, 1966
for tournaments deferred., 2-16-66 59 112
7\ 4.' j ^ -1 , ^ Book PageAction deferred on request of
MiaraiWomen's Golf Association to
use Normandy golf course pending
study of Poulos's recommendations
re. improvements at Normandy.
2-18-66 50 123
Action on golf tournament for Miami
Beach school activities deferred
pending specific date for tournament
from Paul M. Bruun. 3-2-66 50 135
Report of Park Supt. Poulos re. Book Page
resotration of Normandy Shores Golf
Course. Discussion re. closing of golf
course during res'^ration. Council
authorizes nedessary work and $80,000
appropriation from UCF. Council
approves that 50d from Par 3 greens fees
be placed into reserve for golf course
repairs. 3-2-66 50 178
Miami Women's Golf Assn to be notified
that Norm, golf course will be closed
for repairs at time they wish to hold
tournament. 3-2-66 50 178
Book Page
Request of Miami Women's Golf Ass'n
for use of Normandy Shores course
on April 19, 1966 approved.
4-13-66 50 236
Council approves use of Par 3 course
for tournament for benefit of M. B. High
School activities, on May 29, 1966.
Request of Home Town Municipal Golf
Tournament. 4-13-66 50 236
City Mgr. directed to supervise payment
of monies from funds received fromgolf
tournament conducted for benefit of
M.E. High School activities..
4—20—66 50 261