Golf Courses ( Bay Shore & Normandy Shores_October 1961 to November 1963GOLF COURSES (BAYSHORE, NORMANDY & PAR 3) 75 . (cont.) Book Page Leonard Shapiro submits minority report; various points of report discussed; M.B. Taxpayers and M.B. Apt, Assn representatives speak. Lighting golf driving range and other items in reports to be considered at later date. City Mgr. to make investigation and give recommendations re. golf course managers; Mrs. Friedman to continue to operate Bayshore & Par 3. 10=4-61 44 226 GOLF COURSES 76 Book Page Request from Gertrude Gleason for renewal of pro shop concession at $1,000 more per year; a reduction in golf cart fees and for a 3-yr. term instead of 2 years. Mr. Richard moves to call for bids; advises of requests received .from people who wish to bid for concession; also recommends that City operate golf carts; gives figures he feels could be realized. Various comments from citizens, etc. Motion to take competitive bids fails. Motion re. adopting an ordinance requiring City Council to take competitive bids etc. fails. Res. #10630 adopted authorizing Gleason contract. (continued) GOLF COURSES 77 Book Page (continued) No second to Mr. Richard's motion to eliminate electric carts from pro shop concession. 10=4=61 44 228 Samuel W. Shapiro representing Golfers groups asks Council to reconsider previous action and adopt golf membership fees as recommended by Committee. Mayor Oka explains Council's action re. schedule of fees. Councilman Frank makes statement that he has made error and moves that reconunendation of Golf Course Committee re. schedule of tees be accepted by Council. Councilman Richard submits information re. revenue and disbursements at golf courses, includxng e:^gg^£ic carts. GOLF COURSES (continued) Book Mr. Richard thinks City should operate golf carts instead of concessionaire. Council not prepared to take action. Councilman Frank's motion tabled. Mr. Richard points out that he and Councilman Powell have always voted against renewing Mrs. Gleason's contract everytime it was brought up wit^ut.bids. Councilman Powell's motion/^E^u henceforth it be established policy and expressed intention of Council to award concession contracts to best and most responsible bidder and that charter amendment making it mandatory be placed to a vote of the people . M. B. Taxpayers Assn. Lsks that Gleason contract be withdrawn. (cont ) GOLF COURSES 79 Book Page (continued^. Councilman Richard's motion that Council reconsider its action re. Gleason contract hnd take bids on concessions fails. 10-18-61 44 241 M.B. Taxpayers Ass'n commends Council on action taken re. placing matter of awarding concession contracts before electorate. Asks that Gleason contract be revoked or term shortened. Ass'n advised that Mr. ^ Gleason's resignation was in Council's file for action. City Atty advises Gleason 'w contract cannot be terminated now. Mr. ^ Richard's motion that City Atty investigate ^ and advise how contract could be terminated fails. Mr. Richard asked to include boxing concession in his report on concessions. GOLF COURSES 80 Book Page M. B. High School granted use of Bayshore for High School Golf Team practice on Jan. 10-12, 1962; one match - 1st week in Feb., and tournament play May 11, 1962. 11-1-61 44 263 Art Gleason's resignation as Golf Course Manager, effective Nov. 15, 1961, accepted. Payment of 3 months' severance pay to Mr. Gleason authorized. 11-1-61 44 263 Discussion re. yearly golf course member ship fees resumed. Recommendations of Golf Course Committee as to schedule of fees accepted. Adjustments to be made as to fees"already paid. (continued) GOLF COURSES 81 Book Page (continued) Consideration to be given to proposal for 8^5 months' membership at future date. Schedule of fees; Yearly (Normandy, Bay shore & Par 3) $100. single $50.every addl itember Regular greens fees (Normandv & Bavshore) $2.00 summer $4.00 winter (May 1 - Nov. 15) (Nov.15-May 1) Regular greens fees (Par 3) $1.00 summer v$1.50 winter 'y Time extended for receipt of annual member ship applications to Dec. 1, 1961. 11-1-61 44 264 GOLF COURSES 82 Book Page Request of Otto Fenias granted, for use of Bayshore Golf Course on Sunday, Nov. 26, 1961, for "Pop Gleason Golf Tournament" 11-15-61 44 280 Resolution of appreciation to be presented to Art Gleason 11-15-61 44 280 Statement of Oboler & Clark, $1,716.26, for services in connection with alterations to Normandy Shores Golf Clubhouse approved for payment. 12-6-61 44 290 GOLF COURSES 83 Book Page 1st reading ordinance creating positions of Golf Course Manager for 3 courses, and Assistant Golf Course Manager for 3 courses (amendment to Section 2.7 of Code) 12-6-61 44 303 1st reading ordinance providing salaries for above (amendment to salary Ord. #678) 12-6-61 44 304 Res. #10664 commending Art Gleason (resigned) 12-20-61 44 319 GOlilF COURSES 84 Book Page Otto Penias granted honorary life membership in Miami Beach municipal golf courses 12-20-61 44 320 Ordinance adopted creating positions of Golf Course Mgr. and Asst. Golf Course Mgr. for three courses - Ord. #1433 12-20-61 44 329 Ordinance adopted providing salaries for Golf Course Mgr. and Assistant, (3 courses) Ord. #1434 12-20-61 44 329 $642 .50 approve<^ t/c -Stateraept/of Henry J. Nelson & Associates, consulting engineers, for services re. mechanipal equipment designed for addn and alterations to Norm.Club Hse 1-3-62 44 332 GOLF COURSES 85 Book Page Contract for additions and alterations to Normandy Shores Golf Course Club House awarded to J. Frank Price, $37,945.00, Appropriation of $47,000 authorized from ucf 1-3-62 44 335 Stewart Boyle appointed Mgr. of Bayshore, Normandy Shores and Par 3 Golf Courses, effective Jan. 17, 1962. 1-17-62 44 355 Dorothy Friedman appointed Assistant Mgr. of Bayshore, Normandy Shores and Par 3 Golf Courses, effective Jan. 17,1962 1-17-62 44 355 GOLF COURSES 86 Book Page Motion to extend Normandy Shores concessionaire's (Stern's) contract for additional period of 15 days from Dec. 19, 1962 fails to carry. 4-4-62 44 463 Action deferred on request of Inter Club League for Womens' Golfers for use of Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses for 2 days a yr. (1 day each course) with greens fees waived. Mr. Pushkin to ascertain what policy is followed by other golf courses in area relative to waiving greens fees in connection with such requests. 4-4-62 44 464 GOLF COURSES 87 Book Page Bids received for operation of food and beverage, pro-snop and golf instruction concession; driving range, and hand and motor cart concessions at Bayshore for 4 year period beginning on or about May 10, 1962. Councilman Cohen asks that action be deferred until next regular meeting so that he can investigate bidders. Councilman Richard says contract should be let now. Motion to defer action on award of contract carries. Notice to be given interested parties. Mr. Richard predicts deferment will result in loss to City of $3,000. 4-18-62 44 476 GOLF COURSES 88 Book page Daniel Stern, food and beverage concessionaire at Normandy Shores Golf Course asks to be relieved from balance of contract because of ill health. Recommendation of City Manager accepted that Mr. Stern be released from contract and refund made to him. Specifica tions for bids for this operation to be called for such period of time to tie it into the termination of pro shop concession so that both concessions will come up at the same time. 5-2-62 44 486 GOLF COURSES 89 Book Page City Mgr reviews bids submitted for operation of Bayshore food and beverage, pro-shop and golf instruction concession; driving range; and the hand and motor cart concession, for period of 4 years. Contract awarded to highest bidder, Al Grossman, quoting $215,000. Attorney for Kelly and Pite (present concessionaires) asks that Council give them consideration before voting. Resolution #10747 adopted author izing agreement with Al Grossman. Council man Richard says City losing money in not taking alternate bids on the different concessions - pro shop, food and beverage, carts, 5-2-62 44 492 given 30 days to vacate. GOLF COURSES 90 Book Page Res. #10748 adopted commending Gerald Kelly and William Pite for manner in which they have operated the concession (Bayshore Golf Course) for the past 12 years. 5-2-62 44 494 Use of Bayshore Golf Course by Men and Women's Cancer League on May 25, 1962, for tournament play granted. Greens fees not to be waived. 5-2-62 44 496 Use of Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses by Inter-Club League for Women Golfers, 2 days a year, (one day at each course) with greens fees waived, granted. 5-2-62 44 * 496 GOLF COURSES 91 Re • Normanc^ Shores Glub Jiouse - Book Page Councilman Richard asks City Mgr. and City Engineer Sills to see if half the wall between lounge and dining room can be removed, so that room would be lighter; and that consideration be given to placing pane glass in windows instead of jalousies. City Mgr indicated this would be done. 5-16-62 44 506 Bids received for operation of food and beverage concession at Normandy Shores Golf Course. City Mgr. recommends contract be awarded to Joseph Voytek, high bidder. Councilman Richard's motion to award contract to high bidder fails. (continued) GOLF COURSES 92 (cont'd) Book Page Contract awarded to Gertrude Gleason. Res. #10767 authorizing execution of agreement with Gertrude Gleason. Mr. Richard opposes Council's action in awarding this contract to Mrs. Gleason. 6-6-62 44 525 Council approves changes in Bayshore pro shop , food and beverage, etc. concession agreement. Res. #10776 authorizing execution of amended agree ment. 6-20=62 44 546 GOLF COURSES 93 Book Page City Manager to review request of of Bert Firtel for installation of lighting on the Par 3 golf course so that it could be used at night. . ^ 9-5-62,. .^^.45 86Hearing to be conducted re. lighting Par 3 and Bayshore driving range on Nov. 21, 1962 11-7-62 45 166 Action on request for funds for prizes for Jr. Golf Tournament deferred until NOV. 21, 1962. 11-7-62 45 175 GOLF COURSES 94 Book Page $1,000 allocated from Special Events Account 983.14 for prizes for Junior Golf Tournament. 11-21-62 45 194 Hearing conducted on proposals to light Par 3 and Bay Shore golf course driving range. Council goes on record opposing the lighting at this time. 11-21-62 45 200 Par 3 greens fees increased from $1.50 to $2.00, effective Dec. 15, 1962, for balance of winter season, with under standing that next year such rate would be put into effect as of regular winter season period: Nov. 15 - May 1. No changeIn summer Par 3 greens fees. ^^2 5 62 45 217 GOLF COURSES 95 Book Page Request of Bayshore Golfers Club to use Bayshore Clubhouse for awarding prizes and^t-together on Feb. 16, 1963 granted. 2-6-63 45 321 Harry Frankel opposes privilege given lady golfers on Thursdays at Bayshore Golf Course insofar as starting time is concerned. Referred to City Mgr. and Golf Course Mgr. as administrative matter. 3-6-63 45 351 City Mgr's report re. Bayshore Golfers Club request and petition for certain improvements. Copy of reportl 3-6-63 45 360 to be furnished Club. — GOLF COURSES . 96 Book Page Roosters Club of M. B. High School request use of Par 3 Golf course on May 25, 1953. Referred to City Mgr. for further information. 3-20-63 45 374 Request of Normandy Isle Improvement Assn to hold meeting in Normandy Shores Golf Course Club House on evening of April 30, 1963 approved. 5-1-63 45 437 Request of Women's Cancer League for use of Bay Shore Golf Course on June 5, 1963 for 4th annual tournament approved. 5-1-63 45 438 GOLF COURSES 97 Book Page Use of the 3 municipal golf courses for the Kicker Tournament on July 5, 1963 approved - no greens fees to be paid by participants. 7-3-63 46 20 Use of club house at Normandy Shores Golf Course by Normandy Isle Improvement Association on evening of July 30, 1963 confirmed. 8-7-63 46 65 Miami Jr. C of C request use of Normandy Shores Golf Course on Sat., Oct. 26, 1963 for Dade Amateur Golf Tournament with no greens fees. Approved. 9-18-63 46 156 GOLF COURSES 98 Book Page Schedule of Golf Course Fees approved: 1963-64: Memberships- Single $150. Family 200. Each addl member of family under 21 yrs 50. Normandy Shores & Bay Shore Winter - regular 5.00 Summer - regular 3.00 Par 3 Winter - regular 2.50 Summer - regular 1.50 10-1-63 46 164 Greens Fees - GOLF COURSES 99 Book Page Golf Committee of M. B. Taxpayers Ass'n makes numerous suggestions re. operation of golf courses; suggests Golf Advisoi^ Board be appointed (resolution of the Ass'n re. composition of proposed board filed). Discussion of annual golf course membership fees. Motion to reduce yearly single rate fails. City Mgr. to look into City's operating golf carts at Normandy Shores. 11-6-63 46 240 Use of Bayshore Golf Course Club House on Nov. 5, 1963 by Chief Rocky Pomerance for meeting of Tri-County Intelligence Unit Membership approved. 11-6-63 46 250