Golf Tournament-Miami Beach Open_August 1949 to January 1952GOLF T0tmNAM3NT - MIAMI BEACH OPEN Book Report of Golf Tournament com mittee accepted by Council 8/5A9 28 ' 337 Council to underwrite tournament to estimated amoimt of $13,000 8/5A9 28 337 Council discusses allocation of funds for 1951 Golf Tournament but no action is taken 9/22/50 30 83 GOLF TOURNAMENT--MIAMI BEACH OPEN Counoil ^ Book Agrees that any return from Orange Bowl allocation can be used to defray the expenses of the golf tournament to the extent necessary 10 A/50 30 85 No action is taken, however, to underwrite tournament 10/^/50 30 86 $10,000 appropriated from Current Fund Surplus to underwrite Golf tournament 10-25-50 30 110 golf tournament - MIAMI BEACH OPEN 3. Book Page $2,500.00 appropriated for 1952 Golf Tournament 12-12-51 32 244 1952 Golf Tournament cancelled. Letter requesting that $2,500. appropriation be put over for next year's tournament ordered filed 1-2-52 32 276